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My report date was ordered for Thanksgiving, but my recruiter had told me that I could just show up Sunday "because no one was gonna be working at reception anyways". After all my paperwork is done, I'm heading to the barracks to get assigned a bed. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You only have to put the effort in to be that person the unit and the military needs. Finally, during my 2018 deployment to Kosovo, my internet and cell phone service there was better at times, than I had at my house back in the states. First duty station selection is made (in either basic training or technical school/AIT/A-School), based upon your preferences, and the needs of the service. So there I am, Private Fuzzy trying to haggle with the taxi folks to get me to Bragg on 20 bucks. The Most Gruesome Murder Yet in Your First Look at Know Your Station #4 You may get to influence where you go after that, but if you don't reenlist you may separate after having only one duty station. Joint moves require double the effort - If you're doing a dual military move with your active duty spouse, stop by your local personal property office first. If you have the job of tank-fixer, you're only going to be assigned to bases that have tanks to fix. //////////////////PATREON///////////////// MAIL/////////////////Christopher ChaosPO Box 76745Colorado Springs, CO 80970-6745/////////////////////CHAOS SHIRT///////////////////////////Get Chaos shirts and merch here: GEAR////////////////////////////Check out my Amazon recommendations and more at my Amazon influencer page: MEDIA///////////////////// Twitter: Facebook: Insatgram: Snapchat user name: ThatChrisChaos//////////////GEAR I USE FOR VIDEOS////////////////DISCLAIMER: These links are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.Main Camera: for live streams: mic: stream mic: boom arm: Screen: flag backdrop: chair: Answer (1 of 2): Imagine going from basic training directly to on the job training (OJT) at your first USAF base. Afterward, where you end up stationed after all the subsequent training depends on the needs of the Navy. If you are part of the general public, navigate to the public site. Ive learned through experience how to make the most of a duty station. First duty station selection is made (in either basic training or technical school/AIT/A-School), based upon your preferences, and the needs of the service. TLDR: Checking into barracks for room assignment, while EMT cart out soldier who successfully committed suicide. Some Sailors do live onboard the ship. Heres a complete list of all 93 Navy Ratings (jobs) in alphabetical order, as well as the minimum ASVAB score for each rating. What to expect when reporting at first duty station BOOM! Once I got married, I learned that wives have this secret weapon for finding cool things. Starting the adventure! For example, most of Europe and Japan are considered standardoverseas tours. I didnt stay in my room, playing video games and watching movies all the time. They may vary significantly from the family living next door to you. 811. Heres the kicker though you cant keep the extra OHA. Exploring Your Military Housing Options Barracks, On-Base, Off-Base, & Overseas Housing, the pros and cons of living in base housing, renting or buying a house in the local area, BAH is in place to offset 95% of your rental costs, U.S. Air Force photo/ Airman Anthony Jennings, U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Chad Warren. Myth#1: Everyone Will Immediately Like You Answer: FALSE. In this article we break down what you need to know about PCS. Are You Ready to pick your first duty station? Next morning he texts me to come to BN HQ to sign in and meet the S4 staff I'll be working with (even though I'm not on duty). If youre getting ready to pick your dream list for your very first duty station, you may be a little unsure of what locations to choose for your top choices. Your BAH is here to help! As pull into the parking lot there's ambulances and firetrucks in parking lot. The Defense Department provides a variety of resources to help make your PCS as easy and safe as possible: There are a variety of resources both online and through your installation to help you transition before, during and after your move: If you prefer to organize your move yourself, you may be able to choose a personally procured move, or PPM. Look at the homeowners association or the local rules regarding what is allowed on the property. This can be a painful pill to swallow for some families, who are used to this day in age where the social media footprint tells them everything that their loved one is doing. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I was basically a high school student when I left the swamps of southern Arkansas to my first frigid duty station at Ft. Another officer and I even ended up in a sweat lodge once, but that is another story! The success rate for joint spouse assignments is about 85 percent. First Duty Station | Consumer Advice Enter your information to join our mailing list. He says roger. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) is a more intensive process and move period. When is assigned to a 12-month remote tour, military members can move their dependents anywhere they want to live in theUnited States, at government expense, while the member is away. Rebecca Alwine is an army wife, mother of three, and lover of her adorable pirate dog. Even today, after 21 years of military service, I still can remember the moment that I walked into my first unit. No matter where you serve or live, free and confidential help is available. You may be eligible to move a small amount of your belongings with you for a TDY. Why is Russia wasting so many troops to capture Bakhmut. The military, of course, wants this person to re-enlist, so they try to accommodate such base of preference requests. As a young private in my first duty station, my commander at the time gave a great speech to the company. At one point in American social life, even nonbelievers went to church to simply connect with others in their community. This article covers more about the pros and cons of living off base. References to third-party products, rates and offers may change without notice. I go to my room, open the door to my own little private space for the first time in months to find out its 10ftx12ft and while its furnished with a desk, a chair, a dresser, and a bed, it has no sheets. I got smoked a lot. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a58ddf9f976792e2585ba0161c8f679a" );document.getElementById("e335739449").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); These responses are not provided or commissioned by the bank advertiser. It's also known to have anti-slip properties, for industries, like food processing firms, can use . The Army now offers new active-duty recruits the ability to select their first duty station, giving many the option to go as far away from or stay as close to home as they want. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. It may have only been due to mistake on HRCs end in the first place. Your orders include important information related to your authorizations and entitlements. Scams. Mobile RST Agent - Surefox Consulting, LLC - LinkedIn Both members who agree to swap must pay for their own move. Advertiser Disclosure: Opinions, reviews, analyses & recommendations are the authors alone. The keys to success at a unit is work hard, be a team player and do not quit. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Show/hide Jobs and Making Money menu items. While the barracks will range in sophistication and structure, you can compare them to the sleeping arrangements you may have had at summer camp or in college. September 10, 2022 by admin. Max Hauptman bin Laden was killed my first week on post and everyone was talking about it during PT. . I'm like 'okay, this must place must have some awesome parties'. Get to know your installation. If you have questions about Veteran programs offered through or by the Dept. Of course, one can be involuntarily assigned overseasas well. Some Navy jobsallow your assignment to be based on your class-standing in "A-School." Naval Station Norfolk is situated in the Sewells Point area of the City of Norfolk, near the site of the battle of the Monitor and Merrimac (CSS Virginia), and is the largest naval complex in the world. The weekend you graduate from basic training is full of options to visit with family who visits, and to decompress after training. Learn more about, Your military sponsor is someone from your unit who is assigned to assist you throughout your PCS. How long do you stay in your first duty station? I got out and about. You know, if I could do it all over again, I would live more like you have, one of my best friends told me. | . Young people especially seem to have a lot of misconceptions about what it is like to arrive and serve at an actual unit. Churches, mosques and synagogues are community hubs. When looking at the options off of the installation, do a little extra research. Remember, each duty station - and therefore each house - is what you make of it. Sign up to receive more, Panel Backs Bill to Make Censorship a Firing Offense for Federal Employees, Report Raises Concerns about Security of VA Facilities, OMB: Its Time to Take TikTok Off Agency Devices. If you own a vehicle and get an overseas assignment, the military will either ship the vehicle for you or store it while you are away. Broadly speaking, your orders will tell you where youll be moving to either CONUS or OCONUS. I remember changing little old ladies light bulbs, teaching a girl how to drive a stick in my jeep and being invited over for Thanksgiving dinner by a family that would become like my own. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. If an employee is reassigned (temporarily or permanently) to a new work location and receives relocation benefits for moving to the new work location under the General Services Administrations federal travel regulations, the agency must change the employees official duty station to the new work location. Drum was an incredible adventure that formed me into who I am today. Japan was it for me. In the United States Navy, a duty station is the location where a sailor is stationed for duty. The employee will receive the location-based pay entitlements associated with the new work location. This location may be a state - owned or leased facility or designated property approved by the Chancellor or President. The experience is still wild, as I recall it twelve years later. The government must then pay again to relocate the dependents from where they are living to the newassignment when the member returns from the remote tour. There are options for living in town, or on the economy as they say in Germany, but those tend to be few and far between. When moving from one rental to another, you can easily have several thousand dollars locked up in deposits at one time. Just as you can spend over your BAH on rent, there are many who spend under the BAH and pocket the difference. X Date comes, I text him that I have completed my AIT course and I'm flying Y Flight arriving at Columbus Airport at 2200. It was at that moment I realized I what a clusterfuck actually looks like. Due to a units operational security or mission, the Service Member may not be allowed to talk all the time or have their device on them. First PCS move? Here's how to prepare - Sandboxx