difference between alocasia and philodendronpa traffic cameras interstate 81

13 Amazing Alocasia Varieties You Will Love - Smart Garden Guide VARIEGATED FORMS: White, Yellow. Waiting until the soil partly dries also helps to prevent problems with fungus gnats. This is another small-growing Alocasia variety, with leaves reaching a maximum of 8 inches, while the plant growing to around 16 inches tall. Unlike fast-growing Philodendron climbers, this upright variety grows slowly. It has a unique peach-pink variegated foliage, and each leaf is unique in shape. While most people dont even have a house big enough to keep them inside, they work wonderfully in the garden as a focal point or to bring more greenery to a tropical-themed garden. This Alocasia variety is native to the Philippines. Although Philodendrons and Anthuriums belong to the same family, Araceae, they're classified as different genera. Monstera vs Philodendron: Is a Monstera a Philodendron? With too little light, the plant can grow lopsided or even leggy. Of all the houseplant varieties available in the UK, there are two that are loved by experts and novices alike: thePhilodendronand theAlocasia. The rare type of variegation changes from leaf to leaf and can even change color. Many people will likely think this is a fake plant because of how thick the leaves are it can sometimes look like plastic or cardboard. 14 Philodendron Types with Pictures and Care Guide - Leafy Place Because of its manageable size the plant rarely ever gets taller than 20 inches its suitable for growing even in terrariums, where the warmth and high humidity will make this plant thrive. How to care for philodendron plants: Grow Philodendron plants in well-draining soil, a bright indoor location, and water whenever the top 1 (2.5 cm) of soil is dry. The lacy tree Philodendron also has deeply lobed leaves that are large, shiny, and waxy. Another name for this Philodendron is sweetheart plant, and it is also botanically known as Philodendron scandens. Greenery Unlimited | Bacterial and Fungal Leaf Spot Anthurium vs Philodendron - Similarities, Differences and More! I earn a commission if you make a purchase through my referral links. Alocasia zebrina generally likes average room temperature. Sexual reproduction of the Philodendron is carried out strictly by beetles who handle all the pollination. Be careful about direct sun exposure as well as the gentle leaves of the Cucullata can easily get scorched. The ideal temperature range for Tiger Alocasia is between 64F and 82F (18C - 28C). This plant will add elegance and glamour to your home. The Xanadu features smooth leaves and possesses a silk-like reflective surface while also having symmetrical lobes up to 16 inches (40 cm) long and 12 inches (30 cm) wide. Both of these plants would make fantastic additions to any houseplant collection, and all indoor gardeners should consider both, but which one you choose will ultimately depend on if you can support the plants needs. Once they come out of dormancy in the spring season, it is the best time to propagate these plants. Alocasias, commonly called Elephant Ears, are kept as both a house plant and an outdoor plant, particularly in areas with year-round warm weather. Due to the rarity of this plant, it is highly sought after and can be quite . Fertilize once a month during the growing season and prune in the spring. Last updated: November 4, 2022 | Fertilize your Philodendron plants once a month during the growing seasonspring and summer. The plant is a beautiful decoration and requires moderate care to thrive. But be careful, Alocasias are poisonous and are best kept away from pets and kids. Fungal bodies may appear as black dots in the spots, either in rings or in a central cluster. This fast-growing houseplant also has reddish colors on the underside of the leaves. Both species of Philodendron are from the same speciesP. Despite its nickname, this variety of Alocasia doesnt have that fuzzy, velvet appearance. Is an Alocasia a philodendron? Along with the plant descriptions and pictures, scientific names will help identify each species of Philodendron. It usually reaches a height of 3 feet and a width between 3-5 feet. Also called the velvet-leaf Philodendron, the Micans plant is a trailing vine with heart-shaped leaves. ALOCASIA 'AMAZONICA' Aroidpedia Giant Alocasia taros are one of the biggest and fastest growing amongst the Alocasia genus. Alocasias pair really well with Monstera Deliciosa for a tropical feel in your home. Once the leaves fully unfurl, the cataphylls tend to stay on the leaf, just . Alocasia plants are a collection of tuberous or rhizomatous perennial plants that are flowering in nature. This lovely houseplant is a bit more rare compared to other more mainstream plants, but it's quite beautiful, and can be a wonderful addition to an indoor garden. Image: Flickr. They are an incredibly vibrant green contrasted by pale cream-colored veins on each leaf. Philodendron Strawberry Shake - Brian's Botanicals This type of Philodendron can be grown as a hanging plant or climbing plant. As the lacy tree Philodendron (Philodendron Selloum) grows and matures, its leaves become huge and start drooping. so adding some small bark/coir chips and perlite to houseplant soil will be good. This Alocasia variety is the perfect example of the wide range of choices when it comes to Alocasia plants. In fact, there is often much confusion over how to tell the difference between Pothos (Epipremnum) and some very similar looking plants in the Philodendron genus. Ideally a position near a sunny window, but out of direct contact with the suns rays is ideal. Contrasting to the metallic and shiny leaves of the cuprea, the Alocasia micholitziana has soft velvet foliage. A few tell-tale differences between pothos and philodendrons are the overall shape and texture of the leaves. As mentioned, these huge plants can grow up to 15 feet tall. But, you can put your plant anywhere you want. The Nigra plant, also referred to as the black metallic taro, is a subtle monochromatic plant with a lovely dark green color. The Philodendron White Knight is one of the rarest philodendrons with dark green and white variegated leaves. Fertilize once a month during the growing season and prune in the spring. Keep reading this article to find out the 51 most beautiful philodendron varieties in the world today. Philodendron | Description, Major Species, & Facts | Britannica The big lacy tree Philodendron is also called lacy leaf Philodendron, split-leaf Philodendron, Horsehead Philodendron, Cut-Leaf Philodendron, or Fiddle-leaf Philodendron. This is a water water-loving plant species and should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. They are a very popular houseplant, due to their low maintenance nature, and their beautiful leaves. These leaves have jagged, long teeth and are narrow and skinny. Each of them has arrow-shaped (rather large) leaves, boast similar-looking flowers, and they are all critter-resistant. care on most sites: keep it moist, it likes water. The large and hardier Alocasia are perfect for beginner to intermediate gardeners, like the taro or the portodora. Outside of their natural habitat, these plants will do great in greenhouses but also in indoor living spaces if you can maintain an optimal environment. This is probably one of the most defining features you can immediately tell if either one is an Alocasia or a Giant Philodendron. However, variegated Philodendron plants need bright, filtered light. The leaves can grow to be several inches in length or just a few centimeters, adding some variety to the plant. What is the difference between Socks and Proxy? As Caladiums are tubers (new growth comes from a tube as opposed to a node on a vine), Caladiums do not grow to be very tall. If you want something with a classic and healthy look, this lovely green plant is an excellent addition to your collection. What is the common name of alocasia Sanderiana? Due to this familial connection, they share many common features but they are different plants. Alocasia's cataphylls stay on the stem, while a Giant Philodendron's cataphylls dry and fall off. Also known by the n ame Pink Princess, it's the most adorable variety of philodendron. You will rarely find it in wild. The undersides of the leaves are also interesting, sporting a reddish color that only adds to the appeal of this plant. In lower light conditions the leaves will be more vibrant. The stems grow very high and hold their large leaves in a horizontal manner that creates a sort of umbrella. This variety appreciates high humidity, so make sure you keep the air around moist if you keep it indoors. The patterns can vary from very light structures between veins or even over the veins. Some leaves have even been reported to grow over 3-feet long. Sun Exposure: Indirect sunlight. The mission of the International Aroid Society is to provide information, assist in . Alocasia plants are varied with interesting features and relatively easy-to-meet care requirements. If you choose to purchase using these links, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. The leaves have a wavy edge but still maintain the general heart shape characteristic of Alocasia. ). Garden Center. Alocasias are typically grown for their prominent, elephant ear-like appearance. The clumping plant doesnt grow long trailing vines. As a native to Thailand and Laos, the plant enjoys warmth and humidity. Other Philodendron types grow upright and have large split or deeply-lobed leaves. In the Reversa this pattern is reversed. Leaf Color. If you love unique and rare plants, include this silver plant on your must-have list. Philodendron Gloriosum Care - #1 Best Guide - Plantophiles If you love types of Alocasia with an exotic look, the Yucatan Princess delivers a tropical feeling that youll be obsessed with. Because of the different-sized leaves, a well-grown hooded dwarf will start to look like a small and flourishing bush. 18 Alocasia Varieties | Elephant Ear Plant Types & Their Care 3. is that "philodendron" is any of several climbing plants, of the genus Philodendron, native to America and the West Indies that are often grown as house plants and "alocasia" is any of several tropical Asian plants, of the genus Alocasia, having heart- or arrowhead-shaped leaves. The leaves get up to 10 in (25 cm) long. The odd shape and texture make it popular among those that love an unusual tropical plant. Feed your Philodendron in the spring and again in mid summer with a liquid house plant fertilizer. The sometimes beautiful and sometimes bizarre combination of spathe and spadix known as the inflorescence, and sometimes referred to as a flower, is a distinguishing feature of all aroids. The edges of the leaves have a white wavy border and a split at the top of the leaves, emphasizing their arrow shape. Its hard not to be mesmerized by this striking variety of Alocasia. The corm of colocasia has a less rounded shape. The undersides of the leaves are maroon. If you want to grow this type of Philodendron indoors, youll need to have plenty of space. An Alocasia type with high ornamental value, the Lauterbachiana features long and narrow leaves with wavy edges. The plant can usually only maintain two or three leaves at once, but they are large and noticeable in a sea of green plants. Alocasia tubers are smaller, thin, and plain without prominent stripes or eyes. 1 Alocasia Variegated Variegata White Green Plant Elephant Ear - eBay A philodendron, on the . They have large greenish-blue leaves that grow between 10 and 20 inches long. Also known as the Buddha hands plant, the Alocasia cucullata is a fast-growing variety of Alocasia that will sprout in your garden in no time. Its important to check under the leaves for white dots or webbing. Philodendron Strawberry Shake is an older hybrid with highly variegated foliage with red petioles and green foliage with yellow, pink and orange variegation. The Polly plant reminds some of the traditional African mask patterns because of the adorned leaves with ribs in a light green white. Place this mixture in a pots, beds or garden and plant your alocasia. Adapting your environment to these conditions can always be done, and ultimately shouldnt deter you from trying to bring either of these fantastic plants into your home. In contrast to what the "Amazonica" epithet suggests, the plant does not originate from the Amazon jungle or region, as Alocasia is strictly an Asian genus . As the name implies, this flowering bush has a strong, sweet fragrance. The plant does particularly well when located near a water source like a small pond, so if you have one in your backyard, this plant will thrive. It has large glossy leaves in bright green. While their original form is endangered, the houseplant variety is trendy. While this plant is just one color, the deep grooves and texture of the plant give a geometric look and an oomph to the overall feel of the plant. The plant features green, glossy leaves and enjoys bright, indirect light and evenly moist soil. Philodendron Atabapoense has dark green leaves on the upper surface, and its undersides are slightly paler. Alocasia melo has a striking appearance with its deep dark oval leaves with a distinct point at the end of each one. One of the best examples of an upright, non-climbing, indoor type of Philodendron is the Xanadu cultivar. Anthurium vs Philodendron - What are the Differences. This guide will help you to choose which of these plants is best for you and provide you with some care tips and tricks for each. It's called "heart leaf" for a reason! I'm not sure about the size difference, odora can get pretty big too. New leaves grow as sunny-yellow leaves that gradually darken as they age. The leaves have a red underside which is easily seen because Alocasia tips and leaves face upwards. In fall I cut back the foliage to 6", wrestle the one gallon container out of the ground or big pot (not always easy), hose off the one gallon containers and I have shelving . For more information on how tocare for your Philodendron plants, please read our full guide. Alocasia varieties need shade to full sunlight depending on the variety. Houseplant Fertilizers: The Best Indoor Plant Fertilizers (Reviewed and Compared), Calathea Orbifolia Care and Growing Guide (With Pictures), Pothos Plant Care: How to Grow Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum, Devils Ivy), The Best Hanging Flower Basket Ideas (With Pictures and Plant Care Guide), 14 Philodendron Types with Pictures and Care Guide, plants that are suitable for low-light conditions, helps to prevent problems with fungus gnats, Tall and Large Indoor Plants for Homes and Offices, How Often and How Much to Water Houseplants. A sheer curtain between the window and the plant can help block out the harshest rays if needed. However, the true Pink Princess has natural leaf variegation that will last as long as the plant does. The nickname, Elephant Ear, applies to several other genera of plants, such as Alocasia, Colocasia, and Xanthosoma. Difference Between Alocasia and Colocasia The lacy tree Philodendron looks similar to the Xanadu plantand theres a good reason for that. So, try not to keep this plant in too dry of a climate if you want it to grow well. Both plants are prized for their gorgeous displays that can be maintained with little care and maintenance. Monsteras vs. Philodendrons: What's the Difference? The leaves of this Alocasia are velvety, with silvery white veins and medium to dark green leaves. That being said, there are certainly some differences between the two genera as well. This Alocasia variety can be recognized for its funky, striped, purple, and green stem. They are, however, a lot less forgiving of overwatering which makes them susceptible to fungal infections and common pests. The name blushing comes from the reddish-purple underside of the large Philodendron leaves. Philodendron Selloum Vs Xanadu: Major Differences - GardeningBank Hardiness Zone: 9+. Monstera vs Philodendron: What's the Difference? - Sprouting Indoors 15 Types of Alocasia Plants - Rare & Popular Varieties - Plant Index Why You Built Like That Comeback, Stevie Smith Motorcycle Accident, Articles D
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13 Amazing Alocasia Varieties You Will Love - Smart Garden Guide VARIEGATED FORMS: White, Yellow. Waiting until the soil partly dries also helps to prevent problems with fungus gnats. This is another small-growing Alocasia variety, with leaves reaching a maximum of 8 inches, while the plant growing to around 16 inches tall. Unlike fast-growing Philodendron climbers, this upright variety grows slowly. It has a unique peach-pink variegated foliage, and each leaf is unique in shape. While most people dont even have a house big enough to keep them inside, they work wonderfully in the garden as a focal point or to bring more greenery to a tropical-themed garden. This Alocasia variety is native to the Philippines. Although Philodendrons and Anthuriums belong to the same family, Araceae, they're classified as different genera. Monstera vs Philodendron: Is a Monstera a Philodendron? With too little light, the plant can grow lopsided or even leggy. Of all the houseplant varieties available in the UK, there are two that are loved by experts and novices alike: thePhilodendronand theAlocasia. The rare type of variegation changes from leaf to leaf and can even change color. Many people will likely think this is a fake plant because of how thick the leaves are it can sometimes look like plastic or cardboard. 14 Philodendron Types with Pictures and Care Guide - Leafy Place Because of its manageable size the plant rarely ever gets taller than 20 inches its suitable for growing even in terrariums, where the warmth and high humidity will make this plant thrive. How to care for philodendron plants: Grow Philodendron plants in well-draining soil, a bright indoor location, and water whenever the top 1 (2.5 cm) of soil is dry. The lacy tree Philodendron also has deeply lobed leaves that are large, shiny, and waxy. Another name for this Philodendron is sweetheart plant, and it is also botanically known as Philodendron scandens. Greenery Unlimited | Bacterial and Fungal Leaf Spot Anthurium vs Philodendron - Similarities, Differences and More! I earn a commission if you make a purchase through my referral links. Alocasia zebrina generally likes average room temperature. Sexual reproduction of the Philodendron is carried out strictly by beetles who handle all the pollination. Be careful about direct sun exposure as well as the gentle leaves of the Cucullata can easily get scorched. The ideal temperature range for Tiger Alocasia is between 64F and 82F (18C - 28C). This plant will add elegance and glamour to your home. The Xanadu features smooth leaves and possesses a silk-like reflective surface while also having symmetrical lobes up to 16 inches (40 cm) long and 12 inches (30 cm) wide. Both of these plants would make fantastic additions to any houseplant collection, and all indoor gardeners should consider both, but which one you choose will ultimately depend on if you can support the plants needs. Once they come out of dormancy in the spring season, it is the best time to propagate these plants. Alocasias, commonly called Elephant Ears, are kept as both a house plant and an outdoor plant, particularly in areas with year-round warm weather. Due to the rarity of this plant, it is highly sought after and can be quite . Fertilize once a month during the growing season and prune in the spring. Last updated: November 4, 2022 | Fertilize your Philodendron plants once a month during the growing seasonspring and summer. The plant is a beautiful decoration and requires moderate care to thrive. But be careful, Alocasias are poisonous and are best kept away from pets and kids. Fungal bodies may appear as black dots in the spots, either in rings or in a central cluster. This fast-growing houseplant also has reddish colors on the underside of the leaves. Both species of Philodendron are from the same speciesP. Despite its nickname, this variety of Alocasia doesnt have that fuzzy, velvet appearance. Is an Alocasia a philodendron? Along with the plant descriptions and pictures, scientific names will help identify each species of Philodendron. It usually reaches a height of 3 feet and a width between 3-5 feet. Also called the velvet-leaf Philodendron, the Micans plant is a trailing vine with heart-shaped leaves. ALOCASIA 'AMAZONICA' Aroidpedia Giant Alocasia taros are one of the biggest and fastest growing amongst the Alocasia genus. Alocasias pair really well with Monstera Deliciosa for a tropical feel in your home. Once the leaves fully unfurl, the cataphylls tend to stay on the leaf, just . Alocasia plants are a collection of tuberous or rhizomatous perennial plants that are flowering in nature. This lovely houseplant is a bit more rare compared to other more mainstream plants, but it's quite beautiful, and can be a wonderful addition to an indoor garden. Image: Flickr. They are an incredibly vibrant green contrasted by pale cream-colored veins on each leaf. Philodendron Strawberry Shake - Brian's Botanicals This type of Philodendron can be grown as a hanging plant or climbing plant. As the lacy tree Philodendron (Philodendron Selloum) grows and matures, its leaves become huge and start drooping. so adding some small bark/coir chips and perlite to houseplant soil will be good. This Alocasia variety is the perfect example of the wide range of choices when it comes to Alocasia plants. In fact, there is often much confusion over how to tell the difference between Pothos (Epipremnum) and some very similar looking plants in the Philodendron genus. Ideally a position near a sunny window, but out of direct contact with the suns rays is ideal. Contrasting to the metallic and shiny leaves of the cuprea, the Alocasia micholitziana has soft velvet foliage. A few tell-tale differences between pothos and philodendrons are the overall shape and texture of the leaves. As mentioned, these huge plants can grow up to 15 feet tall. But, you can put your plant anywhere you want. The Nigra plant, also referred to as the black metallic taro, is a subtle monochromatic plant with a lovely dark green color. The Philodendron White Knight is one of the rarest philodendrons with dark green and white variegated leaves. Fertilize once a month during the growing season and prune in the spring. Keep reading this article to find out the 51 most beautiful philodendron varieties in the world today. Philodendron | Description, Major Species, & Facts | Britannica The big lacy tree Philodendron is also called lacy leaf Philodendron, split-leaf Philodendron, Horsehead Philodendron, Cut-Leaf Philodendron, or Fiddle-leaf Philodendron. This is a water water-loving plant species and should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. They are a very popular houseplant, due to their low maintenance nature, and their beautiful leaves. These leaves have jagged, long teeth and are narrow and skinny. Each of them has arrow-shaped (rather large) leaves, boast similar-looking flowers, and they are all critter-resistant. care on most sites: keep it moist, it likes water. The large and hardier Alocasia are perfect for beginner to intermediate gardeners, like the taro or the portodora. Outside of their natural habitat, these plants will do great in greenhouses but also in indoor living spaces if you can maintain an optimal environment. This is probably one of the most defining features you can immediately tell if either one is an Alocasia or a Giant Philodendron. However, variegated Philodendron plants need bright, filtered light. The leaves can grow to be several inches in length or just a few centimeters, adding some variety to the plant. What is the difference between Socks and Proxy? As Caladiums are tubers (new growth comes from a tube as opposed to a node on a vine), Caladiums do not grow to be very tall. If you want something with a classic and healthy look, this lovely green plant is an excellent addition to your collection. What is the common name of alocasia Sanderiana? Due to this familial connection, they share many common features but they are different plants. Alocasia's cataphylls stay on the stem, while a Giant Philodendron's cataphylls dry and fall off. Also known by the n ame Pink Princess, it's the most adorable variety of philodendron. You will rarely find it in wild. The undersides of the leaves are also interesting, sporting a reddish color that only adds to the appeal of this plant. In lower light conditions the leaves will be more vibrant. The stems grow very high and hold their large leaves in a horizontal manner that creates a sort of umbrella. This variety appreciates high humidity, so make sure you keep the air around moist if you keep it indoors. The patterns can vary from very light structures between veins or even over the veins. Some leaves have even been reported to grow over 3-feet long. Sun Exposure: Indirect sunlight. The mission of the International Aroid Society is to provide information, assist in . Alocasia plants are varied with interesting features and relatively easy-to-meet care requirements. If you choose to purchase using these links, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. The leaves have a wavy edge but still maintain the general heart shape characteristic of Alocasia. ). Garden Center. Alocasias are typically grown for their prominent, elephant ear-like appearance. The clumping plant doesnt grow long trailing vines. As a native to Thailand and Laos, the plant enjoys warmth and humidity. Other Philodendron types grow upright and have large split or deeply-lobed leaves. In the Reversa this pattern is reversed. Leaf Color. If you love unique and rare plants, include this silver plant on your must-have list. Philodendron Gloriosum Care - #1 Best Guide - Plantophiles If you love types of Alocasia with an exotic look, the Yucatan Princess delivers a tropical feeling that youll be obsessed with. Because of the different-sized leaves, a well-grown hooded dwarf will start to look like a small and flourishing bush. 18 Alocasia Varieties | Elephant Ear Plant Types & Their Care 3. is that "philodendron" is any of several climbing plants, of the genus Philodendron, native to America and the West Indies that are often grown as house plants and "alocasia" is any of several tropical Asian plants, of the genus Alocasia, having heart- or arrowhead-shaped leaves. The leaves get up to 10 in (25 cm) long. The odd shape and texture make it popular among those that love an unusual tropical plant. Feed your Philodendron in the spring and again in mid summer with a liquid house plant fertilizer. The sometimes beautiful and sometimes bizarre combination of spathe and spadix known as the inflorescence, and sometimes referred to as a flower, is a distinguishing feature of all aroids. The edges of the leaves have a white wavy border and a split at the top of the leaves, emphasizing their arrow shape. Its hard not to be mesmerized by this striking variety of Alocasia. The corm of colocasia has a less rounded shape. The undersides of the leaves are maroon. If you want to grow this type of Philodendron indoors, youll need to have plenty of space. An Alocasia type with high ornamental value, the Lauterbachiana features long and narrow leaves with wavy edges. The plant can usually only maintain two or three leaves at once, but they are large and noticeable in a sea of green plants. Alocasia tubers are smaller, thin, and plain without prominent stripes or eyes. 1 Alocasia Variegated Variegata White Green Plant Elephant Ear - eBay A philodendron, on the . They have large greenish-blue leaves that grow between 10 and 20 inches long. Also known as the Buddha hands plant, the Alocasia cucullata is a fast-growing variety of Alocasia that will sprout in your garden in no time. Its important to check under the leaves for white dots or webbing. Philodendron Strawberry Shake is an older hybrid with highly variegated foliage with red petioles and green foliage with yellow, pink and orange variegation. The Polly plant reminds some of the traditional African mask patterns because of the adorned leaves with ribs in a light green white. Place this mixture in a pots, beds or garden and plant your alocasia. Adapting your environment to these conditions can always be done, and ultimately shouldnt deter you from trying to bring either of these fantastic plants into your home. In contrast to what the "Amazonica" epithet suggests, the plant does not originate from the Amazon jungle or region, as Alocasia is strictly an Asian genus . As the name implies, this flowering bush has a strong, sweet fragrance. The plant does particularly well when located near a water source like a small pond, so if you have one in your backyard, this plant will thrive. It has large glossy leaves in bright green. While their original form is endangered, the houseplant variety is trendy. While this plant is just one color, the deep grooves and texture of the plant give a geometric look and an oomph to the overall feel of the plant. The plant features green, glossy leaves and enjoys bright, indirect light and evenly moist soil. Philodendron Atabapoense has dark green leaves on the upper surface, and its undersides are slightly paler. Alocasia melo has a striking appearance with its deep dark oval leaves with a distinct point at the end of each one. One of the best examples of an upright, non-climbing, indoor type of Philodendron is the Xanadu cultivar. Anthurium vs Philodendron - What are the Differences. This guide will help you to choose which of these plants is best for you and provide you with some care tips and tricks for each. It's called "heart leaf" for a reason! I'm not sure about the size difference, odora can get pretty big too. New leaves grow as sunny-yellow leaves that gradually darken as they age. The leaves have a red underside which is easily seen because Alocasia tips and leaves face upwards. In fall I cut back the foliage to 6", wrestle the one gallon container out of the ground or big pot (not always easy), hose off the one gallon containers and I have shelving . For more information on how tocare for your Philodendron plants, please read our full guide. Alocasia varieties need shade to full sunlight depending on the variety. Houseplant Fertilizers: The Best Indoor Plant Fertilizers (Reviewed and Compared), Calathea Orbifolia Care and Growing Guide (With Pictures), Pothos Plant Care: How to Grow Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum, Devils Ivy), The Best Hanging Flower Basket Ideas (With Pictures and Plant Care Guide), 14 Philodendron Types with Pictures and Care Guide, plants that are suitable for low-light conditions, helps to prevent problems with fungus gnats, Tall and Large Indoor Plants for Homes and Offices, How Often and How Much to Water Houseplants. A sheer curtain between the window and the plant can help block out the harshest rays if needed. However, the true Pink Princess has natural leaf variegation that will last as long as the plant does. The nickname, Elephant Ear, applies to several other genera of plants, such as Alocasia, Colocasia, and Xanthosoma. Difference Between Alocasia and Colocasia The lacy tree Philodendron looks similar to the Xanadu plantand theres a good reason for that. So, try not to keep this plant in too dry of a climate if you want it to grow well. Both plants are prized for their gorgeous displays that can be maintained with little care and maintenance. Monsteras vs. Philodendrons: What's the Difference? The leaves of this Alocasia are velvety, with silvery white veins and medium to dark green leaves. That being said, there are certainly some differences between the two genera as well. This Alocasia variety can be recognized for its funky, striped, purple, and green stem. They are, however, a lot less forgiving of overwatering which makes them susceptible to fungal infections and common pests. The name blushing comes from the reddish-purple underside of the large Philodendron leaves. Philodendron Selloum Vs Xanadu: Major Differences - GardeningBank Hardiness Zone: 9+. Monstera vs Philodendron: What's the Difference? - Sprouting Indoors 15 Types of Alocasia Plants - Rare & Popular Varieties - Plant Index

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difference between alocasia and philodendron