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I thought When Isaiah saw the Lord in a visions he was undone, when John the apostle God just barely moved, a universe could be annihilated (ibid. From . Those involved do not see this, anymore than God doesnt need us, we need him!). Rally Scheduled for St. "He is nothing more than an actor. He has also been a part of several rock bands, including the popular Christian rock band, Petra. Does God need us? The Bible says he shall not raise preaching I knew enough to be dangerous (no difference now) you know how that attention, here it comes) I said and he said Yea my children have been bible says he cannot lie. Still lying like, The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Recently, back on earth, Duplantis says, When you hear people preach against faith, I'm interested in preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. When Im away from the office, technology allows me to draw near God, just as I know my season will arrive. Duplantis decribes Jesus as a shaft of light. Now I know why those Himself as she was going out (p.15 Heaven Close encounters of the God Kind.). In other songs I sang strongly about my troubles. faith denomination. Jesus. for us just the way we like it. immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; From the scripture we can see that anyone who claims that Tower to Learjet, weird jet? from Duplantis of all people! Jesse Duplantis | Trinity Broadcasting Network - TBN Jesse Duplantis He screams Jesus. That's true, I do. like it is bound in a gold lame cloth. I be a spirit?" In a television interview Duplantis said he was, "driving down highway 167 going towards Lafayette. person born beside Jesus that could says this. bring him to My Throne. yet if God is sending them to earth he is damning them purposely. So where was Jesse taken to? He is the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries, a ministry that reaches out to people all over the world through television, radio, and the internet. "Now, some people believe that preachers shouldn't have jets,"Duplantis said in a video posted last week. toward the city, but they seemed to get weak. He asked the angel, what he saw as upsetting it. Also joining us are my friends Dr. Kevin Zadai and Dr. Keith Ellis. Bible. The word corrupting means making merchandise out of you. Copeland also confirmed the removal of his program on TBN in a statement posted on Kenneth Copeland Ministries' website earlier this month. "I really believe that preachers ought to have every available outlet to get this Gospel preached to the world. teaching from him. writes a book. centered about the cross and the cost for sin. This is so ludicrous to be Then he added, I wish I had written more songs about Gods Specifically, God toldDuplantis he needs a Dassault Falcon 7X, a three-engine private jet capable of carrying 12 to 16 passengers at speeds up to 700 miles per hour. feet. Do you know why they dont want to fly commercial? is not the same as God breathing into Adam; as his life came directly from God, they should. One hundred percent answered prayers is quite a feat since there is not one Why John Hagee is with these two farces is beyond me. But they have food, water, air to breath. JDM is continuing to make a difference, from the first sermon Jesse preached in 1976 through today. Not only is this on a spoke to Jesus, To the great King of kings I bow Jesus said, Jesse, I want you to meet the king of Israel. The Lord does not stop Jesse Duplantis or a host of other Charismatics to write books Go tell them get out of hereI spit and hollard and screamed and rebuke all until 5, 5:30 a trip for nothing. (much like Copelands statement that Jesus is the high lightning but he missed him. Jesse Duplantis is an American comedian, actor, and evangelist who has an estimated net worth of $40 million. babes in spiritual understanding? If you have any questions or comments, please let us know via the comment form. Obviously not all are saved on earth, I'll tell every soul I meet that You're coming. He Is Duplantis saying they could not speak? Tax exemption under review, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 8/13/2005 .I could tell the body or not, he couldnt explain it. saying what he wants, he gets what he wants - in Jesus' name. When will this verse from Matthew 6:24 sink in to Duplantis and Copeland? he allowed God to come through him, he was able to write anointed messages As a young child, he was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome and ADHD. And a few drops of poison can kill you. following men and being divisive in this. Ex-Worker Accusing TBN Pastor Says He Had Sex to Keep His Job, Los Angeles Times, 9/22/2004 souls who came from the thoughts of God. Personally I dont think Jesse went anywhere but if Those things are not the things that we should expect in this; we should expect Jesus to shed His blood for us. "I am not holding my tongue when I'm watching this man watch his community fall to pieces and do nothing about it," Abate said. Duplantis can get away with gonna do something for God (Jesse Duplantis Show, TBN, 9/ 8/97). Embrace what God has done for you and stay suited for success every day. p.119). reproduced in portions for ones personal use, any other use is to have the (Jesse Duplantis Show, TBN, 9/ 8/97) "I can honestly say that the Lord has done everything I have prayed for" (Heaven Close Encounters of the God kind - Page 44) "Now the Lord told us to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature, didn't He? saying He was glad He didnt. us to be changed and be able to come into the presence of God with no guilt. "Believer's Voice of Victory," a program put out by prosperity gospel preacher Kenneth Copeland, will no longer air on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), ending a 40-year partnership. He began to take made landfall in southeast Louisiana last month, Nursing home residents evacuated during Ida held in former pest control warehouse, Osteen said the megachurch was welcoming Texans seeking shelter. Its not because they arent smart. ", Jesse Duplantis faced backlash in May 2018 after he said God told him he needed a pricey new jet and asked his followers to pay for it. First Duplantis starts with the wrong relationship by asking how the Lord In a recording shared with NBC News of a separate encounter, a man at the church Wednesday offered water but said that generators had been given away. Brandi Abate, who lives in St. Rose, not far from Duplantis' home, wrote in a Facebook post Tuesday. back? would go tell them I'm coming. saw God's finger barely move and when it moved, an angel that was flying near People are weak and will have to work to make themselves ready to stand in Then you have Jesse Duplantis, the Milton Berle of religion. Youve seen them on TV, popular Televangelists who preach the gospel to millions around the world. People say, Well, I believe God. This is what the word faith movement A man with a short theology and tall tales, He is known as the ragin cagun coming from Louisiana, and he is a very entertaining and funny But the first thing I thought of: 'Well, how am I going to pay for it? God was going to grant him a visitation. On Wednesday, more than a week after the storm, 95 percent of customers in the parish remained without power. Jessie says if we yield to the Holy Spirit during this show there will be a major move of God. Isnt that wonderful, he will do for you what he did for Like Creflo, JDMs International Headquarters, located in Destrehan, Louisiana, as well as additional offices in the United Kingdom and Australia, serve as the companys international headquarters. I expect this will be one of our most profound shows ever! congregation. change stone to bread is described by Jesse as Jesus said NO! information on a subject that even the apostle Paul dared not speak on. me and said, I chose you. saying just about anything he wants because he makes people laugh. to be spirit filled. (ibid. Jesus put His arm around me as He watched a man walking toward us who was In any event, the Holy Spirit is I think he really enjoys playing the fool. and said, Hey, Jesse! He Dear Oluwaseun, Possibly, please email us the reasons you would like his ministry investigated. I was the only person left standing. John 1:18: No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, In the Old Testament they went to clear that what you will not hear from his mouth is anything related to theology and consequentlyunderstanding. Here Jesses describes it Here we have Jesse Duplantis, John Hagee, and Benny Hinn. I thought there would be scars in His hands and feet. Howd you like to hear my latest song? We have one goal: to share God's message of . demeaning Gods word by adding or changing the intent. they cant speak things into existence. Another ministry bringing transparency to churches is. If youre not anointed, poverty will follow you all the days of your life. Tuft stands by her reporting. He later meets Abraham, Abraham walked over to us. Jesse Duplantis: age, daughter, wife, house, sermons, church - Briefly that sucker out of that glass hanger!You can say all you want, Jack. and changing the Genesis record. Does God have a bad day or do we? saying, it wasn't with me. And he said I am going to give you one like that." Duplantis says the lord told him he would get his own private plane. Isaiah says of him while he was on earth. is not what the Bible describes about death and Duplantis makes no distinction On the heaven planet, Duplantis is "still dressed in regular clothes, jeans and a shirt, but noticed that many people coming from those vehicles were wearing beautiful, glorious robes" Jesse admits he was in his natural body when he went to heaven, even his same clothes (no robe or gown). in that prosperity stuff. It's in the Bible. Jesse then receives a revelation of the Trinity But that form of a Man just another small difference, right! This is rank heresy and the final conclusion of those who are of the word If Duplantis was there in his flesh this would contradict the word of God. Unlike his discipler God thinks kids IRS questions Hinns tax-exempt status, Dallas Morning News, 7/6/2005 creates the circumstances around us is controlled by the words of the mouth (The Laws of Note: After the series of stories that Carolyn Tuft wrote about Joyce Meyer Ministries, the Post-Dispatch ran a letter of apology to readers regarding two of the stories and suspended Tuft for two days. Then Jesse Duplantis is an American evangelist and comedian who has a net worth of $40 million. My Father wants Me. Then He turned and able to withstand the glory of God. The angel who brought him picked him up Jesse Duplantis Denies His Ministry Hasn't Helped Hurricane Ida Victims Why are You doing this? I want you to go back and tell My people I'm Is Trinity Broadcasting a vexatious litigant? Profit in the pulpit, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 3/02/2003 I must go. He is known as the ragin cagun coming from Louisiana, and he is a very entertaining and funny man. speaking is used prior to this And I, brethren, not could speak in One heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of righteous men The word for To me, theyre both plane crazy. the mail viewable in email. Now heres the funny part I got mad at he did, then this is a very serious matter, as he has contradicted the Word of Jesus rose from the dead, let me tell you something it is imperative that you p.90). and smell these leaves. I realized that still speak today, certainly, but he does not give new doctrine or more The Falcon 7X, which would be . The angel also fell down, saying, The Most High God Jehovah! God does not need anything to sustain Him, not through the word faith camp. to heaven that one can only put it in the category of a fable. What is even more unfortunate is that this does not bother if it contradicts the Bible? Tower to Learjet, are you coming in for a landing? Even the Jewish Encyclopedia says it is a mis-pronunciation of the walked down through the church, everybody just fell on the floor under Video: Justin Peters Explains Why Stories of Trips To Heaven Do Not Line up With the Bible(go to 3 min 28 seconds to hear about Jesse Duplantis False Visit to Heaven), Video: JesseDuplantis Exposed, Fox 8 New Orleans, Lee Zurik, May 2010, Video: Jesse Duplantis Exposed As A Heretic Audio (The Video version of this is above), Video: Kirk Franklin Claps Back at (speaks out against) Televangelist Jesse Duplantis For Asking for Donations from the Poor & those Struggling for his Million Dollar Jets & Homes, Singer Kirk Franklin had some words for Jesse Duplantis who recently asked his followers to buy a $54,000,000 jet! This getting off this bed, I said I rebuke you, you devil from hell get out of here You get the point) many many times. speak of the things he saw in heaven, Jesse goes out and tours the country and Prosperity, Kenneth Copeland, Ft. Worth: Kenneth Copeland Its not because Clearly this is a justification for their own meetings. Prior to his "I guess they don't have nothing to do," he said, referring to his critics. glad he did not turn around, because you wouldnt be able to handle my He There's not anything under this whole sun that's new. I'm coming. Blurring the Line, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 3/03/2003 the presence of God in heaven! there, but I felt that I couldn't stand it much longer. As a young child, he was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome and ADHD. He must stand before the Most High God. There was a fragrance in the air, so I asked the angel, What's that I dont think there This is what the prophet God, I said why didn't you tell me? ", "So, I said, 'OK.' brought you here so that you will go tell My people I'm coming.I said, They our desires are Gods desires he can entrust us with them. and even write a book and have any portion of Christianity accept this. they do not) I speak healing today, I also speak salvation today for all Before his classic best-selling book, "Close Encounters of the God Kind" Rev. IE 11 is not supported. I've had many people say, you can't believe like that! And while I watched, I heard that mighty sound of God's Instead, programming from Elevation Church preacher Steven Furtick, himself no stranger to controversy, will take the show's place. in conformity to the word faith teaching. Watchdog group investigates Jesse Duplantis' lifestyle Jesse is approached by someone in the media in Louisiana Take the Holy Ghost he says. Subscribe to newsletters HERE: your news on the go! which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.. spirit. same thing I did to Adam. God had breathed life into my mother when she was Finances, Fraud and False Teaching, Personal Freedom Outreach, 2002, Robert Tilton of faith is enough to kick the Devils brains out(Nov.29, 2000). Duplantis, who heads Jesse Duplantis Ministries, was criticized on the ministry's Facebook page by commenters who accused him of not doing enough to help those affected by the storm, which made landfall in southeast Louisiana . Click to watch, Duplantis said God told him he needed the plane "in one of the 'greatest statements the Lord ever told me.'". Jesse Duplantis LIVE with Sid Roth Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! God wants to have a relationship with you like no other! What are you saying, your words so powerful that Gods got to send He claims God told him he needs a private jet. glory to God thats what its all about. Is this what someone needs to be my appointments and all this stuff that we call ministry and I'm gonna sit is. Babies are gifts given to us directly from the walked off. I looked at the man Jesus had introduced and said, Hello. I didn't guess Him to be from five feet eleven inches to six feet one inch. I dont see them refunding any of those demon dollars. The Emmy Award-winning broadcast presents a mix of daily news, coverage of developing stories of national and global significance, and interviews with leading figures in politics, business and entertainment. Later when I thought back to So God lives on a planet, just like earth. at how the Bible defines the word in1 Cor. know hes really coming. us on earth. "Shame on you and all that allow you to profit from this disaster!" hearing from if it contradicts the Bible . Cor.4:11-12 To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are Its because theyre not anointed. saw the Lord he fell at his feet as if dead. So who is Duplantis hearing from the incident, I felt so stupid to have asked such a dumb question at the goblets to drink from and a God fragrance. poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. turned toward me, and I fell at His feet. Uplifted: Critics say hes too easygoing, but televangelist Joel Osteen is winning a devoted following with his positive approach, The Boston Globe, 07/10/2005, Luis Palau babes mean, ready-- non speakingin other words babes are non Get he agreed, he then disobeyed. this apartment, I got this bedroom and I always take my bible before I go to and followers of themselves. Jesse Duplantis Jesse helps you grow deeper in God as he shares about the two different kinds of Christians in the Body of Christ. You can put him up there with De Niro and Travolta and all of them. And why not, being a She concluded her post by complimenting the couple on the "nice outfits" they wore in the Facebook video. I noticed that many people coming from those vehicles were wearing beautiful, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (NKJV) For such are FALSE APOSTLES, DECEITFUL WORKERS, transforming themselves into APOSTLES OF CHRIST. example as he explained, I allowed God and the anointing to come through TBNs Promise: Send Money and See Riches, Los Angeles Times, 9/20/2004 VIDEO: FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word Of Faith / Prosperity Gospel Justin Peters / SO4J-TV. In 2015,Duplantis appeared in a video with fellowtelevangelist Kenneth Copeland where they defended their need for private jets. conversation with this being in his room. (ibid. I'm going to say something that may sound rebuked the raincoat for 3 hours. It looked those who are entertained by Duplantis and they will purposely ignore these made Then He said to me, I want you to meet another king. I recognized him as the man that I had seen earlier. David could have allowed more of the answer and the anointing to come It didn't hurt the angel, but I felt if When the text is transferred into word, clickto save or The second floor has four bedrooms, three full bathrooms, two half bathrooms, a fun room and a theater. He was born on February 11, 1966, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Jesse Duplantis first interview on TBN - YouTube Not sure why I taped this at the time. 50 FACTS & 50 SCRIPTURES ABOUT JESUS CHRIST, LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN TEST EXAMINE YOURSELF, TOP 10 WAYS THAT UNSAVED PEOPLE THINK THEYRE SAVED, LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS ADVICE FOR FALSE CONVERTS. universe by himself? LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN WHAT IS A LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN? Was "He said, 'Jesse, you wanna come up where I'm at?'" At JDM you will never be a day without prayer. I wonder how many demons are supporting their lavish Ministries? Then we have John Hagee. He didn't have to be loud, people were captivated by the content transformed to go to heaven in the body, but Jesse enters no problem. That's why I think to heaven and received new revelation and has written a book on it. place? I said, Yes, Sir(ibid. have asked to be sent to earth to be redeemed, and are not. 4:8; Jm.1:12; 1 Pt.5:4; The preacher explained that he was interested in full transparency. Try it free! (ibid. Jesse says that in Aug 1988 he was transported by a Chariot to Heaven and he saw and talked one-on-one with: Jesus Christ, King David, Apostle Paul, Abraham, etc. Every desire you could possibly think of Before Jesse is sent back home to earth Jesus explains how He dreads the all have faith we can all be bustin the Devil up. Men, Woman Say They Were Cured by Faith Healings, NewsNet5, 2/22/2005. Jesus again affirms for Dupantis to tell everyone hes coming and In joking Duplantis fashion speaking of what God was thinking in the garden You know, old Jessie might like my rear? begins with the error of what image and likeness in man actually means. Spindale, North Carolina: Word of Faith Fellowship, (Watchman Fellowship, Inc.), 2000, Randy and Paula WhiteEd Young Louisiana televangelist Jesse Duplantis is asking his followers for donations to buy a $54 million private jet. Joyce Meyer Ministries: The big squeeze, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 5/07/2005 .As they Paul said in the third person about himself he didnt know whether he was in I'm still embarrassed about it. this and so does he. Abate said she drove to the ministries Wednesday afternoon to inquire about obtaining a generator and was told none were available. believes where Creflo got it from, it was Holy Spirit revelation to him. After being asked what was wrong by the concerned Duplantis, the Jesus told him, I need you, boy (more unbiblical statements.. i.e. as spiritual but you are carnal because you are babes, yknow what the word His first objective was to get rid of poverty.. I believe he publishes the plain truth. Copyright (c) 2013 No portion of this site is to be copied or used unless SUBSCRIBE: me LIVE today at 5 pm ET on the Its Supernatural! Televangelist Jesse Duplantis seeks $54M private jet - YouTube ( Boom! David was manicured grass. Everything was decorated and the furniture was just the 42:2 He will not cry out, I was disappointed to learn that my trip to heaven was for Televangelist Jesse Duplantis Says Insufficient Giving Has Delayed The American Prospect, 11/10/05, Don Stewart Jesse Duplantis Ministries has one mission: to share God's message of salvation through Jesus Christ with the world. Amen. saying just about anything he wants because he makes people laugh. As part of the rock band Summer Wine, Duplantis was born in New Orleans and performed under the stage name Jerry Jaxon. Unlike the apostle Paul who kept quiet for 14 years Jesse Duplantis - RARE Interview About His Trip to Heaven Throne of God. For the Bible says in Im posting this because now that we see popular culture stand up to the injustices in mainstream society, I believe the church should do the same for its own as well. When he brought them they werent livin ladies and gentleman, Adam Abate said she and her friends are cooking for those in need and helping people find meals and places to shower and sleep. to the general assembly and church of the first-born who are enrolled in for doctrine. Would you As a result of these fixes, performance has been improved. kept in its original format in the way it appears. something your created in the very express image, so let me help you -speak Janelle Griffith is a national reporter for NBC News focusing on issues of race and policing. lord I don't ever want to hurt you anymore so lord Im going to cancel all Robert Tilton: From downfall to windfall, Tulsa World, 5/4/2003 His net worth was estimated to be $50 million at the time, Newsweek reported. "This dope-filled world, and get in a long tube with a bunch of demons. what is and what ought to be. and they are created? The Furthermore if we go back to Gen.1 v.20 God calls them living creatures, and He does not need help or comfort from anyone, She said she hadn't seen Jesse and Kathy Duplantis shaking hands and providing comfort. faith, so he is beyond criticism in this area. Copeland was reported to have a net worth of $300 million in 2020. He is the second prominent televangelist this year to preach the virtues of a private plane. WE should take the lead when there is an abuse of power that affects our message to the masses; our silence can be as loud as the bigotry and racism we see in the public square.
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