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Ku otutu/Eku otutu Means well done for enduring the cold. them gives birth, it is incumbent and mandatory for the other to greet him or her, In normal speech Yoruba speakers drop one vowel in an environment when one word ends with a vole and the other begins with a vowel. Yoruba Phrases; Greeting Mo kiyin; Hi! with state of affairs of everybody within his community. This page contains a course in Yoruba phrases and daily expressions as well as a list of other lessons in grammar topics and common words in Yoruba. More Yoruba words for condolences. Sometimes, the word Hello is used to start a sentence or communication while in other cases; it is used in continuity of a sentence. 122 views, 10 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Learn Yoruba Online: Yoruba Greetings | How to Greet in the Yoruba. It is a religion that is built Bruno Fernandes handed new shirt number at United, Visa Free Countries For Nigerian Passport Holders, Court Wedding in Nigeria: Steps & Procedures, Church Wedding In Nigeria: Steps & Procedure. Kaabo should only be used if you are greeting someone your age or one you know you are older than while kaabo should only be used when greeting elders. Where ku is used, it is assumed the listener is your age mate or younger. Ku ikale/ ku ikale A greeting that is usually used when people are seated or in attendance at an event or function. How to use Greet in Yoruba and how to say Greet in Yoruba? The act of greeting is always instilled in a Yoruba born from birth hence making the child to recognize the importance and necessity of greeting one's family, friends, siblings and even relatives etc. Other ways of greeting in Yoruba culture includes; All You Need to know about Binance and CoinBase, Explore Altcoin and its importance in the crypto market, Learn Everything There Is to Know About Binance Coin BNB. E ku irole o meaning good evening used between 4pm and 7pm (say E ku irole ma/sir to elders). Most times especially in Nigeria and other countries, English remains the lingua Franca. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn greetings in Yoruba language. content of the greeting may include questions about the trip, how stressful it You could also go further by greeting kaaro sa (sir) or kaaro ma when greeting elders or older people. Greetings are very important to the Yoruba people's culture, especially when addressing older people, so it's no surprise that the traditional greeting is very much part of the culture. There is also no hard and fast Therefore, when greeting the adults or someone older than you, it is polite to say, E ku aro/E kaaro (Good morning), E ku Osan/E kasan (Good afternoon), E ku irole/E kurole (good evening), and E ku ale/E kale (good night). After the elision n becomes l before vowels e, o, , , a. Greetings are of great importance in Yoruba culture. Means how are you?. Saying hello rarely comes up as frequent as in other languages. In the Yoruba language, there are several ways to greet someone in the evening. greeting when one is embarking on a journey, another when you are right within above. E rora o. As the principal Yoruboid language, Yoruba is most closely related to the languages Itsekiri (spoken in the Niger Delta) and Igala (spoken in central Nigeria).. Latin (Yoruba alphabet), Yoruba Braille, Arabic script (historically). A Senior Chief and frontline promoter of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu presidency in Oyo State, Engr. 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Yoruba greetings is part of the culture of the Yoruba people. How to properly greet in Yorb. the elders, the boys will prostrate- full stretch with their chests and chin on Any Baale that does not do To achieve this, eku is prefixed and added to literary any Yoruba word to form a greeting. Kaaro/ kaaro Means Good morning. disrespectful and rude if a young person or junior fails to use the honorific Kaaro/ kaaro Means Good morning. If you have any question or contributions, share your thoughts by leaving a comment. What is the importance of greetings in Yoruba communication? It is also forbidden for the younger ones to say the oriki Greeting in Yoruba is more than welcoming others but also a means of showing respect and regard to others. On presentation to the King, men prostrate; while the women kneel down and he is addressed as ' Kabiyesi ' The response usually by his aids is 'Oba n ki o' (The King greets you). The Yoruba greetings generally make use of "E" to greet the elderly and use it in all speeches to show respect to the elderly. Sometimes, especially depending on the language we use in our communication the word hello can also take different form and interpretation. Greetings in Yoruba are countless. Firstly, you must understand that the Yoruba people are a highly cultural and respectful people. Akk j. E kaaro o meaning good morning (Say E kaaro ma/sir to elders). You could also go further by greeting kaale sa (sir) or kaale ma when greeting elders or older people. But to be less awkward or impersonal, best to use sir / ma with anyone old enough to be your uncle until you are absolutely familiar with them. E se/o se: Thank you (To sound more respectful to elderly people, say E nle ma or E nle sir depending on the gender). If he/she refuses to do so, it will be assumed that But in Yoruba, salutations vary according to the time-lapse as we mentioned above. You should always start your greetings with (pronounced eh like youd want to pronounce heir but leaving out the r) if the person you intend to greet is older than you or more than one person at a time (say two or more people without having to greet them one after the other). There is no occasion that does not have its distinct and peculiar Hello in Yoruba: How to Greet Correctly in Yoruba, Top 10 Highest Oil Producing Countries in Africa, FRSC Drivers License: How to Obtain Yours. E pele o. Rora/ rora Means careful or watch your steps. Respect is very important in the Yoruba culture. Here's a list of translations. The standard way to write "Greet" in Yoruba is: k Alphabet in Yoruba. Greetings in Yoruba Culture (How to say hello in Yoruba) It has been observed that when speaking the Yoruba language especially amidst the tribe, greetings is an important part of each conversation, regardless of the time of the day and what the person is doing as at the time of greeting. After the conclusion of the business and the guest is ready to leave, If you have any question or contributions, share your thoughts by leaving a comment. Learn greetings in Yoruba language. More Yoruba words for greet. (For elderly people, say "E pele ma" or "E pele sir"). The tradition of the Yoruba people places much emphasis on greetings generally - it's a very significant part of their culture, especially when addressing older people. Pele o: this is another way of saying hello in Yoruba language. In fact, the Yoruba men Pele/ pele Means Sorry and could also mean Well done. A mishap in your sentence structure or poor choice of words can imply you are rude and disrespectful, even if that was never your intention. You could also go further by greeting kaale sa (sir) or kaale ma when greeting elders or older people. culture. Yoruba native speakers: 50 million (2020). E ku ishe o (most appropriate for greeting someone who is busy with something). Copyright 2022 Gistah. Dotun Sanusi and Concerned Yoruba Muslim Scholars in Nigeria have felicitated the . Greet translate to Yoruba meanings: k.In other words, k in Yoruba is Greet in English.Click to pronunce. June 30, 2019 Posted by David Education, Yoruba Language Lessons and Resources. In most situations, it is the first person to see that There is no occasion that does not have its distinct and peculiar greeting. If you have ever had an opportunity to live around Yoruba people as a non-Yoruba individual, chances are that you probably would have noticed how unbelievable the Yoruba people greet themselves in a day and even you. Yoruba has greetings for different occasions. of deference, to refer to a single older or senior person. In addition, different states of health have Christianity is one of the most widely practiced religion in the world. k. pronouns in addressing or in referring to an older person or senior. he makes enquiry about the state of their health, work, and even progress. In normal speech Yoruba speakers drop one vowel in an environment when one word ends with a vole and the other begins with a vowel. They are majorly sojourned and found in southwest region of Nigeria. In this process, Click audio icon to pronounce Greet in Yoruba:: The standard way to write "Greet" in Yoruba is: k. For days and seasons, there are greetings for very early morning, Learn more 40. E ku ikale o (most appropriate for greeting someone whos sitting down or relaxed). It should not be used towards an older or elderly person as it would be considered disrespect. (For elderly people, say "E pele ma" or "E pele sir"). on. Firstly, you must understand that the Yoruba people are a highly cultural and respectful people. It is spoken primarily by the Yoruba ethnic group of Nigeria and in some parts of the world, namely Cuba where it is referred to as Anag and Lucum. In this post, we have carefully compiled a list of Yoruba greeting words, how to pronounce them (for non-Yoruba speakers) and when to use these greetings. When one is greeting an older person, it is necessary to use the honorific pronoun ' ' to show respect. We participate in marketing programs, our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions. greeting, whenever it is required can be the beginning of an age long n l' is a common expression used in Nigeria's far east. Where eku is used, it is assumed you accord respect to the other person, supposedly the listener out of respect for their age or acknowledge they are older. E pele o. The Yoruba culture runs very deep and the people are undoubtedly the most hospitable people in Nigeria. In the past Yoruba male children will greet their elders by laying down on the ground in front of their parent/elders and female will kneel on both knees with her . E nle o. To find out more, please visit our Term and Conditions page. This video teaches how to greet a bereaved family depending on whether it is a young person or an old person who is deceased. It is important that you use these greetings at the right because you dont want to sound weird and funny around native Yoruba speakers. Their Uses Explained, Share This Post On WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Telegram. The number of Yoruba speakers is estimated at between 45 and 55 million. This opportunity of early morning greetings is also used acquainting himself Ku ijoko/ ku ijoko A greeting usually used when people are seated or gathered. in the present Republic of Sierra Leone at the beginning of 19th Have a wonderful experience learning the Yoruba language, Since culture is said to be a way of life of a group of people same could be said for greeting because basically in anything or everything we do as Yorubas we greet. countless. Ek'aro: Good afternoon! Young ladies . However, most of these greetings are not included in the general Yoruba language greeting catalogue as they are mostly circumstantial. After the elision n becomes l before vowels e, o, , , a. . You could also go further by greeting kaabo sa (sir) or kaabo ma when greeting elders or older people. Every tribe has its own unique language with its unique means of communication. For example, there is a greeting for discomfort, cold, heat, fine weather, etc., the list is endless. This act of learning how to properly greet is often described as part of what is known as character building (what we the Yorubas call k). They, then, between three to five minutes. It helps you to become a better listener. E kaaro o meaning good morning (Say E kaaro ma/sir to elders). Yoruba Translation. Ku ise/ ku ise A greeting usually used when people are busy or working. Yoruba vocabulary is also used in the Afro-Brazilian religion known as Candombl, in the Caribbean religion of Santera in the form of the liturgical Lucum language and various Afro-American religions of North America. E kaabo: which means welcome (this is used when entering a place especially home and people meet people inside). It is forbidden for the younger ones to look Read on. Prayers, Orks (eulogy) and also reciprocating greetings are said by the elderly person, afterwards the elder will instruct the male or female child to get up but with the advent of civilization, these traditional ways of dbl and knl has been modified as most times the male child only has to take a bow in greeting older people while the female can just flex her knees (without touching the ground). Want to learn how to say hello in Yoruba? century were known and called Aku which is the prefix that is attached to all The following greetings can be used at any time of the day to greet someone hello in Yoruba language: The following greetings are used specifically at certain times of the day to greet people in Yoruba language: I hope this helps. n l means hello in this part of Nigeria. In the process of greeting, The honorific pronouns include: E You (plural), won they/them instance, there are different types of greetings for deaths that are considered Kaasan should only be used if you are greeting someone your age or one you know you are older than while kaasan should only be used when greeting elders. See more about Yoruba language in here.. Yoruba /jrb/ (Yor. Further in this article, we will take a look at: how to say hello in Yoruba language. Why Is Bitcoin the Most Important Cryptocurrency? ones are on their knees or prostrating (as the case may be) the elders will be Show more Try YouTube Kids Learn more Comments are turned off. Ku iro le should only be used if you are greeting someone your age or one you know you are older than while ku iro le should only be used when greeting elders. Time-specific Yoruba greetings: These Yoruba greetings are used only specific times of the day such as morning, afternoon or at night: Non-time specific Yoruba greetings: These Yoruba greetings can be used at any time of day but when people are engaged or working: Below are Yoruba words commonly used for greetings and their meanings: Usually, Yoruba people have greetings practically for every event or circumstance. and yin you (plural)., Kaaro of the older ones. into the eyes of the older ones in the process of greeting. IleOduduwa Yoruba Greetings and Self Introduction. 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Where ku is used, it is assumed the listener is your age mate or younger. Kaaro should only be used if you are greeting someone your age or one you know you are older than while kaaro should only be used when greeting elders. Greeting is very vital to communication and community life among the Yoruba Kaabo/ kaabo Means Welcome. hostilities can continue. E kaale o meaning good evening used at night time, after 7pm onwards (say E kaale ma/sir to elders). child or an adult who wakes up in the morning, meet people on their way, and do

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how to greet in yoruba