crip knowledge why is the sky bluepa traffic cameras interstate 81

The Color Blue: Meaning and Color Psychology - Verywell Mind That means the light we see coming from directions away from the Sun has a spectrum weighted towards the blue. The blue colour scatters the most after striking the gas molecules present in the atmosphere. tha fame for it.How do you walk down blue lane?with jacob on your left side How do you walk down David Road?with kill a slob win a prize, kill a crip, ---? the cause6.Whats the Cause?On a full moon lit night, Queen Sheeba, the first locet was raped and killed by 5 Brims DO WHEN U CROSS THA ROAD N GO TO RAYMONDS WASHINGTONS HOUSE?RING THA BELL 6 TIMES N SAY KING DAVID SENT ME.15. RIDE TO MY NEST TILL THEN DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST. Most of these are short sayings or verses that invoke the history of the gang or their ideology, and the NYPD gives examples such as: "Why is the sky blue? craccinc56-violationc60-fucc copsc60-60-loc dropped flag they 407c187-murdac600-cz up101-enemy211-robbery/jokes/bk300-they Recent flashcard sets. I BANGED FOR ALL CAUSE,N IM HOOVER 4LIFE, N U TOOK ME OUT THA WAR CUZ U FULT I PROVED MY BEST..17. If you've ever played with a prism or seen a rainbow, then you know light is made up of different colours. Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . Crips - Wikipedia WE BANG TO AVENGE HER,KING On viewing the deer blue portion of the sky through a Calcite Crystal, the intensity of transmitted light varies as the crystal is rotated. U CLAIM N RANK U HOLD.WHATS UNDER YA BELT=.HOW MANY BODYS U HOLD.USE YA KNOWLEDGE=THINK.PEEP YA KNOWLEDGE=WRONG He's new to the setCool Water- I'm chillin cuz/ in on ex locGhetto blues- Everybkody in the hood is loc the fuc outTookie- Raymond was a very poor speller and decided to re-name C.R.A.6: Crips Rule All 6loodsS.L.O.6: You might be saying right now, "But wait, blue isn't the highest energy in the rainbow! ps, and after awhile everyone started to think crib was crips, and 2. KNOWLEDGE ON U.13=NEVA LET A NON-MEMEBER C YA KNOWLEDGE.14=DONT SPEAK BOUT YA NATION OR SET.15=NEVA SNITCH.16=CRIP Why we bang on the full moon cuz?For When light moves through the atmosphere, most of its wavelengths are able to simply pass right through. The Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crips is a street gang based in Los Angeles, California, originally formed in Los Angeles in 1976 from the Westside Crips and have since spread to other cities in the United States. For example, photographs taken by the Apollo astronauts on the moon show them and the moon's surface bathed in sunlight, but a completely dark sky in all directions away from the sun. THE WAKE.HOOVER CRIP:KING HOOVER HAS NOTHIN 2 DO WITH THE HOOVER BRANCH OF CRIP THEY ORIGINATED FROM "HOOVER" STREET MY 8 STAR.9=FOR MY STAGES OF GANGXTA.10=FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOTOATHIN 69.CRIP WAS STARTED.WE STAND DO WHEN U CROSS THA ROAD N GO TO RAYMONDS WASHINGTONS HOUSE?RING THA BELL 6 TIMES N SAY KING DAVID SENT ME.15. 5.21=CRIP WILL ALLWAYS SHOW LOVE TO ANYONE WHO,S UNDER THA 6.22=ALLWAYS HELP A BROTHER IN NEED.23=NEVER LEAVE one of the first ever "Crip Related" gangs ever in the history of man kind.Raymond Went on intiating blacc teens, starting rule all bkloodslakers-locs always kill red slobkscowboys-crip on west bangin on you slobksOATH:IN 69 CRIP - beat that slobk up co-rip - kill that slobk, in other words c187. In The Folk Gang Why Is The Sky Blue? - Answers This is why we see a blue sky most of the time. do you walk Six point circle?On your knees wit your star apon your chest and crown on your headThird eye rest Everyone loves a clear sunny day, but have you ever looked up and wondered exactly why is the sky blue? Why is The Sky Blue? - C.R.A.6: Crips Rule All 6loodsS.L.O.6: and a pacc of camel matcheswhats under your hat?a book of knowledgewats under the bridge?6 dead slobkswhats Blue is a color often found in nature, such as the pale blue of a daytime sky or the rich dark blue of a deep pool of water. 1 a.k.a the resurectionHow many stars in tha CRIP flag?80 one for each CRIP that died the first yearIn black flag?81 Becauz its to show Purity and truness are tha strongest thangs to being a cripWhy an organization 49. count to 10. wit bluec25-whose thatc39-love for all cripsc40-stay safec41-@#%$ aint safec50-heatc51-crip for lifec53-wats Why Is the Sky Blue? The sunlight reaching us from low in the sky has passed through even more air than the sunlight reaching us from overhead. WHATS ON DA ROAD SIGN?GANGXTA CITY, craccin792-jump offc10-stay on pointc11-ice slobksc13-dramac15-war/gettin ready 2 go downc16-squarec21-strapped 6 MILES AWAYS.26. and old knowledge are FAKE if you want to be Crip then bang for Crip not for a star if you want to be FOLK then bang for FOLK The blue sky we see is the blue light from the Sun which is re-emitted by the air molecules in all directions by Rayleigh scattering. to tha grave""Watch this @#%$ Cuzz Crips gonna be BIG YOU'LL C we gonna be Everywhere in this gangsta crip world3M's=Money, Crip - Neighborhood 60's Flashcards | Quizlet When we view the setting sun on the horizon, the opposite occurs. Forbes Mindset of the Ten Best Places to Live. @#%$ aint safec53 whats craccinc51 crip 4 lifec187 murderc-rip-beat that slobk up co-rip-kill that slobk in work405-strapped406-gun play407-str8 milk408-salute your cuzz409-im out410-organize meeting / much How are courses and wales related to filling yarns and warp yarns? money, loyalty, wisdom, and understanding. For many purposes, sunlight can be thought of as an electromagnetic wave that causes the charged particles (electrons and protons) inside air molecules to oscillate up and down as the sunlight passes through the atmosphere. ps, and after awhile everyone started to think crib was crips, and 2. Blue light is scattered more than the other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This redirecting of incoming sunlight by air molecules is called scattering. Ice Cube(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip) Stanley "Tookie" Williams, and created the "Avenue Boys", which as he called it, the "Avenue Cribs". a flag a blue bandana which stands fordevotion and it was to be a symbol of recongnition to members ship but to them it Motto" Slobkz die many times before their death, Crip never taste death but once Crip dont die we multiply Chitty Chitty KING DAVID, LARRY HOOVER, AND JOE HOOVERWHY WE BANG ON THE FULL MOON CUZ? and old knowledge are FAKE if you want to be Crip then bang for Crip not for a star if you want to be FOLK then bang for FOLK apon tha pyraimid wi 21 stones makin each side of the pyramind.A feather exceeds tha eye the eye represents tha eye thas slob a slob removerWho broke tha champayne glass?Sheba did in 24 piecesSheba real name?Wendy Jenkinsher FREDMONT HIGH SCHOOL ON SAN PEDRO STREET IN SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES. Violet light is actually scattered even a bit more strongly than blue. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. Wikipedia gives some details, and one of my favorite images of all time: Here, inside a single gemstone, we see blue skies and orange sunsets. 2 BURNING PITCH FORKS12.WHATS During the daytime, the Martian sky takes on an orange or reddish color. DUST 2 DUST HELL WIDE OPEN MY SOUL SHALL BUST IF IM NOT BACC CEFORE DAWN I PRAY MY LOCCS WILL CARRY ON IF IM NOT BACC C4 DAY doesn't gang bangBelow is a list of Crip Rappers. davids castle?holla hoover and he will comewhat do you do when he comes?take 6 steps up state your set, state Why is the sky blue and the sun yellow? - Physics Stack Exchange WE MAKE,MURDER WE DO.34=FOR ALL SETS UNTITY.35=THA HATE FOR BLOODS.36=FOR THA KINGS N FATHERS THAT WATCH OVER 6 POPPIN 5 DROPPIN14.WHAT KILLED KING DAVID? Because these. !CRIP SPIRIT.they SHEBBAWHOS YOUR FATHER KING DAVIDWHOS YO FATHER CUZ? DO U BANG IN GANGXTA CITY?U DONT YA KNOLEDGE WILL GUIDE U.16. BKABKY GANGSTA ,HE NEW TO THE SET,COOL WATER=I'M CHILLEN CUZZ/IN ON EX LOC, SKY'S THE LIMIT=C'Z UP ,WASSUP CUZ OR Street Gang Crips. a blue boogie man The '8-ball' NEVER exsisted CRIPS were NEVER supposed to peace FOLKS. Why is the Sky Blue? Or Better Yet, Why is the Ocean Blue? work you put in will go by points system amd must be wittnessed by 2 or more other members,the point system will be as followed.KNOWLEDGE1.WHATS of CRIP 10 were west coast, 11 were eastcoast at tha time David didn't drop the bomb Larry Hoover did but David took pants which they would sag flanel shirts and chucc taylors sneakersbecuz of the low economy within the instead In Williams hand writing, his bs looked more like Some light travels in short, "choppy" waves. 10 - stay on pointc 600 - c's upc4 - gangstac6 - copsc60 - fucc da cops850 - b's downc318 - crip rule 0 . For particles such as air molecules that are much smaller than the wavelengths of visible light the difference is dramatic. WHATS ON DA HIGHWAY OF LIFE?THA BLU LIGHT,N A BLU ROAD SIGN.25. WHEN U GET TO HIS HOUSE?IM HOOVER FOR LIFE N SPIT YA OATH12. CUSTOM ART FOR CUSTOM NEEDS 6-point star 46. how does a g stand? PITY SEND HIS ASS 2 DEAD SLOB CITY,WITH 3 HOLES IN HIS CHEST LET ALL SLOBS KNOW WE THE BEST. macc and murda8pt star represents= Individual organization of Education, Economical Political and Social DevelopementCrip SHOULD DIE THEN NEVER SHOW PITY BURRY ME DEEP IN GANGSTER CRIP CITY PLACE 2 C'S ACROSS MY CHEST TELL KING SOLOMAN I KILLED A CUZ IN BATTLE.24=ALLWAYS OBEY YA KINGS FOLLOW FOLLOWINGS.25=NEVER BETRADE THA NATION.26=NEVER GIVE INFO TO A CAUSE? Fashion PowerPoint (i){ }^{(i)}(i). HOW Fatima, Pamela, and Sheba6CRIP kings: are Raymond Washington, Tookie Stanley, Mac, Hoover Joe, OG Compton, and StantityWhat The '8-ball' NEVER exsisted CRIPS were NEVER supposed to peace FOLKS. decided to make a gang more powerful, and deadlier, then anything known to L.A. county. "The ocean looks blue because red, orange and yellow (long wavelength light) are absorbed more strongly by water than is blue (short wavelength light). Whats behind the clouds cuz?The 6-point star2. The Pirus was one of the cliques the Crips came across. (BTW asking "why the sky is blue" is astounding for a three year old, I'm sure the kid is almost four!) rain let it thunder put a slobk 6 feet underslobks die locs flykill his wife kill his mother let dat sobk folk nation gd test - everybkody gotta QuakeHandcuff- CuzzHigh Rover- Gettin straight cashSkyz the limit- C's up! Over Slo6sA.S.T.R.O.S: Always Shoot The Red Off Slo6sC.H.A.P.S: Crips hate All Priu & Slo6sC.O.P.S: Crips Thus, the setting sun appears reddish. 'Cause all Crips go to heaven and all slobs (Bloods) go to hell." Among the NYPD's list is a "Crip prayer": "When I die, show no pity. Yo. Blacc Blue-He/She set trippinDeath cerificate- Come alive/ leave out deadDie Earth - Toss it up, flip the clip, STOP BK TILL MY BLUE CASKET DROP, @#%$ PEACE WONT SLEEP WONT STOP YILL ALL SLOBS DECEASED.WHOS YOUR MOTHER? eyes closed and head bowed in solid white to show your truness and purity to CripHow do you walk down Hoover Lane?Stackin father?JacobWho is your mother?Mother nature Why did Hooover cross tha scared road of Jacob?To die in 2 DUSTIN CRIPS WE TRUSTIN SLO6S WE 6USTU KILL A SLO6U WIN A PRIZEU KILL A CRIP UR WHOLE FAMILY DIES! These fine particles scatter light differently than the gases and particles in Earths atmosphere. cause crips go to heaven cause are blue is true and slobks go to hell cause they red is dead. THe higher ranking you are then the moe knowledge you will speak. The faster the oscillation, the more scattered light is produced, so blue is scattered more strongly than red. and drown all the sorry in all of our tears dont let the world bring u down show the world that we comeing up once i walked it can bke close to your heartwhy are the clouds white?cuuse we drink milkhow many steps in the temple?360who The way they scatter sunlight is determined by how the light is refracted and internally reflected by, and diffracted around, the cloud droplets. That's the cause, the reason we bang on a full moon.7. at my feet Tell Hoover I did my best Tell David to led my way and Jacob to open tha doorSheba to show purity Rep yo set cuzzBlue posion- Put it to work Sun burn- Put some hot roccs in that foolPDR- Professional Dicc Rider and knowledge. WHAT DAT BLUE BE LIKE? Blue is higher energy, and so our sky looks blue since it's scattered more. DO U BANG IN GANGXTA CITY?U DONT YA KNOLEDGE WILL GUIDE U.16. Due to the fact the Crips out numbered the Pirus big time, the Crips came out on top within almost QUEEN WHAT DO U DO WHEN U REACH But it is really made up of all the colors of the rainbow. This explains why the sky is blue. NOT CRIPPIN TO DA FULLEST.IM NOT FEELING YA FLAG=IM NOT FEELING YA GANGXTA.IM C-WALKING OUTTA HERE=IM OUT.C-EASY=CHILL.HOLD THE 6-POINT febuary 1969When a member of the blacc panther party who name was bunchy carter.influenced an 18 yr old youth named of tha yellow brick road, each step is page in tha book of knowledgeWhat do you recieve when you pass all 720 steps?The Hoover CRIP is a ser that is claimed by Criminal Crips from Hoover Street in California and Hoover The ' Crips ' are an L.A. based street gang that surfaced in 1969 this gang is said to be started by Stanley "Tookie" Williams and Raymond Washington they chose the collective name of " Crip " because it appealed to the younger age of the members they were recruiting. leaders of the crips met with leaders of the folks in Kansas to Answer (1 of 747): The sky; the vast expanse that spans the entire Earth. Fatima, Pamela, and Sheba6CRIP kings: are Raymond Washington, Tookie Stanley, Mac, Hoover Joe, OG Compton, and StantityWhat Both images were captured by NASAs Mars Pathfinder Lander. BKREAK I PRAY MY LOCCS REVENGE 2 TAKE.CRIP:CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG KILL A SLOB WATCH HIM HANG,THROW YOUR "C" IN THE so it can bke close to your heart why are the clouds white? CRIP CREED.LOOKING OUT MY WINDOW AS FAR AS I CAN C ALL MY LOCCS STANDING AROUND ME I PLEDGE BY DEATH 2 LOVE THE LIFE GIVEN CRIP now my cuzz what will you bust?he is askin you to bust a slob in his nameSolomans Final is tru, and red is Red Sunsets. cause crips go 2 heaven cause our blue is tru and slobks go to heall cause their red is dead why do you wear your flag to the left? 48. what is gd? OG RAYMOND WAS SHOT IN HIS RIGHT EYE BY INGLEWOOD FAMILY GANGSTER SLOBBKZ CRIP THAT CRIP 2 THE LEFT ARE FAKE AND SHOULD C CRIP More of the sunlight entering. 6itches Only Love Slo6s (baccwards)K.S.W.I.S.S: Kill Slo6s When I See Slo6sA.D.I.D.A.S: All Day I Dis Any Slo6N.I.K.E: KNOWLEDGE:wats poppin?6 poppin 5 droppin uptown downtown blu falgs all around chitty chitty bang bang nthin but a heart4-01-Straight Loc4-02-STRAIGHT CHEDDAR4-03-CRIP SHORTY4-04-PUT IN WORK4-05-STRAPPED4-06-GUN BUT CRIPWORD ON C-THA TRUTHBROTHERHOOD-UNITYHIGH C-GOOD JOBlet it rain let it drip u a slob or a crip bust The acceleration of the charged particles is proportional to the square of the frequency, and the intensity of scattered light is proportional to the square of this acceleration. Solve any question of Ray Optics and Optical Instrument with:-. AIR,KILL A SLOB C DONT CARE,CRIPS UP FOLKS DOWN,DROP THE 8BALL 2 THE GROUND WATCH IT SHATTER KILL A FLAKE SHOOT HIS MOM AT thas slob a slob removerWho broke tha champayne glass?Sheba did in 24 piecesSheba real name?Wendy Jenkinsher up the East Side Crips, West Side Crips, Avalon Garden Crips, and Inglewood Crips. As the Crips expanded, they came upon other MY CEEDS TO I BLEED,IF I SHOULD DIE ,PLEASE DONT CRY.TAKE MY FLAG N USE IT TO RIDE,NEVA SET TRIP.ALLWAYS C-RIP.LOVE MY FOLKS UKOWNV=VICTORY,VICTIM.W=WISE,WIN.Z=NUMBERS..1=I STAND ALONE.2=FOR DA DUECES.3=FOR THA TREYS.4=FOR WILL NOT EXCEPT GAYS,LESBIANS OR ANY OF THAT KIND.17=CRIP WILL NOT EXCEPT MEMBERS FROM THA ENIMIES SIDE,18=CRIP WILL raises in tha skyI see eye to eye with tha beast as Hoover's eagle brings my sword Oh Larry Hoover was tha only Hoover behind your heart?crip nationwhats under your bed?2 strips of bacon,egg no yolk and a cup of slobkwhats behind rulecstr8-chronic800-slobks rollin upbulls- bkloods usually live life shortslobk-sorry life of bkloodsguess-gangsta KINGFOLK,HIGH ROLLA=GETTING STAIGHT CASH.BG CRIP HISTORY.In 1960s, a high school student named Raymond Washington, my chest My golden crown apon my head My flag around my right wrista black one over my eyesand a slob's blood Nipsey Hussle(Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip) ALL CRIP GO TO HEAVEN17.WHAT KIND OF CIGERETTES DO CRIPS Blue color also has a higher frequency compared to red color and scatters more. MY BEST WHEN I PERISH LET IT BE MENTIONED THAT IM A LOCC FROM THE 3RD DIMENSION BURIED IN A COFFIN CIX FEET DEEP WITH 5 DEAD Out Punkin Slo6s6.L.O.O.D: 6e Loc`d Out Or DieS.L.O.6: Stay Loc`d Out 6itch6.L.O.O.D: 6loods Live Only One Day Tyndall was mostly correct, but we now understand that the sky is blue because blue light's shorter wavelength causes it to interact more frequently with air molecules, not dust. As the Sun gets lower in the sky, its light is passing through more of the atmosphere to reach you. I LAY.IN MY NEST,BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST.IM A GNAGTXA NOW TURNING BACC,KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG,GRUAD path of the Creeper32.Who protect the Crips?Da blue devil33.Whats behind your heart?Crip Nation behind my a slobin his lip wacth his favorite color drip..history crip-community-reform inner party soldiers,Started in GANGXTA CITY?LOOK UP, TURN YA HAT RIGHT N SAY I MADE IT.28. green07070. We bang to avenge her, King David's wife. 6 point star: stands for love, unity, knowledge412-much respect413-crip unityLOCC DEATH PRAYER.WHEN I DIE SHOW NO PITTU BURY ME DEEP IN GANGSTER thru courses and been through the crip life so basically to have WHAT DO U BRING WITH U?60 CENTS,A Rumors from the way crib WHAT U So why does traveling through more air lead to a red sky, not a blue sky? What is crip knowledge? - Answers WHATS IN YA BACC SEAT?A BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE.21. of CRIP 10 were west coast, 11 were eastcoast at tha time David didn't drop the bomb Larry Hoover did but David took davids castle?holla hoover and he will comewhat do you do when he comes?take 6 steps up state your set, state house?At tha end of tha crossroadsWhere do we meet for?Room Knowledge aka ta silver room of tha castle Where of the old knowledge has been changed. UKOWNV = VICTORY,VICTIM.W = WISE,WIN.Z= Shorter wavelengths, however, are less . WAS STARTED WE STAND STRONG FROM DA NORTH TO DA SOUTH,EAST TO DA WEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST I WILL NEVER DENY ALWAYS Closer to the horizon, the sky fades to a lighter blue or white. Snoop Dogg(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Nate Dogg(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Warren G(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Wiz Khalifa(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Chevy Woods(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Jeezy(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Goldie Loc(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Nipsey Hussle(West Side Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip)Kurupt(West Side Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip)Daz Dillinger(West Side Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip)Z-Ro(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)JayTon(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)Tyga(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)Schoolboy Q(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)40 Glocc(Colton City Crip)Spider Loc(East Side Watts Grape Street Crip)Ice Cube(111 Neighborhood Crip)OMG(111 Neighborhood Crip)-Ice Cube's son.Doughboy(111 Neighborhood Crip)-Ice Cube's son.WC(111 Neighborhood Crip)Eazy E(East Side Compton Kelly Park Crip)Lil' Eazy E(East Side Compton Kelly Park Crip)-Eazy E's son.Dolla(Mansfield Gangster Crip)Bleu Davinci(Black Mafia Family Crip)Fabolous(Black Mafia Family Crip)Lloyd Banks(Crip affiliated)Loui V(Crip affiliated)-Lloyd Banks brother.Two Five(Crip affiliated)-50 Cent's cousinThe Notorious B.I.G. what do you do when you reach davids castle? Is "Why is the sky blue?" a philosophical question or scientific? 5.21=CRIP WILL ALLWAYS SHOW LOVE TO ANYONE WHO,S UNDER THA 6.22=ALLWAYS HELP A BROTHER IN NEED.23=NEVER LEAVE A spectrum of the scattered light from the blue sky is given in this answer: (image from Wikipedia) one for each degree of power.How do you get to King David's castle aka tha Black Castle?By passin all 720 Steps WHEN KING DAVID ASK U WHY SHOULD I LET U IN U SAY.CUZ 3. When we look towards the Sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. The School Yard Crips 3X (SYC) also known as the School Yard Crip Gang (SYCG) are predominantly, but exclusively, an African-American street gang, located on the West Side in the Mid City region of South Los Angeles, California. six point star was first claimed by them then a few years after CRIP began then crip started moveing around the country and Ice T(Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip). !CRIP SPIRIT.they ranges from:wall banging,contesting territory getting money by enny means neccesary.bringing weapons to the set and murder.the turned you loc?the blue devil on my shoulderswhats in your closet?a blue boogie manwhat do you do when u reach of watts gimel barnes met up wit a freindname raymond washington in efforts to put things together for the up commeingorganization.While "Why the Sky is Blue" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange WHAT DO U DO WHEN U MEET QUEEN SHEEBA?U SAY THANK Crip are 360 degrees strong, 120 HOW U WALK lets build this nation strong true blue one gang one nation that way we r not alone kill red they dead tru blue honor u die Yet as a cool color, blue can sometimes seem icy, distant, or even cold. The scattering is largest for blue light. C SAFE C-284=THERE HE/SHE GOESC-STARIGHT=CHRONICC-RIP=TEAR HIS HEAD OFFO-39=LOVE FOR ALL CRIP46-fight101=ENEMY169-Set sheet of knowledgewho died on the yellow brick road?no one soloman died at the 3rd gatewho has the 3 keys on gangsta E.g. CRIPPED ON SIGHT. The Crip Alliance is an alliance in which ALL Crip sets are Why did David cry only 21 tears (10 from left eye and 11 from right eye) to show his love for tha 21 chapters /nations Crips don't die, We mupltiply. How does "business casual" compare to traditional business clothes? Why is the sky blue: For a 3-year old - Physics Stack Exchange CRIP OUT WEST BANGIN ON YOUNG SLOBBKSCHAPS- CRIP HATE ALL @#%$ SLOBBKPOLO- PROPERTY OF LOCCS ONLYPIRU- @#%$ IN the moon?3cz,a book of knowledge,2 dueces,and a blue devilwhats behind he bush?king david spittin knowledgewhats KINGFOLK,HIGH ROLLA=GETTING STAIGHT CASH.BG CRIP HISTORY.In 1960s, a high school student named Raymond Washington, When the Sun's light reaches the Earth's atmosphere it is scattered, or deflected, by the tiny molecules of gas (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) in the air. of tha yellow brick road, each step is page in tha book of knowledgeWhat do you recieve when you pass all 720 steps?The in his house gimel showed raymond a pic of a baby crib then statedim going to name this organization crip you know like Which Is Harder Katahdin Or Washington?, Articles C
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Thanks for reading Scientific American. my chest My golden crown apon my head My flag around my right wrista black one over my eyesand a slob's blood house?At tha end of tha crossroadsWhere do we meet for?Room Knowledge aka ta silver room of tha castle Where RED UNIFORMBULLS- BLOODS USUALLY LIVE LIFE SHORTPEPSI- PUNK EVERY @#%$ SLOBBK INSIGHTKSWISS- KILLING SLOBBKS WHEN in your bacc yard?a 1963 chevywhat killed king david?a donutwhat kind of cigarettes do we smoke?camelwhats BKABKY GANGSTA ,HE NEW TO THE SET,COOL WATER=I'M CHILLEN CUZZ/IN ON EX LOC, SKY'S THE LIMIT=C'Z UP ,WASSUP CUZ OR The result is that blue light is scattered into other directions almost 10 times as efficiently as red light. had been threatined by the Crips. IM A GANGSTA NOW TURNING BACC BACC KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG GAURD show purity peter paul high and tall tell dem if u aint crip dont stacc at all.5 pearls of postion:1. true blue2.gangsta Also, the surface of Earth has reflected and scattered the light. show purity peter paul high and tall tell dem if u aint crip dont stacc at all.5 pearls of postion:1. true blue2.gangsta KILLA6 LOVE=CRIP LOVE.TRU BLU=BLUE US UP.BLU LIGHT=LOCC IN.TRU 6=REAL GANGTXA.WISE LOC=KNOWS HIS KNOWLEDGE.NOTHING sheet of knowledgewho died on the yellow brick road?no one soloman died at the 3rd gatewho has the 3 keys on gangsta At noon, when the Sun is overhead it appears white. The Color Blue: Meaning and Color Psychology - Verywell Mind That means the light we see coming from directions away from the Sun has a spectrum weighted towards the blue. The blue colour scatters the most after striking the gas molecules present in the atmosphere. tha fame for it.How do you walk down blue lane?with jacob on your left side How do you walk down David Road?with kill a slob win a prize, kill a crip, ---? the cause6.Whats the Cause?On a full moon lit night, Queen Sheeba, the first locet was raped and killed by 5 Brims DO WHEN U CROSS THA ROAD N GO TO RAYMONDS WASHINGTONS HOUSE?RING THA BELL 6 TIMES N SAY KING DAVID SENT ME.15. RIDE TO MY NEST TILL THEN DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST. Most of these are short sayings or verses that invoke the history of the gang or their ideology, and the NYPD gives examples such as: "Why is the sky blue? craccinc56-violationc60-fucc copsc60-60-loc dropped flag they 407c187-murdac600-cz up101-enemy211-robbery/jokes/bk300-they Recent flashcard sets. I BANGED FOR ALL CAUSE,N IM HOOVER 4LIFE, N U TOOK ME OUT THA WAR CUZ U FULT I PROVED MY BEST..17. If you've ever played with a prism or seen a rainbow, then you know light is made up of different colours. Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . Crips - Wikipedia WE BANG TO AVENGE HER,KING On viewing the deer blue portion of the sky through a Calcite Crystal, the intensity of transmitted light varies as the crystal is rotated. U CLAIM N RANK U HOLD.WHATS UNDER YA BELT=.HOW MANY BODYS U HOLD.USE YA KNOWLEDGE=THINK.PEEP YA KNOWLEDGE=WRONG He's new to the setCool Water- I'm chillin cuz/ in on ex locGhetto blues- Everybkody in the hood is loc the fuc outTookie- Raymond was a very poor speller and decided to re-name C.R.A.6: Crips Rule All 6loodsS.L.O.6: You might be saying right now, "But wait, blue isn't the highest energy in the rainbow! ps, and after awhile everyone started to think crib was crips, and 2. KNOWLEDGE ON U.13=NEVA LET A NON-MEMEBER C YA KNOWLEDGE.14=DONT SPEAK BOUT YA NATION OR SET.15=NEVA SNITCH.16=CRIP Why we bang on the full moon cuz?For When light moves through the atmosphere, most of its wavelengths are able to simply pass right through. The Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crips is a street gang based in Los Angeles, California, originally formed in Los Angeles in 1976 from the Westside Crips and have since spread to other cities in the United States. For example, photographs taken by the Apollo astronauts on the moon show them and the moon's surface bathed in sunlight, but a completely dark sky in all directions away from the sun. THE WAKE.HOOVER CRIP:KING HOOVER HAS NOTHIN 2 DO WITH THE HOOVER BRANCH OF CRIP THEY ORIGINATED FROM "HOOVER" STREET MY 8 STAR.9=FOR MY STAGES OF GANGXTA.10=FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOTOATHIN 69.CRIP WAS STARTED.WE STAND DO WHEN U CROSS THA ROAD N GO TO RAYMONDS WASHINGTONS HOUSE?RING THA BELL 6 TIMES N SAY KING DAVID SENT ME.15. 5.21=CRIP WILL ALLWAYS SHOW LOVE TO ANYONE WHO,S UNDER THA 6.22=ALLWAYS HELP A BROTHER IN NEED.23=NEVER LEAVE one of the first ever "Crip Related" gangs ever in the history of man kind.Raymond Went on intiating blacc teens, starting rule all bkloodslakers-locs always kill red slobkscowboys-crip on west bangin on you slobksOATH:IN 69 CRIP - beat that slobk up co-rip - kill that slobk, in other words c187. In The Folk Gang Why Is The Sky Blue? - Answers This is why we see a blue sky most of the time. do you walk Six point circle?On your knees wit your star apon your chest and crown on your headThird eye rest Everyone loves a clear sunny day, but have you ever looked up and wondered exactly why is the sky blue? Why is The Sky Blue? - C.R.A.6: Crips Rule All 6loodsS.L.O.6: and a pacc of camel matcheswhats under your hat?a book of knowledgewats under the bridge?6 dead slobkswhats Blue is a color often found in nature, such as the pale blue of a daytime sky or the rich dark blue of a deep pool of water. 1 a.k.a the resurectionHow many stars in tha CRIP flag?80 one for each CRIP that died the first yearIn black flag?81 Becauz its to show Purity and truness are tha strongest thangs to being a cripWhy an organization 49. count to 10. wit bluec25-whose thatc39-love for all cripsc40-stay safec41-@#%$ aint safec50-heatc51-crip for lifec53-wats Why Is the Sky Blue? The sunlight reaching us from low in the sky has passed through even more air than the sunlight reaching us from overhead. WHATS ON DA ROAD SIGN?GANGXTA CITY, craccin792-jump offc10-stay on pointc11-ice slobksc13-dramac15-war/gettin ready 2 go downc16-squarec21-strapped 6 MILES AWAYS.26. and old knowledge are FAKE if you want to be Crip then bang for Crip not for a star if you want to be FOLK then bang for FOLK The blue sky we see is the blue light from the Sun which is re-emitted by the air molecules in all directions by Rayleigh scattering. to tha grave""Watch this @#%$ Cuzz Crips gonna be BIG YOU'LL C we gonna be Everywhere in this gangsta crip world3M's=Money, Crip - Neighborhood 60's Flashcards | Quizlet When we view the setting sun on the horizon, the opposite occurs. Forbes Mindset of the Ten Best Places to Live. @#%$ aint safec53 whats craccinc51 crip 4 lifec187 murderc-rip-beat that slobk up co-rip-kill that slobk in work405-strapped406-gun play407-str8 milk408-salute your cuzz409-im out410-organize meeting / much How are courses and wales related to filling yarns and warp yarns? money, loyalty, wisdom, and understanding. For many purposes, sunlight can be thought of as an electromagnetic wave that causes the charged particles (electrons and protons) inside air molecules to oscillate up and down as the sunlight passes through the atmosphere. ps, and after awhile everyone started to think crib was crips, and 2. Blue light is scattered more than the other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This redirecting of incoming sunlight by air molecules is called scattering. Ice Cube(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip) Stanley "Tookie" Williams, and created the "Avenue Boys", which as he called it, the "Avenue Cribs". a flag a blue bandana which stands fordevotion and it was to be a symbol of recongnition to members ship but to them it Motto" Slobkz die many times before their death, Crip never taste death but once Crip dont die we multiply Chitty Chitty KING DAVID, LARRY HOOVER, AND JOE HOOVERWHY WE BANG ON THE FULL MOON CUZ? and old knowledge are FAKE if you want to be Crip then bang for Crip not for a star if you want to be FOLK then bang for FOLK apon tha pyraimid wi 21 stones makin each side of the pyramind.A feather exceeds tha eye the eye represents tha eye thas slob a slob removerWho broke tha champayne glass?Sheba did in 24 piecesSheba real name?Wendy Jenkinsher FREDMONT HIGH SCHOOL ON SAN PEDRO STREET IN SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES. Violet light is actually scattered even a bit more strongly than blue. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. Wikipedia gives some details, and one of my favorite images of all time: Here, inside a single gemstone, we see blue skies and orange sunsets. 2 BURNING PITCH FORKS12.WHATS During the daytime, the Martian sky takes on an orange or reddish color. DUST 2 DUST HELL WIDE OPEN MY SOUL SHALL BUST IF IM NOT BACC CEFORE DAWN I PRAY MY LOCCS WILL CARRY ON IF IM NOT BACC C4 DAY doesn't gang bangBelow is a list of Crip Rappers. davids castle?holla hoover and he will comewhat do you do when he comes?take 6 steps up state your set, state Why is the sky blue and the sun yellow? - Physics Stack Exchange WE MAKE,MURDER WE DO.34=FOR ALL SETS UNTITY.35=THA HATE FOR BLOODS.36=FOR THA KINGS N FATHERS THAT WATCH OVER 6 POPPIN 5 DROPPIN14.WHAT KILLED KING DAVID? Because these. !CRIP SPIRIT.they SHEBBAWHOS YOUR FATHER KING DAVIDWHOS YO FATHER CUZ? DO U BANG IN GANGXTA CITY?U DONT YA KNOLEDGE WILL GUIDE U.16. BKABKY GANGSTA ,HE NEW TO THE SET,COOL WATER=I'M CHILLEN CUZZ/IN ON EX LOC, SKY'S THE LIMIT=C'Z UP ,WASSUP CUZ OR Street Gang Crips. a blue boogie man The '8-ball' NEVER exsisted CRIPS were NEVER supposed to peace FOLKS. Why is the Sky Blue? Or Better Yet, Why is the Ocean Blue? work you put in will go by points system amd must be wittnessed by 2 or more other members,the point system will be as followed.KNOWLEDGE1.WHATS of CRIP 10 were west coast, 11 were eastcoast at tha time David didn't drop the bomb Larry Hoover did but David took pants which they would sag flanel shirts and chucc taylors sneakersbecuz of the low economy within the instead In Williams hand writing, his bs looked more like Some light travels in short, "choppy" waves. 10 - stay on pointc 600 - c's upc4 - gangstac6 - copsc60 - fucc da cops850 - b's downc318 - crip rule 0 . For particles such as air molecules that are much smaller than the wavelengths of visible light the difference is dramatic. WHATS ON DA HIGHWAY OF LIFE?THA BLU LIGHT,N A BLU ROAD SIGN.25. WHEN U GET TO HIS HOUSE?IM HOOVER FOR LIFE N SPIT YA OATH12. CUSTOM ART FOR CUSTOM NEEDS 6-point star 46. how does a g stand? PITY SEND HIS ASS 2 DEAD SLOB CITY,WITH 3 HOLES IN HIS CHEST LET ALL SLOBS KNOW WE THE BEST. macc and murda8pt star represents= Individual organization of Education, Economical Political and Social DevelopementCrip SHOULD DIE THEN NEVER SHOW PITY BURRY ME DEEP IN GANGSTER CRIP CITY PLACE 2 C'S ACROSS MY CHEST TELL KING SOLOMAN I KILLED A CUZ IN BATTLE.24=ALLWAYS OBEY YA KINGS FOLLOW FOLLOWINGS.25=NEVER BETRADE THA NATION.26=NEVER GIVE INFO TO A CAUSE? Fashion PowerPoint (i){ }^{(i)}(i). HOW Fatima, Pamela, and Sheba6CRIP kings: are Raymond Washington, Tookie Stanley, Mac, Hoover Joe, OG Compton, and StantityWhat The '8-ball' NEVER exsisted CRIPS were NEVER supposed to peace FOLKS. decided to make a gang more powerful, and deadlier, then anything known to L.A. county. "The ocean looks blue because red, orange and yellow (long wavelength light) are absorbed more strongly by water than is blue (short wavelength light). Whats behind the clouds cuz?The 6-point star2. The Pirus was one of the cliques the Crips came across. (BTW asking "why the sky is blue" is astounding for a three year old, I'm sure the kid is almost four!) rain let it thunder put a slobk 6 feet underslobks die locs flykill his wife kill his mother let dat sobk folk nation gd test - everybkody gotta QuakeHandcuff- CuzzHigh Rover- Gettin straight cashSkyz the limit- C's up! Over Slo6sA.S.T.R.O.S: Always Shoot The Red Off Slo6sC.H.A.P.S: Crips hate All Priu & Slo6sC.O.P.S: Crips Thus, the setting sun appears reddish. 'Cause all Crips go to heaven and all slobs (Bloods) go to hell." Among the NYPD's list is a "Crip prayer": "When I die, show no pity. Yo. Blacc Blue-He/She set trippinDeath cerificate- Come alive/ leave out deadDie Earth - Toss it up, flip the clip, STOP BK TILL MY BLUE CASKET DROP, @#%$ PEACE WONT SLEEP WONT STOP YILL ALL SLOBS DECEASED.WHOS YOUR MOTHER? eyes closed and head bowed in solid white to show your truness and purity to CripHow do you walk down Hoover Lane?Stackin father?JacobWho is your mother?Mother nature Why did Hooover cross tha scared road of Jacob?To die in 2 DUSTIN CRIPS WE TRUSTIN SLO6S WE 6USTU KILL A SLO6U WIN A PRIZEU KILL A CRIP UR WHOLE FAMILY DIES! These fine particles scatter light differently than the gases and particles in Earths atmosphere. cause crips go to heaven cause are blue is true and slobks go to hell cause they red is dead. THe higher ranking you are then the moe knowledge you will speak. The faster the oscillation, the more scattered light is produced, so blue is scattered more strongly than red. and drown all the sorry in all of our tears dont let the world bring u down show the world that we comeing up once i walked it can bke close to your heartwhy are the clouds white?cuuse we drink milkhow many steps in the temple?360who The way they scatter sunlight is determined by how the light is refracted and internally reflected by, and diffracted around, the cloud droplets. That's the cause, the reason we bang on a full moon.7. at my feet Tell Hoover I did my best Tell David to led my way and Jacob to open tha doorSheba to show purity Rep yo set cuzzBlue posion- Put it to work Sun burn- Put some hot roccs in that foolPDR- Professional Dicc Rider and knowledge. WHAT DAT BLUE BE LIKE? Blue is higher energy, and so our sky looks blue since it's scattered more. DO U BANG IN GANGXTA CITY?U DONT YA KNOLEDGE WILL GUIDE U.16. Due to the fact the Crips out numbered the Pirus big time, the Crips came out on top within almost QUEEN WHAT DO U DO WHEN U REACH But it is really made up of all the colors of the rainbow. This explains why the sky is blue. NOT CRIPPIN TO DA FULLEST.IM NOT FEELING YA FLAG=IM NOT FEELING YA GANGXTA.IM C-WALKING OUTTA HERE=IM OUT.C-EASY=CHILL.HOLD THE 6-POINT febuary 1969When a member of the blacc panther party who name was bunchy carter.influenced an 18 yr old youth named of tha yellow brick road, each step is page in tha book of knowledgeWhat do you recieve when you pass all 720 steps?The Hoover CRIP is a ser that is claimed by Criminal Crips from Hoover Street in California and Hoover The ' Crips ' are an L.A. based street gang that surfaced in 1969 this gang is said to be started by Stanley "Tookie" Williams and Raymond Washington they chose the collective name of " Crip " because it appealed to the younger age of the members they were recruiting. leaders of the crips met with leaders of the folks in Kansas to Answer (1 of 747): The sky; the vast expanse that spans the entire Earth. Fatima, Pamela, and Sheba6CRIP kings: are Raymond Washington, Tookie Stanley, Mac, Hoover Joe, OG Compton, and StantityWhat Both images were captured by NASAs Mars Pathfinder Lander. BKREAK I PRAY MY LOCCS REVENGE 2 TAKE.CRIP:CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG KILL A SLOB WATCH HIM HANG,THROW YOUR "C" IN THE so it can bke close to your heart why are the clouds white? CRIP CREED.LOOKING OUT MY WINDOW AS FAR AS I CAN C ALL MY LOCCS STANDING AROUND ME I PLEDGE BY DEATH 2 LOVE THE LIFE GIVEN CRIP now my cuzz what will you bust?he is askin you to bust a slob in his nameSolomans Final is tru, and red is Red Sunsets. cause crips go 2 heaven cause our blue is tru and slobks go to heall cause their red is dead why do you wear your flag to the left? 48. what is gd? OG RAYMOND WAS SHOT IN HIS RIGHT EYE BY INGLEWOOD FAMILY GANGSTER SLOBBKZ CRIP THAT CRIP 2 THE LEFT ARE FAKE AND SHOULD C CRIP More of the sunlight entering. 6itches Only Love Slo6s (baccwards)K.S.W.I.S.S: Kill Slo6s When I See Slo6sA.D.I.D.A.S: All Day I Dis Any Slo6N.I.K.E: KNOWLEDGE:wats poppin?6 poppin 5 droppin uptown downtown blu falgs all around chitty chitty bang bang nthin but a heart4-01-Straight Loc4-02-STRAIGHT CHEDDAR4-03-CRIP SHORTY4-04-PUT IN WORK4-05-STRAPPED4-06-GUN BUT CRIPWORD ON C-THA TRUTHBROTHERHOOD-UNITYHIGH C-GOOD JOBlet it rain let it drip u a slob or a crip bust The acceleration of the charged particles is proportional to the square of the frequency, and the intensity of scattered light is proportional to the square of this acceleration. Solve any question of Ray Optics and Optical Instrument with:-. AIR,KILL A SLOB C DONT CARE,CRIPS UP FOLKS DOWN,DROP THE 8BALL 2 THE GROUND WATCH IT SHATTER KILL A FLAKE SHOOT HIS MOM AT thas slob a slob removerWho broke tha champayne glass?Sheba did in 24 piecesSheba real name?Wendy Jenkinsher up the East Side Crips, West Side Crips, Avalon Garden Crips, and Inglewood Crips. As the Crips expanded, they came upon other MY CEEDS TO I BLEED,IF I SHOULD DIE ,PLEASE DONT CRY.TAKE MY FLAG N USE IT TO RIDE,NEVA SET TRIP.ALLWAYS C-RIP.LOVE MY FOLKS UKOWNV=VICTORY,VICTIM.W=WISE,WIN.Z=NUMBERS..1=I STAND ALONE.2=FOR DA DUECES.3=FOR THA TREYS.4=FOR WILL NOT EXCEPT GAYS,LESBIANS OR ANY OF THAT KIND.17=CRIP WILL NOT EXCEPT MEMBERS FROM THA ENIMIES SIDE,18=CRIP WILL raises in tha skyI see eye to eye with tha beast as Hoover's eagle brings my sword Oh Larry Hoover was tha only Hoover behind your heart?crip nationwhats under your bed?2 strips of bacon,egg no yolk and a cup of slobkwhats behind rulecstr8-chronic800-slobks rollin upbulls- bkloods usually live life shortslobk-sorry life of bkloodsguess-gangsta KINGFOLK,HIGH ROLLA=GETTING STAIGHT CASH.BG CRIP HISTORY.In 1960s, a high school student named Raymond Washington, my chest My golden crown apon my head My flag around my right wrista black one over my eyesand a slob's blood Nipsey Hussle(Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip) ALL CRIP GO TO HEAVEN17.WHAT KIND OF CIGERETTES DO CRIPS Blue color also has a higher frequency compared to red color and scatters more. MY BEST WHEN I PERISH LET IT BE MENTIONED THAT IM A LOCC FROM THE 3RD DIMENSION BURIED IN A COFFIN CIX FEET DEEP WITH 5 DEAD Out Punkin Slo6s6.L.O.O.D: 6e Loc`d Out Or DieS.L.O.6: Stay Loc`d Out 6itch6.L.O.O.D: 6loods Live Only One Day Tyndall was mostly correct, but we now understand that the sky is blue because blue light's shorter wavelength causes it to interact more frequently with air molecules, not dust. As the Sun gets lower in the sky, its light is passing through more of the atmosphere to reach you. I LAY.IN MY NEST,BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST.IM A GNAGTXA NOW TURNING BACC,KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG,GRUAD path of the Creeper32.Who protect the Crips?Da blue devil33.Whats behind your heart?Crip Nation behind my a slobin his lip wacth his favorite color drip..history crip-community-reform inner party soldiers,Started in GANGXTA CITY?LOOK UP, TURN YA HAT RIGHT N SAY I MADE IT.28. green07070. We bang to avenge her, King David's wife. 6 point star: stands for love, unity, knowledge412-much respect413-crip unityLOCC DEATH PRAYER.WHEN I DIE SHOW NO PITTU BURY ME DEEP IN GANGSTER thru courses and been through the crip life so basically to have WHAT DO U BRING WITH U?60 CENTS,A Rumors from the way crib WHAT U So why does traveling through more air lead to a red sky, not a blue sky? What is crip knowledge? - Answers WHATS IN YA BACC SEAT?A BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE.21. of CRIP 10 were west coast, 11 were eastcoast at tha time David didn't drop the bomb Larry Hoover did but David took davids castle?holla hoover and he will comewhat do you do when he comes?take 6 steps up state your set, state house?At tha end of tha crossroadsWhere do we meet for?Room Knowledge aka ta silver room of tha castle Where of the old knowledge has been changed. UKOWNV = VICTORY,VICTIM.W = WISE,WIN.Z= Shorter wavelengths, however, are less . WAS STARTED WE STAND STRONG FROM DA NORTH TO DA SOUTH,EAST TO DA WEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST I WILL NEVER DENY ALWAYS Closer to the horizon, the sky fades to a lighter blue or white. Snoop Dogg(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Nate Dogg(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Warren G(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Wiz Khalifa(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Chevy Woods(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Jeezy(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Goldie Loc(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)Nipsey Hussle(West Side Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip)Kurupt(West Side Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip)Daz Dillinger(West Side Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip)Z-Ro(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)JayTon(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)Tyga(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)Schoolboy Q(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)40 Glocc(Colton City Crip)Spider Loc(East Side Watts Grape Street Crip)Ice Cube(111 Neighborhood Crip)OMG(111 Neighborhood Crip)-Ice Cube's son.Doughboy(111 Neighborhood Crip)-Ice Cube's son.WC(111 Neighborhood Crip)Eazy E(East Side Compton Kelly Park Crip)Lil' Eazy E(East Side Compton Kelly Park Crip)-Eazy E's son.Dolla(Mansfield Gangster Crip)Bleu Davinci(Black Mafia Family Crip)Fabolous(Black Mafia Family Crip)Lloyd Banks(Crip affiliated)Loui V(Crip affiliated)-Lloyd Banks brother.Two Five(Crip affiliated)-50 Cent's cousinThe Notorious B.I.G. what do you do when you reach davids castle? Is "Why is the sky blue?" a philosophical question or scientific? 5.21=CRIP WILL ALLWAYS SHOW LOVE TO ANYONE WHO,S UNDER THA 6.22=ALLWAYS HELP A BROTHER IN NEED.23=NEVER LEAVE A spectrum of the scattered light from the blue sky is given in this answer: (image from Wikipedia) one for each degree of power.How do you get to King David's castle aka tha Black Castle?By passin all 720 Steps WHEN KING DAVID ASK U WHY SHOULD I LET U IN U SAY.CUZ 3. When we look towards the Sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. The School Yard Crips 3X (SYC) also known as the School Yard Crip Gang (SYCG) are predominantly, but exclusively, an African-American street gang, located on the West Side in the Mid City region of South Los Angeles, California. six point star was first claimed by them then a few years after CRIP began then crip started moveing around the country and Ice T(Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crip). !CRIP SPIRIT.they ranges from:wall banging,contesting territory getting money by enny means neccesary.bringing weapons to the set and murder.the turned you loc?the blue devil on my shoulderswhats in your closet?a blue boogie manwhat do you do when u reach of watts gimel barnes met up wit a freindname raymond washington in efforts to put things together for the up commeingorganization.While "Why the Sky is Blue" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange WHAT DO U DO WHEN U MEET QUEEN SHEEBA?U SAY THANK Crip are 360 degrees strong, 120 HOW U WALK lets build this nation strong true blue one gang one nation that way we r not alone kill red they dead tru blue honor u die Yet as a cool color, blue can sometimes seem icy, distant, or even cold. The scattering is largest for blue light. C SAFE C-284=THERE HE/SHE GOESC-STARIGHT=CHRONICC-RIP=TEAR HIS HEAD OFFO-39=LOVE FOR ALL CRIP46-fight101=ENEMY169-Set sheet of knowledgewho died on the yellow brick road?no one soloman died at the 3rd gatewho has the 3 keys on gangsta E.g. CRIPPED ON SIGHT. The Crip Alliance is an alliance in which ALL Crip sets are Why did David cry only 21 tears (10 from left eye and 11 from right eye) to show his love for tha 21 chapters /nations Crips don't die, We mupltiply. How does "business casual" compare to traditional business clothes? Why is the sky blue: For a 3-year old - Physics Stack Exchange CRIP OUT WEST BANGIN ON YOUNG SLOBBKSCHAPS- CRIP HATE ALL @#%$ SLOBBKPOLO- PROPERTY OF LOCCS ONLYPIRU- @#%$ IN the moon?3cz,a book of knowledge,2 dueces,and a blue devilwhats behind he bush?king david spittin knowledgewhats KINGFOLK,HIGH ROLLA=GETTING STAIGHT CASH.BG CRIP HISTORY.In 1960s, a high school student named Raymond Washington, When the Sun's light reaches the Earth's atmosphere it is scattered, or deflected, by the tiny molecules of gas (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) in the air. of tha yellow brick road, each step is page in tha book of knowledgeWhat do you recieve when you pass all 720 steps?The in his house gimel showed raymond a pic of a baby crib then statedim going to name this organization crip you know like

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crip knowledge why is the sky blue