. Fulton County Superior Court. Check the Order of Business for the current procedures of the court. ]c\RbKSTQ C''Q6.6QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ ? Doyle rejected plans to retry the apportionment part of the case but ordered the trial judge to reconsider attorney fee awards to the Trabues. background-color: #003388; Please wait a moment while we load this page. display: block; 0000014349 00000 n Both options are priced the same. Y, Courtroom 3B, Ste. text-align: center; width: 35px !important; } } Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. endobj 0000010172 00000 n NEydYdjdE&&f&&P D, Georgia Juvenile Courts Copyright 2021 ALM Media Properties, LLC. %%EOF. Kathleen Browne VS.Marvin Davenport,Geico Indemnity Company, Terrence Lacount vs American Recycling of Georgia, LLC, Waste Pro USA, Inc and John Does 1-4, Janoris Jenkins VS.Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport,City of Atlanta. font-weight: bold; 0000004869 00000 n Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. endobj JUDGE MORRISON, CIVIL JURY AND NON-JURY TRIALS. Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates On July 20, 2022 a tort - other case was filed Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. }
, See also:Municipal elections in Fulton County, Georgia (2022). } $('.hideResponses').show(); In your inbox. Callaway County, Missouri Deaths, 1900-1948. } Fred C. Eady did not complete Ballotpedia's 2022 Candidate Connection survey. P.C..contact_entity {font-size: 1.5em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} Access to additional free ALM publications, 1 free article* across the ALM subscription network every 30 days, Exclusive discounts on ALM events and publications. .race_header.libertarian { } 0000016752 00000 n height: 100%; by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. On July 10, 2022 a tort - other case was filed .results_table_container { 0000000126 00000 n Check the Court Calendar for a listing of cases by Civil Calendar. Fulton . 0000003953 00000 n color: white; Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. How to run for office | background-color: #003388; width: 100% !important; } 87 0 obj The Georgia Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a $46 million medical malpractice verdict and reversed the trial judges order to reconsider apportionment in the case. } .inner_percentage.Republican { Fred C. Eady, 49, Atlanta , Georgia - Eady has served as a Magistrate Judge with the Fulton County Superior Court since 2002. <> Terms of Service. STATE COURT JUDGES Updated: 03/29/2021 If this information is not correct, please call 404-612-2770. EADY, Fred C., Chief 3B/T-3755 Judicial Asst. Hon. Your credits were successfully purchased. Courts and Justice Agencies - Fulton County, Georgia $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { 0000010765 00000 n .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { Our Team Account subscription service is for legal teams of four or more attorneys. } } 4/24/2023, STATE COURT CIVIL DIVISION COURTROOM 3B. in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. The Fulton County State Court is a state court in Georgia. About Us| }) Search Criminal case records for Fulton County Superior Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. Contact our sales team. If you wish to keep the information in your envelope between pages, LexisNexis and Bloomberg Law are third party online distributors of the broad collection of current and archived versions of ALM's legal news publications. padding-top: 8px; 0000006355 00000 n All rights reserved. Judge - Eady, Fred. } Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action. .contact_office { font-size: 0.8 em; margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} .results_text { } Georgia Court of Appeals display: inline; display: block; $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? display: inline-block; 84 0 obj endstream March 11, 2019 at 11:05 AM. 0000009379 00000 n 0000011562 00000 n 0000010562 00000 n endobj Tasked to create Fulton's newly independent Constitutional court, Judge Kirk used her over 27 years of legal experience as a jurist . font-weight: 300; U.S. President | stream a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } 0000002019 00000 n On June 29, 2022 a foreign judgment case was filed .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} JFIF C } <> Fred C. Eady Hon. When viewing a listing, consider the state advertising restrictions to which lawyers and law firms must adhere, as well as our FindLaw.com Legal Directory disclaimer. })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. Governor Sonny Perdue appointed Judge Roth to succeed Judge Penny Brown Reynolds. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { margin-bottom: 1px; 0000003401 00000 n <> Eady went on to complete a J.D. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 129 >> stream #):{=E^_]:QEh49JK8dIKGc5/ vertical-align: middle; Georgia Superior Courts 0000007089 00000 n All rights reserved. margin-bottom:16px; in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. .widget-row.Republican { .widget-row.value-only.white { <> } 1-25 of 48 results in GA. Judge Name. Please, Municipal elections in Fulton County, Georgia (2022). display: inline-block; 0 24 0 obj color: white; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { .widget-row.Green { in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. .widget-row { } %%EOF when new changes related to " are available. PDF VIRTUAL MOTIONS HEARING (SPECIAL SET) Division Y - Judge Eady 04/13/2021 Strategic Funding Source, Inc. vs. Jerome Derricksonet al. .percentage_number { Eady spent time as the Chief Judge of the State Court in Fulton County. background-color: grey; As the largest county in the state, Fulton County is committed to providing the highest level of Public Safety Services and Justice Services to its citizens. 0000002539 00000 n margin-bottom: .75em; 0000015361 00000 n 0000002822 00000 n % padding-left: 8px; PDF Inthestatecourtoffultoncounty Deputyclerkstatecourt Stateofgeorgia Author: Lucas, Termica Created Date: 4/15/2021 5:14:31 PM . .infobox p { Up to 76 percent of children will have a heart murmur at some point in their lives, but it can be difficult to spot the symptoms. height: 22px; 0000000428 00000 n Visit Website. Recent calendars issued by Fulton County courts. Eady, Fred C Update Now width: 50px; 7v euH08eO8[1T5v -GG5,2acG s~fU0 width: 250px; We have notified your account executive who will contact you shortly. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. z-index:1; position: relative; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Ballotpedia features 395,577 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. 0000012746 00000 n p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. color: white; line-height: 1.5em; .votebox-results-cell--number { If you wish to keep the information in your envelope between pages, <> 0000017155 00000 n .infobox { $('.hideResponses').hide(); n 0000012557 00000 n float: right; } 16 0 obj We are committed to delivering these services through a dedicated staff, advanced technology and data informed decisions that maximize the efficiency of our operations and ensure the best . letter-spacing: 0.03em; All Rights Reserved. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. He received his JD from Georgia State University College of Law and a BS from Univ. U.S. Congress | [1] Education [1], Eady received his undergraduate degree from Albany State University and then went on to receive his J.D. overflow-y: hidden; 0000008794 00000 n background: #4c4c4c; Craig L. Schwall, Sr. to the Fulton County Superior Court. To serve on this court, a judge must be a state resident for at least three years, a county resident, admitted to practice law for at least seven years, and at least 25 years of age. .race_header.democratic { {x|{%l12%OJ2bH2O75+ugd"b>(-Y!v6Ru%mbeDXr0GHl{QZ3|'wq@D~yI+3d(!VkAn } [ 16 0 R] Division Y - Judge Eady 04/13/2021 JUDGE: Fred C. Eady LOCATION: Zoom LITIGATION MANAGER: Termica Lucas - x-30571 10:00 AM Page 1 of 1 1 - CASE 20CR004006Y CHARGE OFFENSE DATE Comments JOHNSON, BIANCA 1. overflow-x: auto; Eady ran for re-election for judge of the Fulton County State Court in Georgia. LexisNexis and Bloomberg Law customers are able to access and use ALM's content, including content from the National Law Journal, The American Lawyer, Legaltech News, The New York Law Journal, and Corporate Counsel, as well as other sources of legal information. The results have been certified. 0000013553 00000 n x2300P@&0BM -BR! a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } 0 88 .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Fulton County constitutes the Atlanta Judicial Circuit, Fifth Judicial Administrative District. Judges Myra H. Dixon (Chief judge) Diane E. Bessen Fred C. Eady Susan E. Edlein John R. Mather Jane Morrison Patsy Y. Porter Eric A. Richardson Jay M. Roth Wesley B. Tailor [1] Fulton County Courthouse See also Georgia State Courts Fulton County, Georgia Courts in Georgia External links endstream School districts | endstream endobj startxref His current term ends on December 31, 2026. [4][5]. <> padding-left: 16px; K[ksi#5Z ?/h/[ G _jci {F 'ho[ G _ho. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { 0000005787 00000 n Her current term ends on December 31, 2022. } His previous experience includes serving as a sole practitioner in College Park , Georgia and a partner with Eady & Eaton , PA. Elections in 2023 | 0000004318 00000 n $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); font-weight: 100; } background-color: #f4f4f4; font-weight: bold; Some lawyers publish comparative information regarding the services that they provide which may be subject to specific comparative communications restrictions. PDF In the State Court of Fulton County height: 56px; in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. font-weight: bold; xks6gQ(A9N:}uv2^,:&v 3}$]|=bB`?b1 5|&(@LVlxx{9?tIJp`B\EDbg0z7;l&]5?cWgjcK ]fr4{M5OgRb*3O78i@Ifd^qJ+yX_0NYNIO%EuJ$AiS5 t+\fv 2#?zid6MG-S]*1`%RXjV.c(YFbb$Y(UFq$b*eyN[R%|dibv^y/q~fhHyDhccR(q1:9 Your subscription has successfully been upgraded. endstream Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. 0000000338 00000 n Daily Report in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. } 0';WTlzn\`A wyx{ +\z;J. Division Y - Judge Eady 05/19/2021 JUDGE: Fred C. Eady 10:00 AM LOCATION: Zoom LITIGATION MANAGER: Termica . Carl E Douglas Wife, Articles J
Follow me!">.votebox_legend { {OyU5|)b4>9=;y'. } Contact Us| JUDGE EDWARDS, IN PERSON CRIMINAL ALL PURPOSE CALENDAR, JUDGE MORRISON, CIVIL JURY AND NON-JURY TRIALS, JUDGE COX, PUBLISHED MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL CALENDAR, JUDGE PORTER, CIVIL JURY TRIAL CALENDAR CALL, JUDGE BAXTER, ORCA 1-WEEK CIVIL JURY TRIAL, Subscribe to ALM Legal Publications Newsletters. Justice Center Tower185 Central AvenueSuite TG800 Atlanta, GA 30303. in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. 0000005597 00000 n State Court - Fulton County, Georgia Jerry Perdomo, Mauricio Perdomo Et Al vs Coconut Construction, LLC, Dennis Palmer Et Al, Freyda Hardy,The Estate of Rebecca Hardy VS.SR Seabreeze, Inc. d/b/a Right at Home c/o Reg Agt. 0000013751 00000 n .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} Women, Influence & Power in Law UK Awards 2023, Legalweek Leaders in Tech Law Awards 2023, WORKERS COMPENSATION ATTORNEY - Hartford, CT, Offering an Opportunity of a Lifetime for Personal Injury Lawyers, What Does Your Business Agreement Really Mean? COURT CALENDAR Check the Court Calendar for a listing of cases by Civil Calendar. BIO - Judge Jay M Roth Hit And Run; 2. Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any. Jay currently lives in Atlanta with his wife Rene. stream We noticed that you're using an AdBlocker. .race_header.republican { PDF VIRTUAL MOTIONS HEARING Division Y - Judge Eady You can always see your envelopes n Women, Influence & Power in Law UK Awards honors women lawyers who have made a remarkable difference in the legal profession. try clicking the minimize button instead. JUDGE FRED C. EADY STATE COURT OF FULTON COUNTY CIVIL JURY TRIAL & THREE WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, April 22, 2019 9:00 A.M. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select. d U8`~z":&1\tO= (q i?f3&w Court of Appeals Affirms $46M Med Mal Verdict | Daily Report Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? margin-top: 1em; font-weight: bold; .inner_percentage.Libertarian { Bodycam: Officer warns Jalen Carter about speeding months before deadly Law.com Compass delivers you the full scope of information, from the rankings of the Am Law 200 and NLJ 500 to intricate details and comparisons of firms financials, staffing, clients, news and events. endobj } 13 0 obj padding-bottom: 5px; } <> endobj Each of the ten judges who staff the bench is elected to four-year terms of office. } 0000006182 00000 n 0000016953 00000 n How often do you settle cases out of court? height: 50px; .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} r^R7MaowDF[9:X=LCnd! Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. font-style: italic; Home Page | Superior Court of Fulton County margin-bottom: 4px; $('#candidate-connection-email-128660').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); Cassandra Kirk is the first Chief Magistrate Judge appointed by Governor Nathan Deal and elected two times by the people to serve Fulton County. <> padding-left: 10px; On May 27, 2022 a tort case was filed " font-size: 16px; .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { margin-bottom: 0; . Superior Court Senior Judges | Superior Court of Fulton County background-color: white; 0000003206 00000 n letter-spacing: .03em; They have three children: Michael, David-Aaron and Hannah. 0000010968 00000 n .race_header.green { 0000002424 00000 n in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. Integrity Used Cars, LLCet al. } $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { } padding-left: 0; $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { %PDF-1.5 background-color: #6db24f; margin: 8px auto; Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. @media (max-width:600px) { background-color: green;
}) try clicking the minimize button instead. Cities | Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. 6 0 obj overflow-y: auto; 100% remote. will be able to access it on trellis. width: 100% Status. font-style: italic; Jamerica McIntyre VS.Thomas Martin, JR ,Abbvie Inc. Open. Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. Incumbent Fred C. Eady won election in the general election for Fulton County State Court on May 24, 2022. 0000008034 00000 n Judge Jackson Bedford has served as a Senior Judge for Superior Court of Fulton County since 2017. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 129 >> stream xref 130 0 obj <>stream margin-right: 12px; On June 3, 2022 a tort - other case was filed 0000013163 00000 n He was appointed to the bench by former Governor Sonny Perdue on May 31, 2005 to fill the vacancy created by the appointment of the Hon. max-width: 75px; .inner_percentage.Green { } Incumbent Fred C. Eady won election in the general election for Fulton County State Court on May 22, 2018. Your article was successfully shared with the contacts you provided. endobj z@fOfIfzbIf~ozBHkceb@]E9 Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. 0000002713 00000 n background-color: #ccc; text-align: left; Fred C. Eady is a judge for the Fulton County State Court in Georgia. width: 350px; Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. .inner_percentage { State Court exercises limited jurisdiction over both civil and criminal matters. 11 0 obj He won in the general election on May 24, 2022. width: 100%; background-color: #f9d334; } Kirk ran for re-election for judge of the Fulton County Magistrate Court in Georgia. How many cases like mine have you handled? 110 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5B589A26BB3C1446B52AB31494D02A29>]/Index[93 38]/Info 92 0 R/Length 92/Prev 219422/Root 94 0 R/Size 131/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream color: black; display: block; FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. position: absolute; 17357 Honorable Fred C. Eady, Chief Judge, Fulton County State Court May 2005 - Present17 years 9 months Atlanta, GA Staff Attorney Honorable M. Gino Brogdon, Sr., Fulton County State and. He received a bachelors degree from Albany State University. He posted bond of $2,500 on the racing charge and $1,500 on the reckless . font-weight: bold; The Daily Report is honoring those attorneys and judges who have made a remarkable difference in the legal profession. PDF Judge Fred C. Eady State Court of Fulton County Civil Jury Trial clear: both;. Fulton County Superior Court. Check the Order of Business for the current procedures of the court. ]c\RbKSTQ C''Q6.6QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ ? Doyle rejected plans to retry the apportionment part of the case but ordered the trial judge to reconsider attorney fee awards to the Trabues. background-color: #003388; Please wait a moment while we load this page. display: block; 0000014349 00000 n Both options are priced the same. Y, Courtroom 3B, Ste. text-align: center; width: 35px !important; } } Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. endobj 0000010172 00000 n NEydYdjdE&&f&&P D, Georgia Juvenile Courts Copyright 2021 ALM Media Properties, LLC. %%EOF. Kathleen Browne VS.Marvin Davenport,Geico Indemnity Company, Terrence Lacount vs American Recycling of Georgia, LLC, Waste Pro USA, Inc and John Does 1-4, Janoris Jenkins VS.Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport,City of Atlanta. font-weight: bold; 0000004869 00000 n Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. endobj JUDGE MORRISON, CIVIL JURY AND NON-JURY TRIALS. Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates On July 20, 2022 a tort - other case was filed Judge Eady, Fred C presiding. }
, See also:Municipal elections in Fulton County, Georgia (2022). } $('.hideResponses').show(); In your inbox. Callaway County, Missouri Deaths, 1900-1948. } Fred C. Eady did not complete Ballotpedia's 2022 Candidate Connection survey. P.C..contact_entity {font-size: 1.5em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} Access to additional free ALM publications, 1 free article* across the ALM subscription network every 30 days, Exclusive discounts on ALM events and publications. .race_header.libertarian { } 0000016752 00000 n height: 100%; by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. On July 10, 2022 a tort - other case was filed .results_table_container { 0000000126 00000 n Check the Court Calendar for a listing of cases by Civil Calendar. Fulton . 0000003953 00000 n color: white; Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. How to run for office | background-color: #003388; width: 100% !important; } 87 0 obj The Georgia Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a $46 million medical malpractice verdict and reversed the trial judges order to reconsider apportionment in the case. } .inner_percentage.Republican { Fred C. Eady, 49, Atlanta , Georgia - Eady has served as a Magistrate Judge with the Fulton County Superior Court since 2002. <> Terms of Service. STATE COURT JUDGES Updated: 03/29/2021 If this information is not correct, please call 404-612-2770. EADY, Fred C., Chief 3B/T-3755 Judicial Asst. Hon. Your credits were successfully purchased. Courts and Justice Agencies - Fulton County, Georgia $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { 0000010765 00000 n .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { Our Team Account subscription service is for legal teams of four or more attorneys. } } 4/24/2023, STATE COURT CIVIL DIVISION COURTROOM 3B. in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. The Fulton County State Court is a state court in Georgia. About Us| }) Search Criminal case records for Fulton County Superior Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. Contact our sales team. If you wish to keep the information in your envelope between pages, LexisNexis and Bloomberg Law are third party online distributors of the broad collection of current and archived versions of ALM's legal news publications. padding-top: 8px; 0000006355 00000 n All rights reserved. Judge - Eady, Fred. } Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action. .contact_office { font-size: 0.8 em; margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} .results_text { } Georgia Court of Appeals display: inline; display: block; $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? display: inline-block; 84 0 obj endstream March 11, 2019 at 11:05 AM. 0000009379 00000 n 0000011562 00000 n 0000010562 00000 n endobj Tasked to create Fulton's newly independent Constitutional court, Judge Kirk used her over 27 years of legal experience as a jurist . font-weight: 300; U.S. President | stream a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } 0000002019 00000 n On June 29, 2022 a foreign judgment case was filed .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} JFIF C } <> Fred C. Eady Hon. When viewing a listing, consider the state advertising restrictions to which lawyers and law firms must adhere, as well as our FindLaw.com Legal Directory disclaimer. })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. Governor Sonny Perdue appointed Judge Roth to succeed Judge Penny Brown Reynolds. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { margin-bottom: 1px; 0000003401 00000 n <> Eady went on to complete a J.D. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 129 >> stream #):{=E^_]:QEh49JK8dIKGc5/ vertical-align: middle; Georgia Superior Courts 0000007089 00000 n All rights reserved. margin-bottom:16px; in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. .widget-row.Republican { .widget-row.value-only.white { <> } 1-25 of 48 results in GA. Judge Name. Please, Municipal elections in Fulton County, Georgia (2022). display: inline-block; 0 24 0 obj color: white; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { .widget-row.Green { in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. .widget-row { } %%EOF when new changes related to " are available. PDF VIRTUAL MOTIONS HEARING (SPECIAL SET) Division Y - Judge Eady 04/13/2021 Strategic Funding Source, Inc. vs. Jerome Derricksonet al. .percentage_number { Eady spent time as the Chief Judge of the State Court in Fulton County. background-color: grey; As the largest county in the state, Fulton County is committed to providing the highest level of Public Safety Services and Justice Services to its citizens. 0000002539 00000 n margin-bottom: .75em; 0000015361 00000 n 0000002822 00000 n % padding-left: 8px; PDF Inthestatecourtoffultoncounty Deputyclerkstatecourt Stateofgeorgia Author: Lucas, Termica Created Date: 4/15/2021 5:14:31 PM . .infobox p { Up to 76 percent of children will have a heart murmur at some point in their lives, but it can be difficult to spot the symptoms. height: 22px; 0000000428 00000 n Visit Website. Recent calendars issued by Fulton County courts. Eady, Fred C Update Now width: 50px; 7v euH08eO8[1T5v -GG5,2acG s~fU0 width: 250px; We have notified your account executive who will contact you shortly. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. z-index:1; position: relative; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Ballotpedia features 395,577 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. 0000012746 00000 n p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. color: white; line-height: 1.5em; .votebox-results-cell--number { If you wish to keep the information in your envelope between pages, <> 0000017155 00000 n .infobox { $('.hideResponses').hide(); n 0000012557 00000 n float: right; } 16 0 obj We are committed to delivering these services through a dedicated staff, advanced technology and data informed decisions that maximize the efficiency of our operations and ensure the best . letter-spacing: 0.03em; All Rights Reserved. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. He received his JD from Georgia State University College of Law and a BS from Univ. U.S. Congress | [1] Education [1], Eady received his undergraduate degree from Albany State University and then went on to receive his J.D. overflow-y: hidden; 0000008794 00000 n background: #4c4c4c; Craig L. Schwall, Sr. to the Fulton County Superior Court. To serve on this court, a judge must be a state resident for at least three years, a county resident, admitted to practice law for at least seven years, and at least 25 years of age. .race_header.democratic { {x|{%l12%OJ2bH2O75+ugd"b>(-Y!v6Ru%mbeDXr0GHl{QZ3|'wq@D~yI+3d(!VkAn } [ 16 0 R] Division Y - Judge Eady 04/13/2021 JUDGE: Fred C. Eady LOCATION: Zoom LITIGATION MANAGER: Termica Lucas - x-30571 10:00 AM Page 1 of 1 1 - CASE 20CR004006Y CHARGE OFFENSE DATE Comments JOHNSON, BIANCA 1. overflow-x: auto; Eady ran for re-election for judge of the Fulton County State Court in Georgia. LexisNexis and Bloomberg Law customers are able to access and use ALM's content, including content from the National Law Journal, The American Lawyer, Legaltech News, The New York Law Journal, and Corporate Counsel, as well as other sources of legal information. The results have been certified. 0000013553 00000 n x2300P@&0BM -BR! a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } 0 88 .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Fulton County constitutes the Atlanta Judicial Circuit, Fifth Judicial Administrative District. Judges Myra H. Dixon (Chief judge) Diane E. Bessen Fred C. Eady Susan E. Edlein John R. Mather Jane Morrison Patsy Y. Porter Eric A. Richardson Jay M. Roth Wesley B. Tailor [1] Fulton County Courthouse See also Georgia State Courts Fulton County, Georgia Courts in Georgia External links endstream School districts | endstream endobj startxref His current term ends on December 31, 2026. [4][5]. <> padding-left: 16px; K[ksi#5Z ?/h/[ G _jci {F 'ho[ G _ho. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { 0000005787 00000 n Her current term ends on December 31, 2022. } His previous experience includes serving as a sole practitioner in College Park , Georgia and a partner with Eady & Eaton , PA. Elections in 2023 | 0000004318 00000 n $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); font-weight: 100; } background-color: #f4f4f4; font-weight: bold; Some lawyers publish comparative information regarding the services that they provide which may be subject to specific comparative communications restrictions. PDF In the State Court of Fulton County height: 56px; in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. font-weight: bold; xks6gQ(A9N:}uv2^,:&v 3}$]|=bB`?b1 5|&(@LVlxx{9?tIJp`B\EDbg0z7;l&]5?cWgjcK ]fr4{M5OgRb*3O78i@Ifd^qJ+yX_0NYNIO%EuJ$AiS5 t+\fv 2#?zid6MG-S]*1`%RXjV.c(YFbb$Y(UFq$b*eyN[R%|dibv^y/q~fhHyDhccR(q1:9 Your subscription has successfully been upgraded. endstream Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. 0000000338 00000 n Daily Report in the jurisdiction of Fulton County. } 0';WTlzn\`A wyx{ +\z;J. Division Y - Judge Eady 05/19/2021 JUDGE: Fred C. Eady 10:00 AM LOCATION: Zoom LITIGATION MANAGER: Termica .