michael afton deathpa traffic cameras interstate 81

C.C. Afton | BlueyCapsules Wiki | Fandom Learn more about merges. And so, Michael did exactly as he was told, salvaging all four animatronics before Henry set the entire premises ablaze. Both also meet someone at the beginning of the game who seems to be trustworthy, but is soon to be revealed to be one of the main antagonists through the game, these antagonists also happen to be very manipulative, having been able to lie to many people to get their way (Ennard having tricked Michael throughout the game and eventually leading to his eventual demise, and Wilson having lied to the citizens of The Cycle, claiming he had killed the Ink Demon), This is the first fight on the wiki to use Audrey Drew, This is the second time PowerfulEevee has made a fight that to have a character make their first appearances in one of their battles, This is the fifth fight PowerfulEevee has used a FNaF character in, This is the first time PowerfulEevee has used a Bendy Character, While researching this fight, PowerfulEevee found that Michael's reflection in the mirror at the end of sister location looks surprisingly similar to Rick Astley, The amazing Winner and Intro gifs were made by Professor Mewtwo. After this, Springtrap is seen walking out of the burnt-out remnants of Fazbear's Fright for a second before the screen goes black. The Puppet | Taming the Dangerous CEO Death Wish Billionaire Marriage Billionaire Drama Powerful Amazing. Plain He is the head of the Pizzeria and passes his instructions through tape recordings. Thus, Michael had only one place to look for his father: his most recently opened business, Circus Babys Entertainment and Rentals. Both are children of famous men who were in the entertainment business and didn't really know their mothers, both were dragged into a place created by their fathers (The Ink Dimension and Circus Baby's Pizza World) and while in said place were attacked and hunted monster versions of famous well known children's icons that most on the outside wouldn't think would happen (Michael being attacked by famous animatronics like Circus baby and Freddy Fazbear and the fun time animatronics, and Audrey being attacked by lost ones, The Ink Demon, And Alice Angel) during their adventurer both would be transformed into monsters (Michael being scooped and his body becoming a skin suit that was still alive and Audrey being transformed into a inky monster) as well as both following after their parents and working the same jobs as them (Night Guard and Animator) both also work to repair the mistakes of their fathers, along with having a form of immortality that they never asked for. You can customize the cemeteries you volunteer for by selecting or deselecting below. Module:Five Nights at Freddy's | List of Deaths Wiki | Fandom Abandoned What-If? However, it's equally possible that Afton tried to get Mike killed. And of course, while the job was perfect for gathering information and investigating the places main animatronic, it was also dangerous for obvious reasons. Evan was in tears at this point, having a mental breakdown, as his brother and friends flaunted him towards the Fredbear animatronic on stage. It is revealed that he is the old partner of William Afton who owned Fredbear's Family Diner, and helped to create the original animatronics. Year of Death This account has been disabled. It's a substance that can only be created by children's happiness and it can be injected into metal and can only be destroyed by fire. Humans This is the fifth fight PowerfulEevee has used a FNaF character in. Death Battles Category, How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, 'Five Nights at Freddy's vs Bendy and the Ink Machine' themed Death Battles, 'Battle of the Genders' themed Death Battles. S,l Look I'll stop you right there, the man was the actual embodiment of what a villain should look like, Hunchbacked, bald, weird white eye, creepy voice, he's one mustache and bowler hat away from the entire look. As well as working on the Pizzeria itself, Michael was also tasked with salvaging vintage animatronics which had appeared in the back alley, supposedly for parts. 1960s (presumably) He underestimates the strength of the mechanical jaw, only excessively laughing with his friends as his brother's head is stuck. Next and the last death is Michael Afton, probably the 2nd to wort one. Resend Activation Email, Please check the I'm not a robot checkbox, If you want to be a Photo Volunteer you must enter a ZIP Code or select your location on the map. Michael Afton | BlueyCapsules Wiki | Fandom Mainline Games S,l Michael Afton Son of the infamous serial killer and Co-Founder of Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, William Afton. During Evan's birthday party, Michael and his friends decided to pull a prank on . After she died in the hands of Circus Baby, William Afton sent Michael to free her in Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. Undead Cause of Death Grim | A system error has occurred. Michael Afton | Fantasy Heroes Wiki | Fandom Cassidy | Her incessant requests, however, were consistently denied by William. One-Shot He hates his little brother for unknown reasons, and has apparently abused the child for a long time, so long to the point that it's one of the main reasons for his emotional breakdowns, besides an unknown event related to springlock suits that has traumatized him and left him afraid of the animatronics. Thus, Michael had only one place to look for his father: his most recently opened business, Circus Baby's . Previously sponsored memorials or famous memorials will not have this option. However, Michael suspected that this was no ordinary animatronic from back in the day and might have been his father. Possibly the entire skull or just the brain. Afton Family's Deaths in Order | Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Henry then burnt the Pizzeria to free the souls and kill everybody, including Michael and himself. In Five Nights at . For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. On night 4, Michael wakes up in a springlock suit. He is voiced by PJ Heywood, who also voiced his father William Afton. Edit a memorial you manage or suggest changes to the memorial manager. Hobby Try Michael Brooks, his counterpart from the Charlie trilogy, or Mike Schmidt, his alias from the first game. Humans WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Despite his aversion to jump scares, he fell in love with the series and has played right up to Security Breach, and cannot wait to see where Scott Cawthorn takes the series next. Bottom clothing color How did Michael afton survive after vomiting ennard into the - Quora Add to your scrapbook. Instead, he often found himself hiding from the Funtime animatronics that lurked during the night, all while fixing the broken animatronics and doing his job. After all, Evan went through so much worse and harbored greater resentment. This account already exists, but the email address still needs to be confirmed. Enemies He also acts to be more senile and less cheerful than he was before. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. Being the major perpetrator here, William shouldve been held accountable by his co-founder, Henry. He then enters a random number sequence into a keypad that flips out of Baby's left central faceplate. The original track for this fight would be "Re-Animated Perfection" Referencing the fact both Michael and Audrey were in some way, shape or form reanimated (Michael becoming a living corpse after being scooped by Ennard and Audrey being turned into a ink person within the cycle) as well as Audrey being an Animator for Arch Gates Studios, the Perfection part references that Audrey was one of the many experiments yet the only one that he could say was "Perfect" as well as Ennard using Michael's body as the "Perfect" way to escape from Circus Baby's Pizza World. However, after his scooping, and revival, Michael possibly realized his father had sent him to die in his place, and vowed to find him. In the sixth mini game, his skin has turned a dull purple, now having a white glow in both of his eyes. From information gleaned from the Survival Logbook, he is a talented artist as seen from the many drawings on the pages of the logbook drawn in red pen, has a nasty habit of chewing bubblegum as seen on one of the questions, is quite sarcastic as seen from numerous shrewd comments written about the company, and is also fit for exercising around the block and wants to join a self-defense class as seen on a filled in question. Two current major theories as to the identity of this character are that the Crying Child/'83 Bite Victim is Michael Afton (Mikevictim) or the younger brother of Michael Afton (Mikebro). After 5 nights of working there, he was scooped by Ennard as it used his skin to blend in with the humans and escape. On night 4, Michael woke up in a springlock suit. Age: 25. In the first three minigames, everything is mostly the same, "Michael"/Ennard having a walk while his neighbors greet him. His role in the franchise's story is pivotal. Fredbear | Aimee | He was told to prepare for a "big party" on Saturday, which would act as his "ultimate test". Survived being scooped,the scooper is the same machine that can tear out endoskelotons. Michael Afton goes to each location trying to undo his fathers work by finally setting the souls free in FNAF 3 by giving his little brother the birthday he never got. However, the sudden announcement that proclaimed the opening of Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place pulled him back into the same mess as before. William Vincent Afton, or Dave Miller as he occasionally goes by, is the main antagonist of Freddy's Revenge. A security guard from Steel Wool Studio's Twitter artwork for, Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy), https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/File:Michael.oga. Mike Schmidt | Five Nights At Freddy's Wiki | Fandom Young Elizabeth Afton, who was fond of Circus Baby, had always expressed the want to play with her. Carlton Burke | Name Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. Remnant is a fictional concept. If the player chose to follow Baby's instructions, Michael will get scooped by Ennard, who will take his body. Animatronics were not typically spacious enough to house a childs body, but making this new animatronic a little bit bigger would certainly not arouse suspicion, right? Origin Golden Freddy | He is the son of William Afton, who is the main antagonist of the . He then witnessed Ballora get scooped, and survive an attack of Minireenas. She was trying to help him by giving him tips like to go slowly through the Ballora . This match up also has a nice contrast, as while both were able to leave their fathers creations (The ink world for Audrey and Circus Baby's Pizza for Michael) Audrey was capable of escaping the Ink World alive and relatively unharmed while Micheal had his body scooped and stolen to be worn as a skin suit. William Afton is in Spring Trap. The book also shows that Michael is paranoid while on the job, suggesting that he sleeps with one eye open. Towards the end of his job, after discovering that the new animatronic, Springtrap, was indeed his father, Michael set Fazbear Frights ablaze. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/80068078/michael-afton. Answer: It was later revealed in the Scoopers blueprint that it contained a remnant injector. Becoming a Find a Grave member is fast, easy and FREE. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza But even after their goals were complete the franchises never truly died (Freddy Fazbears Pizza being brought back with The Pizzaplex and The Bendy franchise being bought by Nathan Arch from Arch Gate Studios), Both also use electricity based weaponry to defend themselves from the monsters they encountered (Flashlights, Tasers, and Shocking Buttons for Michael and the Gent Pipe for Audrey) the monsters they had to survive were also only attacking them because of what their fathers did. The child's head gets stuck between the second row of teeth, and the machine overpowers his skull, crushing the entire head, causing Michael and the bullies to stop laughing and look in horror. Ballora | He sips stuff a lot like bleach and coffee and he got scooped, he killed me in the bite of 83.. Full Name: Michael Afton (he's secretly HK) Nicknames: Mike Samie, Mike Afton, Purple Guy, Mike Schmidt, Mikey, Grape, HK, Terrance. He then has to survive an attack of Minireenas. This information has been . Clay Burke | To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. Stitchwraith | Charlotte Emily | FNaF: The Novel Wiki | Fandom Henry Emily - Burned to death by his own trap. Find his father (Succeeded)Free the spirits murdered by his father (Succeeded)Destroy Fazbear Entertainment forever (Failed) Edit your search or learn more. Please enter your email and password to sign in. Abby | He is the son of William Afton, and older brother of Elizabeth Afton. It's ultimately revealed in The Fourth Closet that she was the one murdered by William Afton instead of her brother Sammy, as she first believed. Enemies Michael discovered these to be Scraptrap (. Michael Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom Why would Henry open it back up again, Michael thought, as he planned to investigate the shady business once more. He's the main protagonist of the nights. He was the founder and CEO of Afton Robots, the . Mike worked from the 7th to the 14th of November 1993, and found himself fending off the animatronics, who were hostile towards him. Terrence Afton | Coloxus Wiki | Fandom Then in the bathroom cutscenes Michaels silhouette's eyes are magenta or pink and seem robotic. Michael Afton Survives The Night In Death Battle! While on shift, Mike suffered hallucinations, caused by all the paranormal activity going on around him. Reed | Gabriel | Michael Afton took up the name Mike Schmidt to work at the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, presumably to avoid any questions about his identity. On night 3, Michael returned, checking Ballora and Funtime Foxy. In summary, by getting involved in the dark side of Fazbears Entertainment, Michael put himself through horror itself, dying not once but twice. Status Home / Keywords / michael afton death. or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. Coils the Birthday Clown | Michael Afton | Heroes Wiki | Fandom Michael appears in two different capacities in this game, both in the minigames set in 1983, and as the protagonist of the nights themselves. MichaelAfton is the first child of William Afton, and is the elder brother of Elizabeth Afton. Afton Family | Villains Wiki | Fandom Not as immortal as it may seem (Presumably died in the fire alongside William, Elizabeth, Henry and Charlie. You have chosen this person to be their own family member. It's also shown that Mike took the job because employees get free pizza. That was our intention with this . Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. Of course, Michael still "dies" though, he just can't catch a break. Wiz: Animatronics, created to bring joy and happiness to anyone walking throughout a germ ridden pizza parlour Boomstick: Singing and dancing until there inevitably being shut off at . These animatronics included Ballora, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, and Circus Baby, whose physical features can be faintly seen in Ennards animatronic design. Michael Aftons character development from a naughty brother to arguably the series main protagonist has been a treat to witness. Eventually, his body has a spasm, and he regurgitates the robotic parts belonging to Ennard into the sewer. Answer: As indicated from the minigame towards the end of FNAF 6 (Pizzeria Simulator), four of the six souls were set free when Micheal set Fazbear Frights on fire. He is the son of William Afton, and older brother of Elizabeth Afton and the Crying Child. Henry Emily, or Cassette Man is the overarching protagonist and an instructor in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. Chica the Chicken | How Did Michael Afton Die - FNAF Insider All photos appear on this tab and here you can update the sort order of photos on memorials you manage. His silhouette seems to be of the singer Rick Astley, as shown when Ennard looks in the mirror during the real/bad ending in, There is a theory that Michael's soul is possessing. The player then hears Circus Baby's voice repeating "you won't die", and Michael stands up while Ennard's eyes show up in the sewer. Mike decides to force his brother's head into the animatronic, saying that it's a "big kiss" to Fredbear. Isaac | Daycare Attendant He is quite sarcastic as seen from numerous shrewd comments written about the company's lack of safety or care to it's empolyees. Michael is confirmed to be the main protagonist of the night segments. She explained that she is pretending and something bad happened that day. Can handle many tasks while dealing with animatronics(EX:Ordering supplies while fending off animatronics like Molten Freddy). then you are probably referencing . The animatronics, believing that Michael is William, due to the fact that William is his biological father, mistake Michael for him and try to kill him. Foxy the Pirate | PJ Heywood After that he was scooped his body began to rot until his skin became purple, he lost his hair and his eyes became black with white pupils. Michael Afton is a main character in BlueyCapsules. Z During her adventures, Audrey was capable of traversing The Cycle, finding out more about herself, and her fathers evil deeds, such as sacrificing his own employees to this Cycle in order to create perfect versions of his cartoons, while most of these creations failed, resulting in attempts such as Twisted Alice and The Ink Demon, two very screwed up versions of Bendy and Alice Angel, some actually turned out great, such as Bendy, a version of the famous kids cartoon character of the same name. On night 1, Michael arrives at Circus Baby's, and HandUnit welcomes him, showing him how to check the animatronics' stages, and if they are not in their proper places, he must shock them to put them back on their stage. In FNaF 4, he is the main protagonist of the nights and the main antagonist of the minigames. However, after Michael's skin started rotting, Ennard left the body as Michael's corpse laid on the ground before he was presumably revived by Elizabeth Afton. Mike SchmidtEggs BenedictBrave VolunteerThe BrotherWilliam Afton (mistakenly)Possible identities:Fritz SmithFazbear's Fright NightguardGlamrock Freddy Thanks for your help! Age Michael sends Baby to the Scooping Room. Thus, it was not Elizabeth who betrayed Micheal, but that he simply fell to the evil schemes of Circus Baby. Most of his tools are also designed to defend himself. Kasey | If you have questions, please contact [emailprotected]. Use Escape keyboard button or the Close button to close the carousel. The first of these was the remnants of Ennard, Molten Freddy. This is where he finally saw his sister Elizabeth again. Others When he did arrive at the truth and realized what he must do, he did it gracefully, giving his life not once but twice in the process. Before being scooped Michael was a Caucasian male with brown hair and blue eyes. On the final night, Mike's boss revealed that the Pizzeria was a trap for all the remaining animatronics, with Mike luring them around the labyrinthine vents in circles. Unknown. The main selling point posed by this attraction was that it featured an actual, salvaged animatronic suit that looked terrifying and worn out. It is heavily theorized that Fritz Smith and the Fazbear's Fright guard are both Michael. Audrey Drew Goes With The Flow On Death Battle! Marriage . He then runs through Funtime Auditorium while avoiding Funtime Foxy. He is the son of the notorious serial killer William Afton and the older brother of Elizabeth Afton and the Crying Child. When a spring-lock failure occurs, the endoskeleton springs back into its default position, which in this context, implies the closing of Fredbears mouth. xxx xxxx. It is also theorized that Michael is the main protagonist of, If Michael is indeed all of them, this would contradict the fact that Michael seemingly has no interior organs now, due to being scooped, but some of the other protagonists can clearly be heard breathing and in, For the longest time, Michael Afton was thought to be the same person as his father William, but the V. Hard Golden Freddy cutscene in, Michael is the second protagonist to die in the. His role in the mini games is unknown but he is surely one of the brothers. After the Bite of 83, Michael decided to atone for his sins and tread down a dangerous path. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate, or jump to a slide with the slide dots. On the first night of the job, Mike listened to the recordings made by his predecessor, giving him advice on the night shift, and was given the excuse that the animatronics were only attacking because they saw humans as endoskeletons without costumes. Over the next few days, these included his father William, Scrap Baby, and Lefty. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. He then returns through Funtime Auditorium, and enters Parts and Service, to see a lifeless Circus Baby. Other Michael infiltrated the facility by securing a job as a Late-Night Technician, a dangerous job fit for gathering tons of information. As he decided to stay inside, Michael died in the fire alongside his boss Henry Emily. Michael as he is seen after scooped by Ennard. Teen (Note, this page is possibly HIGHLY Speculative. Learn more about managing a memorial . Henry then burnt the Pizzeria to free the souls. Failed to report flower. Tag-Along Freddy | After beating a Custom Night on Very Hard mode, you will be greeted to a secret cutscene, which shows the events after Ennard put himself in Michael's body, replacing his organs. Starting out as a cruel bully, after accidentally killing his brother, he decided to atone for his mistakes by . Michael Afton | Amidst the dilemma, though, he was sure of one thing: he would never let any of his kids near his inventions ever again, no matter what. Two days before the party, when the child enters his bedroom, he jumps out from under the bed, causing the child to fall to the floor and break down again. In addition, he went well overboard by overlooking the bullying Michael subjected Evan to. This implies that William Afton is aware of the souls of the children staying behind, and knows his daughter's soul is within Circus Baby. When he returns through Funtime Auditorium, Foxy attacks him, knocking him out. This is believed because of the strange phenomenon of Michael not dying after being scooped. He then reaches the Breaker Room, where he restarts all the systems while playing audio to keep Funtime Freddy from attacking him. In Sister Location, Michael is instructed by his father to go to the underground facility and find his sister. Freddy Fazbear | Golden Freddy | Failed to remove flower. Alias Before his character development, Michael was a sadistic bully who didn't care about his brother's emotions, although still cared about him, as shown through his shcok and horror after he accidentally killed him. Male Michael Afton's death (Full) - YouTube Little did both of them know how dependent on each other they'd become. There was an error deleting this problem. He is also the eldest son of Fazbear Entertainment 's co-founder and serial killer William Afton, and the older . He is the manager and owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. Freddy Fazbear | It is often believed that Mike is the . After surviving the Bidybabs, Michael crawls through Ballora Gallery, avoiding her by listening for her music. He serves as the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's, Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location and Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, the deuteragonist/main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4, and a posthumous character in Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. William Afton /Scraptrap Circus Baby Funtime Freddy/Molten Freddy BidybabsBalloraFuntime FoxyMinireenasEnnardLefty Can react to the animatronics,which includes foxy who can run at 20 miles per second. Manchester Nh Shooting Today, Articles M
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Chuck Dinglewood | Free his sister's soul from the underground facility.Find his father (both succeeded). Lamar | He was bullied by his older brother for being afraid of the dark. Henry Emily and William Afton, the company founders, knew that a comeback was much needed, albeit William harbored ulterior motives as well. Please try again later. Shortly afterward, he finally got his first clue regarding his fathers whereabouts as he caught a whiff of Fazbear Frights, a newly opened horror attraction. While some essential, An expert in his craft, Michael was able to infiltrate Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place and oddly secure a position as its manager. Michael Afton as purple skin. on the same page as Michael's drawing. Not only was Springtrap burnt alive in the process, but so did the other haunted animatronics, an event that released the souls of William Aftons first five victims. Good He works as a technician and was sent there by his father to free his sister's soul from Circus Baby. John | This the game's canon ending. Daycare Attendent | Height Fazbear's Fright Nightguard | You are nearing the transfer limit for memorials managed by Find a Grave. On the day of the party, the child's birthday, Michael and his bully friends, wearing the masks of Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica, surround the child and torment him, the one in the Chica mask commenting that he is pathetic. Try Michael Brooks, his counterpart from the Charlie trilogy, or Mike Schmidt, his alias from the first game. Michael then sits in the office surviving with nothing but cameras, lights, and doors for 5 nights until he gets fired after being caught tampering with the animatronics, most likely because he was trying to set the souls free. Michael Afton's main goal is to find William, although it's unknown if he wants to kill him or not. On Night 4, he heard Phone Guy die, and on Night 5, only heard a disturbing message. A great business man,just like his father. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Residence. Are you sure that you want to delete this photo? Michael gets up, now with purple skin while all of Ennard's eyes show up in the sewer. He lies on the ground, presumably dead. In the book when asked in the form of a question what he would like for his end of week bonus, he circles the money basket instead of the exotic butters that he got from Sister Location, meaning like anyone else, he would've rather had a basket of cash than any other meaningless prize, showing Michael has his prioritizes straight and is a responsible person. cemeteries found within miles of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. She is one of the four . To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. Yet, what happened had happened Michael was supposed to be dead, which is why Michael decided to stay and perished after having fulfilled his final purpose. Then, two technicians entered the building and sent Ballora to the Scooping Room, where Michael was. Evan Perce Afton is a short haired young boy with a splotchy, drip like mark on his forehead and dark lines on his cheeks under his eyes. C.C. Afton | BlueyCapsules Wiki | Fandom Learn more about merges. And so, Michael did exactly as he was told, salvaging all four animatronics before Henry set the entire premises ablaze. Both also meet someone at the beginning of the game who seems to be trustworthy, but is soon to be revealed to be one of the main antagonists through the game, these antagonists also happen to be very manipulative, having been able to lie to many people to get their way (Ennard having tricked Michael throughout the game and eventually leading to his eventual demise, and Wilson having lied to the citizens of The Cycle, claiming he had killed the Ink Demon), This is the first fight on the wiki to use Audrey Drew, This is the second time PowerfulEevee has made a fight that to have a character make their first appearances in one of their battles, This is the fifth fight PowerfulEevee has used a FNaF character in, This is the first time PowerfulEevee has used a Bendy Character, While researching this fight, PowerfulEevee found that Michael's reflection in the mirror at the end of sister location looks surprisingly similar to Rick Astley, The amazing Winner and Intro gifs were made by Professor Mewtwo. After this, Springtrap is seen walking out of the burnt-out remnants of Fazbear's Fright for a second before the screen goes black. The Puppet | Taming the Dangerous CEO Death Wish Billionaire Marriage Billionaire Drama Powerful Amazing. Plain He is the head of the Pizzeria and passes his instructions through tape recordings. Thus, Michael had only one place to look for his father: his most recently opened business, Circus Babys Entertainment and Rentals. Both are children of famous men who were in the entertainment business and didn't really know their mothers, both were dragged into a place created by their fathers (The Ink Dimension and Circus Baby's Pizza World) and while in said place were attacked and hunted monster versions of famous well known children's icons that most on the outside wouldn't think would happen (Michael being attacked by famous animatronics like Circus baby and Freddy Fazbear and the fun time animatronics, and Audrey being attacked by lost ones, The Ink Demon, And Alice Angel) during their adventurer both would be transformed into monsters (Michael being scooped and his body becoming a skin suit that was still alive and Audrey being transformed into a inky monster) as well as both following after their parents and working the same jobs as them (Night Guard and Animator) both also work to repair the mistakes of their fathers, along with having a form of immortality that they never asked for. You can customize the cemeteries you volunteer for by selecting or deselecting below. Module:Five Nights at Freddy's | List of Deaths Wiki | Fandom Abandoned What-If? However, it's equally possible that Afton tried to get Mike killed. And of course, while the job was perfect for gathering information and investigating the places main animatronic, it was also dangerous for obvious reasons. Evan was in tears at this point, having a mental breakdown, as his brother and friends flaunted him towards the Fredbear animatronic on stage. It is revealed that he is the old partner of William Afton who owned Fredbear's Family Diner, and helped to create the original animatronics. Year of Death This account has been disabled. It's a substance that can only be created by children's happiness and it can be injected into metal and can only be destroyed by fire. Humans This is the fifth fight PowerfulEevee has used a FNaF character in. Death Battles Category, How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, 'Five Nights at Freddy's vs Bendy and the Ink Machine' themed Death Battles, 'Battle of the Genders' themed Death Battles. S,l Look I'll stop you right there, the man was the actual embodiment of what a villain should look like, Hunchbacked, bald, weird white eye, creepy voice, he's one mustache and bowler hat away from the entire look. As well as working on the Pizzeria itself, Michael was also tasked with salvaging vintage animatronics which had appeared in the back alley, supposedly for parts. 1960s (presumably) He underestimates the strength of the mechanical jaw, only excessively laughing with his friends as his brother's head is stuck. Next and the last death is Michael Afton, probably the 2nd to wort one. Resend Activation Email, Please check the I'm not a robot checkbox, If you want to be a Photo Volunteer you must enter a ZIP Code or select your location on the map. Michael Afton | BlueyCapsules Wiki | Fandom Mainline Games S,l Michael Afton Son of the infamous serial killer and Co-Founder of Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, William Afton. During Evan's birthday party, Michael and his friends decided to pull a prank on . After she died in the hands of Circus Baby, William Afton sent Michael to free her in Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. Undead Cause of Death Grim | A system error has occurred. Michael Afton | Fantasy Heroes Wiki | Fandom Cassidy | Her incessant requests, however, were consistently denied by William. One-Shot He hates his little brother for unknown reasons, and has apparently abused the child for a long time, so long to the point that it's one of the main reasons for his emotional breakdowns, besides an unknown event related to springlock suits that has traumatized him and left him afraid of the animatronics. Thus, Michael had only one place to look for his father: his most recently opened business, Circus Baby's . Previously sponsored memorials or famous memorials will not have this option. However, Michael suspected that this was no ordinary animatronic from back in the day and might have been his father. Possibly the entire skull or just the brain. Afton Family's Deaths in Order | Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Henry then burnt the Pizzeria to free the souls and kill everybody, including Michael and himself. In Five Nights at . For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. On night 4, Michael wakes up in a springlock suit. He is voiced by PJ Heywood, who also voiced his father William Afton. Edit a memorial you manage or suggest changes to the memorial manager. Hobby Try Michael Brooks, his counterpart from the Charlie trilogy, or Mike Schmidt, his alias from the first game. Humans WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Despite his aversion to jump scares, he fell in love with the series and has played right up to Security Breach, and cannot wait to see where Scott Cawthorn takes the series next. Bottom clothing color How did Michael afton survive after vomiting ennard into the - Quora Add to your scrapbook. Instead, he often found himself hiding from the Funtime animatronics that lurked during the night, all while fixing the broken animatronics and doing his job. After all, Evan went through so much worse and harbored greater resentment. This account already exists, but the email address still needs to be confirmed. Enemies He also acts to be more senile and less cheerful than he was before. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. Being the major perpetrator here, William shouldve been held accountable by his co-founder, Henry. He then enters a random number sequence into a keypad that flips out of Baby's left central faceplate. The original track for this fight would be "Re-Animated Perfection" Referencing the fact both Michael and Audrey were in some way, shape or form reanimated (Michael becoming a living corpse after being scooped by Ennard and Audrey being turned into a ink person within the cycle) as well as Audrey being an Animator for Arch Gates Studios, the Perfection part references that Audrey was one of the many experiments yet the only one that he could say was "Perfect" as well as Ennard using Michael's body as the "Perfect" way to escape from Circus Baby's Pizza World. However, after his scooping, and revival, Michael possibly realized his father had sent him to die in his place, and vowed to find him. In the sixth mini game, his skin has turned a dull purple, now having a white glow in both of his eyes. From information gleaned from the Survival Logbook, he is a talented artist as seen from the many drawings on the pages of the logbook drawn in red pen, has a nasty habit of chewing bubblegum as seen on one of the questions, is quite sarcastic as seen from numerous shrewd comments written about the company, and is also fit for exercising around the block and wants to join a self-defense class as seen on a filled in question. Two current major theories as to the identity of this character are that the Crying Child/'83 Bite Victim is Michael Afton (Mikevictim) or the younger brother of Michael Afton (Mikebro). After 5 nights of working there, he was scooped by Ennard as it used his skin to blend in with the humans and escape. On night 4, Michael woke up in a springlock suit. Age: 25. In the first three minigames, everything is mostly the same, "Michael"/Ennard having a walk while his neighbors greet him. His role in the franchise's story is pivotal. Fredbear | Aimee | He was told to prepare for a "big party" on Saturday, which would act as his "ultimate test". Survived being scooped,the scooper is the same machine that can tear out endoskelotons. Michael Afton goes to each location trying to undo his fathers work by finally setting the souls free in FNAF 3 by giving his little brother the birthday he never got. However, the sudden announcement that proclaimed the opening of Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place pulled him back into the same mess as before. William Vincent Afton, or Dave Miller as he occasionally goes by, is the main antagonist of Freddy's Revenge. A security guard from Steel Wool Studio's Twitter artwork for, Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy), https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/File:Michael.oga. Mike Schmidt | Five Nights At Freddy's Wiki | Fandom Young Elizabeth Afton, who was fond of Circus Baby, had always expressed the want to play with her. Carlton Burke | Name Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. Remnant is a fictional concept. If the player chose to follow Baby's instructions, Michael will get scooped by Ennard, who will take his body. Animatronics were not typically spacious enough to house a childs body, but making this new animatronic a little bit bigger would certainly not arouse suspicion, right? Origin Golden Freddy | He is the son of William Afton, who is the main antagonist of the . He then witnessed Ballora get scooped, and survive an attack of Minireenas. She was trying to help him by giving him tips like to go slowly through the Ballora . This match up also has a nice contrast, as while both were able to leave their fathers creations (The ink world for Audrey and Circus Baby's Pizza for Michael) Audrey was capable of escaping the Ink World alive and relatively unharmed while Micheal had his body scooped and stolen to be worn as a skin suit. William Afton is in Spring Trap. The book also shows that Michael is paranoid while on the job, suggesting that he sleeps with one eye open. Towards the end of his job, after discovering that the new animatronic, Springtrap, was indeed his father, Michael set Fazbear Frights ablaze. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/80068078/michael-afton. Answer: It was later revealed in the Scoopers blueprint that it contained a remnant injector. Becoming a Find a Grave member is fast, easy and FREE. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza But even after their goals were complete the franchises never truly died (Freddy Fazbears Pizza being brought back with The Pizzaplex and The Bendy franchise being bought by Nathan Arch from Arch Gate Studios), Both also use electricity based weaponry to defend themselves from the monsters they encountered (Flashlights, Tasers, and Shocking Buttons for Michael and the Gent Pipe for Audrey) the monsters they had to survive were also only attacking them because of what their fathers did. The child's head gets stuck between the second row of teeth, and the machine overpowers his skull, crushing the entire head, causing Michael and the bullies to stop laughing and look in horror. Ballora | He sips stuff a lot like bleach and coffee and he got scooped, he killed me in the bite of 83.. Full Name: Michael Afton (he's secretly HK) Nicknames: Mike Samie, Mike Afton, Purple Guy, Mike Schmidt, Mikey, Grape, HK, Terrance. He then has to survive an attack of Minireenas. This information has been . Clay Burke | To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. Stitchwraith | Charlotte Emily | FNaF: The Novel Wiki | Fandom Henry Emily - Burned to death by his own trap. Find his father (Succeeded)Free the spirits murdered by his father (Succeeded)Destroy Fazbear Entertainment forever (Failed) Edit your search or learn more. Please enter your email and password to sign in. Abby | He is the son of William Afton, and older brother of Elizabeth Afton. It's ultimately revealed in The Fourth Closet that she was the one murdered by William Afton instead of her brother Sammy, as she first believed. Enemies Michael discovered these to be Scraptrap (. Michael Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom Why would Henry open it back up again, Michael thought, as he planned to investigate the shady business once more. He's the main protagonist of the nights. He was the founder and CEO of Afton Robots, the . Mike worked from the 7th to the 14th of November 1993, and found himself fending off the animatronics, who were hostile towards him. Terrence Afton | Coloxus Wiki | Fandom Then in the bathroom cutscenes Michaels silhouette's eyes are magenta or pink and seem robotic. Michael Afton Survives The Night In Death Battle! While on shift, Mike suffered hallucinations, caused by all the paranormal activity going on around him. Reed | Gabriel | Michael Afton took up the name Mike Schmidt to work at the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, presumably to avoid any questions about his identity. On night 3, Michael returned, checking Ballora and Funtime Foxy. In summary, by getting involved in the dark side of Fazbears Entertainment, Michael put himself through horror itself, dying not once but twice. Status Home / Keywords / michael afton death. or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. Coils the Birthday Clown | Michael Afton | Heroes Wiki | Fandom Michael appears in two different capacities in this game, both in the minigames set in 1983, and as the protagonist of the nights themselves. MichaelAfton is the first child of William Afton, and is the elder brother of Elizabeth Afton. Afton Family | Villains Wiki | Fandom Not as immortal as it may seem (Presumably died in the fire alongside William, Elizabeth, Henry and Charlie. You have chosen this person to be their own family member. It's also shown that Mike took the job because employees get free pizza. That was our intention with this . Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. Of course, Michael still "dies" though, he just can't catch a break. Wiz: Animatronics, created to bring joy and happiness to anyone walking throughout a germ ridden pizza parlour Boomstick: Singing and dancing until there inevitably being shut off at . These animatronics included Ballora, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, and Circus Baby, whose physical features can be faintly seen in Ennards animatronic design. Michael Aftons character development from a naughty brother to arguably the series main protagonist has been a treat to witness. Eventually, his body has a spasm, and he regurgitates the robotic parts belonging to Ennard into the sewer. Answer: As indicated from the minigame towards the end of FNAF 6 (Pizzeria Simulator), four of the six souls were set free when Micheal set Fazbear Frights on fire. He is the son of William Afton, and older brother of Elizabeth Afton and the Crying Child. Henry Emily, or Cassette Man is the overarching protagonist and an instructor in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. Chica the Chicken | How Did Michael Afton Die - FNAF Insider All photos appear on this tab and here you can update the sort order of photos on memorials you manage. His silhouette seems to be of the singer Rick Astley, as shown when Ennard looks in the mirror during the real/bad ending in, There is a theory that Michael's soul is possessing. The player then hears Circus Baby's voice repeating "you won't die", and Michael stands up while Ennard's eyes show up in the sewer. Mike decides to force his brother's head into the animatronic, saying that it's a "big kiss" to Fredbear. Isaac | Daycare Attendant He is quite sarcastic as seen from numerous shrewd comments written about the company's lack of safety or care to it's empolyees. Michael is confirmed to be the main protagonist of the night segments. She explained that she is pretending and something bad happened that day. Can handle many tasks while dealing with animatronics(EX:Ordering supplies while fending off animatronics like Molten Freddy). then you are probably referencing . The animatronics, believing that Michael is William, due to the fact that William is his biological father, mistake Michael for him and try to kill him. Foxy the Pirate | PJ Heywood After that he was scooped his body began to rot until his skin became purple, he lost his hair and his eyes became black with white pupils. Michael Afton is a main character in BlueyCapsules. Z During her adventures, Audrey was capable of traversing The Cycle, finding out more about herself, and her fathers evil deeds, such as sacrificing his own employees to this Cycle in order to create perfect versions of his cartoons, while most of these creations failed, resulting in attempts such as Twisted Alice and The Ink Demon, two very screwed up versions of Bendy and Alice Angel, some actually turned out great, such as Bendy, a version of the famous kids cartoon character of the same name. On night 1, Michael arrives at Circus Baby's, and HandUnit welcomes him, showing him how to check the animatronics' stages, and if they are not in their proper places, he must shock them to put them back on their stage. In FNaF 4, he is the main protagonist of the nights and the main antagonist of the minigames. However, after Michael's skin started rotting, Ennard left the body as Michael's corpse laid on the ground before he was presumably revived by Elizabeth Afton. Mike SchmidtEggs BenedictBrave VolunteerThe BrotherWilliam Afton (mistakenly)Possible identities:Fritz SmithFazbear's Fright NightguardGlamrock Freddy Thanks for your help! Age Michael sends Baby to the Scooping Room. Thus, it was not Elizabeth who betrayed Micheal, but that he simply fell to the evil schemes of Circus Baby. Most of his tools are also designed to defend himself. Kasey | If you have questions, please contact [emailprotected]. Use Escape keyboard button or the Close button to close the carousel. The first of these was the remnants of Ennard, Molten Freddy. This is where he finally saw his sister Elizabeth again. Others When he did arrive at the truth and realized what he must do, he did it gracefully, giving his life not once but twice in the process. Before being scooped Michael was a Caucasian male with brown hair and blue eyes. On the final night, Mike's boss revealed that the Pizzeria was a trap for all the remaining animatronics, with Mike luring them around the labyrinthine vents in circles. Unknown. The main selling point posed by this attraction was that it featured an actual, salvaged animatronic suit that looked terrifying and worn out. It is heavily theorized that Fritz Smith and the Fazbear's Fright guard are both Michael. Audrey Drew Goes With The Flow On Death Battle! Marriage . He then runs through Funtime Auditorium while avoiding Funtime Foxy. He is the son of the notorious serial killer William Afton and the older brother of Elizabeth Afton and the Crying Child. When a spring-lock failure occurs, the endoskeleton springs back into its default position, which in this context, implies the closing of Fredbears mouth. xxx xxxx. It is also theorized that Michael is the main protagonist of, If Michael is indeed all of them, this would contradict the fact that Michael seemingly has no interior organs now, due to being scooped, but some of the other protagonists can clearly be heard breathing and in, For the longest time, Michael Afton was thought to be the same person as his father William, but the V. Hard Golden Freddy cutscene in, Michael is the second protagonist to die in the. His role in the mini games is unknown but he is surely one of the brothers. After the Bite of 83, Michael decided to atone for his sins and tread down a dangerous path. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate, or jump to a slide with the slide dots. On the first night of the job, Mike listened to the recordings made by his predecessor, giving him advice on the night shift, and was given the excuse that the animatronics were only attacking because they saw humans as endoskeletons without costumes. Over the next few days, these included his father William, Scrap Baby, and Lefty. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. He then returns through Funtime Auditorium, and enters Parts and Service, to see a lifeless Circus Baby. Other Michael infiltrated the facility by securing a job as a Late-Night Technician, a dangerous job fit for gathering tons of information. As he decided to stay inside, Michael died in the fire alongside his boss Henry Emily. Michael as he is seen after scooped by Ennard. Teen (Note, this page is possibly HIGHLY Speculative. Learn more about managing a memorial . Henry then burnt the Pizzeria to free the souls. Failed to report flower. Tag-Along Freddy | After beating a Custom Night on Very Hard mode, you will be greeted to a secret cutscene, which shows the events after Ennard put himself in Michael's body, replacing his organs. Starting out as a cruel bully, after accidentally killing his brother, he decided to atone for his mistakes by . Michael Afton | Amidst the dilemma, though, he was sure of one thing: he would never let any of his kids near his inventions ever again, no matter what. Two days before the party, when the child enters his bedroom, he jumps out from under the bed, causing the child to fall to the floor and break down again. In addition, he went well overboard by overlooking the bullying Michael subjected Evan to. This implies that William Afton is aware of the souls of the children staying behind, and knows his daughter's soul is within Circus Baby. When he returns through Funtime Auditorium, Foxy attacks him, knocking him out. This is believed because of the strange phenomenon of Michael not dying after being scooped. He then reaches the Breaker Room, where he restarts all the systems while playing audio to keep Funtime Freddy from attacking him. In Sister Location, Michael is instructed by his father to go to the underground facility and find his sister. Freddy Fazbear | Golden Freddy | Failed to remove flower. Alias Before his character development, Michael was a sadistic bully who didn't care about his brother's emotions, although still cared about him, as shown through his shcok and horror after he accidentally killed him. Male Michael Afton's death (Full) - YouTube Little did both of them know how dependent on each other they'd become. There was an error deleting this problem. He is also the eldest son of Fazbear Entertainment 's co-founder and serial killer William Afton, and the older . He is the manager and owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. Freddy Fazbear | It is often believed that Mike is the . After surviving the Bidybabs, Michael crawls through Ballora Gallery, avoiding her by listening for her music. He serves as the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's, Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location and Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, the deuteragonist/main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4, and a posthumous character in Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. William Afton /Scraptrap Circus Baby Funtime Freddy/Molten Freddy BidybabsBalloraFuntime FoxyMinireenasEnnardLefty Can react to the animatronics,which includes foxy who can run at 20 miles per second.

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michael afton death