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Here's how Sheriff Pat Garrett related his side of the story. I might not pardon him. Ethan Hawke and Dane DeHaan ride tall in Vincent DOnofrios fresh take on the saga of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. In 2008, for instance, Bonham sold Billy's gun for $64,350. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. This man was Billy; he was lounging around the orchard at the same time the lawmen entered. At the same time he served as a deputy U.S. marshal. Maxwell lit a candle to illuminate the room and the body of Billy the Kid lay motionless, with Garretts bullet lodged in his heart. The two men knew each other and had socialized with one another; it might be a stretch to call them friends. The pardon was on behalf of the killing of Sherriff William Brady in 1878. Originally published in the August 2006 issue of American History. These absences got longer and more common as McCartys mother got sick with tuberculosis and became more dependent on the men in her family to look after her. On the night ofJuly 14, 1881, Sheriff Pat Garrett gunned down outlaw Billy the Kid in Fort Sumner. We approached these houses cautiously, and when within earshot, heard the sound of voices conversing in Spanish. The picture is the only known photo of the Regulators gang all together. *Source: Texas State Historical Association. About two months later with no amnesty forthcoming, Billy realized hed been had and they were going to hang him instead. Billy had numerous friends and people sympathetic to his plight at the Fort, so the lawmen found it difficult to extract any information. Billy the Kid He moved in with an El Paso prostitute; when Curry learned of Garretts situation, he withdrew his offer. I walked to the head of the bed and sat down on it, beside him, near the pillow. He never spoke. Richardson appointed Charles Daniels to the state Supreme Court, whom McGinn is married to. In July, Garrett rode to Fort Sumner and learned the Kid was staying with the same Pedro Maxwell who had employed Garrett when he first arrived in New Mexico. Did Billy the Kid Cheat Death and Live on as 'Brushy Bill'? Garrett then supposedly shot McCarty dead. The comments below have not been moderated. A year after pulling the trigger, Pat Garrett wrote and published an account of what happened that night, and you can find that account here. Billy the Kid was born Henry McCarty to Irish immigrants in New York City around 1859. On July 12, 1898, Garrett and his men encountered Oliver M. Lee and James Gililland at Wildy Well near Orogrande, Texas. Garrett is the man who eventually killed Billy the Kid, born as Henry McCarty. Billy the Kid then stayed off the radar until January 1880, when he was drinking in a bar near Santa Fe. Garrett succeeded in capturing Billy the Kid and a few other outlaws at Stinking Springs on December 23, 1880. McCartys new stepfather was a part-time prospector who frequently went off on extended trips. Roberts died a month later, and neither Billy the Kid nor Brushy Bill Roberts ever received a pardon. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. It was a game of two, Billy said, and I got there first.. Web2013-08-26 To Hell on a Fast Horse: Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, and the Epic Chase to Justice in the Old West ; 2013-08-24 To Hell on a Fast Horse: Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, and the Epic Chase to Justice in the Old West ; 2013-08-17 The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid ; 2012-03-25 Michael Flynn - The January Dancer They are personal things, and things that make complete sense for him to be upset about if his story was true.. Brushy Bill Roberts, who died in 1950, claimed that he was the Kid. What prompted this last minute decision? Were not trying to deceive anyone. One of two confirmed photographs of Billy the Kid (left), playing croquet in New Mexico, 1878. At this point also calling himself William Bonney, he took up honest work as a cowboy for a rancher in Lincoln County named John Tunstall. Those who oppose the pardon argue that there is no proof that Governor Wallace ever offered one; he may have simply tricked Kid in to offering up information. A handwriting expert in Texas compared a signature from Garrett on the photo with ten documents with his known handwriting. The image could be the last known picture of Billy the Kid, who was born Henry McCarty. And when it was stolen in 1981 and then quickly recovered in Florida, New Mexicos governor had it flown back home. Lew Wallaces descendant William Wallace argues that pardoning Billy the Kid would, declare Lew Wallace to have been a dishonorable liar. He was sentenced to hang and was then transferred to the courthouse and jail in Lincoln, but on April 28, 1881, he killed deputies James Bell and Robert Olinger and escaped. The man who had leased the ranch, Wayne Brazel, alleged that Garrett had drawn a gun on him and that the killing was self-defense. He was high-spirited and, as his notoriety grew, so did his cockiness. Billy was sentenced to hang on April 13, 1881; the judge set his execution day for May 13. Garrett became involved again when he heard a tip that the Kid was hiding out in the Fort. Either way, Billy sensed that trouble was coming and decided to head it off at the pass. History tells us that the outlaw known as Billy the Kid (aka Henry McCarty, aka William Bonney) was gunned downat the ripe old age of 21by Sheriff Pat Biggest diamond EVER sold at auction sells Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, 'Vindication': Georgia Harrison on ex Stephen Bear's sentencing, Incredible footage of Ukrainian soldiers fighting Russians in Bakhmut, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' But surely even the man who shot charming, murderous Billy the Kid deserved a better end than a bullet while watering the desert. It was taken at the ranch of John Tunstall, an Englishman rancher who organized the gang to protect his properties against rivals, The photo, zoomed in to see Billy the Kid more closely, wasdiscovered in 2015 and has since been estimated to be worth $5 million. Four months later, Billy the Kid escaped just after his conviction for murder. Soon afterwards he was captured and shot by Lincoln County sheriff, Patrick Floyd Garrett in a sting operation. He escaped jail on April 28, however, killing two deputies, and remained at large until tracked down and ambushed by Garrett, who shot him dead on the evening of July 14 at the ranch home of Pete Maxwell. Adamson agreed to meet with Garrett and Brazel to iron out an agreement. This time however, he was sentenced to hang for the death of Sheriff Brady. That's when he recognized Garrett in the image. Mysteries of the Old West: Did Pat Garrett Kill Billy the Kid? He then bought a horse ranch, leased it, and became involved in a heated dispute over the lease. The two talked of this and that. But this time it was a U.S. Marshals Posse. For instance, Poe does not remember the significant incident at the peach orchard. In April 1878, the Regulators ambushed Brady and four of his deputies on a main street in Lincoln. Each landowner was supported by their own gang. He soon, however, hailed his friend, who was sleeping in the room, told him to get up and make some coffee, adding: Give me a butcher knife and I will go over to Petes and get some beef; Im hungry. The Mexican arose, handed him the knife, and the Kid, hatless and in his stocking-feet, started to Maxwells, which was but a few steps distant. Some of those in favor of Kids pardon have filed a petition, including defense attorney Randi McGinn who has offered to handle the case for free. reviews: Young Guns 2 Garrett succeeded in capturing Billy the Kid and a few other outlaws at Stinking Springs on December 23, 1880. But then they took him to the jail house Where they try to turn a man into a mouse. Pat Garrett | American lawman | Britannica President Roosevelt supported Garrett as complaints piled up and went so far as to invite him to a reunion for the Rough Riders in San Antonio in April of 1905. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. Ive just killed Pat Garrett! Deputy Lucero locked up Brazel, called for a coroners jury, and rode to the location of the murder. These qualities contributed to his image as both a notorious outlaw and a folk hero. The case dates back to 1881so why the New Years Eve deadline you may ask? Its now summer 1881. The first is that Garrett sat down down to speak with the homeowner when McCarty unexpectedly came in with his gun drawn, asking 'Who is it? See. Garrett and his men had received information that the outlaws were coming and set up an ambush. Billy the Kid convicted of murder Second Confirmed Photo of Billy the Kid Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973) - IMDb john chisum ranch map He states, Just think of all the good publicity New Mexico is receiving around the world on thisIts fun. He said that he had theories as to why McCarty would have taken a photo with the man who eventually killed him, pointing to the cigars as signs that Garrett and his lawmen were celebrating capturing McCarty. As they talked, Billy, said Garrett, "expressed no enmity towards me, but evinced respect and confidence in me acknowledging that I had only done my duty, without malice, and had treated him with marked leniency and kindness.". Following Billy the Kids death, the media turned him into a folk hero and made Garrett out to be the bad guy. Afterward, he moved even farther west to New Mexico Territory. Pat Garrett In July 1881 he tracked down and shot the escaped murderer Billy the Kid. A quick online search reveals more than 50 films in which Billy the Kid is either the main character or a secondary one. Pat Garrett, the sheriff of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, had been on the trail for months.In December 1880, he had brought in the infamous outlaw Billy the Brazels trial for the murder of Garrett lasted only one day, on May 4, 1909. Born Henry McCarty, he was the first of two boys raised by a small Irish Catholic family in New York City. He did, however, manage to escape from jail and go on the run. Billy Hathorn / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0), Carol M. Highsmith/Library of Congress/LC-DIG-highsm-29831. I wont put a price on it, quite frankly its priceless. And this was before McDonald's. Pat Garrett, the sheriff of Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory, had been on the trail for months. Billy became a fugitive. Ian Harvey is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News, Join 1000s of subscribers and receive the best Vintage News in your mailbox for FREE, When a dead woman woke up on her way to the graveyard in 1724, the law was rewritten, Roald Dahl, obsessed with Roma culture, worked in a traditional wagon turned writing shed, Police arrest a 72-year-old suburban grandfather suspected of being the Golden State Killer, Im not dead yet: some Buddhist monks followed self-mummification, Project Azorian: Howard Hughes secret mission, 1960s U.S. satellite that started transmitting again in 2013, The Walk of Shame in Game of Thrones historical inspiration, The only unsolved skyjacking case in U.S. history might have a break, Kurt Gdel became too paranoid to eat and died of starvation, Little Ease: One of the most feared torture devices in the Tower of London, The humble English girl who became Cora Pearl, Walt Disney softened the original Snow White story. Billy lights out for old Fort Sumner on the Pecos River, some 150 miles northeast of Lincoln. Another chance at a famous crime solving came after Colonel Albert Jennings Fountain and his eight-year-old son Henry vanished at White Sands, New Mexico, in 1896. It's my work, he'd say, and I do it for pay And when it's over I'd just as soon go on my way Up to some paradise Where the trout streams flow and the air is nice And ride a horse along a trail. Pat Garrett, the Garrett invited Tom Powers to go along and introduced Powers to the President as a prominent Texas cattleman; they sat for photographs with Roosevelt. Exactly how Billy the Kid was shot to death on July 14, 1881 has been the subject of widespread speculation. Thats him! Simultaneously the Kid must have seen, or felt, the presence of a third person at the head of the bed. Garretts friend George Curry was now the Territorial Governor of New Mexico and promised to appoint him as superintendent of the territorial prison at Santa Fe. After the cease fire, McCarty and most of the Regulators fled town, but they were followed by Garrett, who wanted to cash in on the bounty on McCarty's head. Historians say that this photo shows outlaw Billy the Kid, circled second from left, and Pat Garrett, circled far right, taken in 1880. The governor agreed and suggested that, for appearances sake, he should arrest Billy and lock him up in jail before taking his statement about the other murder. He added: 'People ask me all the time, what do you think its worth, what do you think its worth. Lets get the issue of imposters out of the way quickly. After making sure his siblings had homes with relatives, Pat headed west in 1869 and found work as a cowboy in Dallas for about six years. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Although the incident happened well over a century ago, it remains an intriguing mystery. Wow, a new Sam Peckinpah western! Circa 1879-1880. I now believe without a doubt that Billy the Kid was not killed by Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner. Quien es? (Whos that? This is the real story of Billy the Kid. He and Garrett went to court, and Brazel agreed to cancel his lease with Garrett providing he could sell his 1,200 goats. A tiny stone cabbage has a big backstory stretching from Beijings Forbidden City to Taipei's National Palace Museum. Its all just part of the areas mythology. The official version is that Garrett was shot and killed by Wayne Brazel, a cowboy involved in a leasing dispute with Garrett. Brazel said he shot Garrett in self-defense. He was tried and acquitted in a trial in which the only other known person at the scene of the shooting did not testify and the jury returned a verdict in 15 minutes.