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> BDC uuid:abfef72d-ac1c-9d47-b406-9a703c3e820b -2.118 -1.529 Td Brenda Spencer and Laura Troiani parole hearings - YouTube 0:00 / 2:29 Brenda Spencer and Laura Troiani parole hearings CBS 8 San Diego 175K subscribers Subscribe 88 Share 11K views 5. )]TJ Further casualties were avoided only because the police obstructed her line of fire by moving a garbage truck in front of her house. A year before the shooting, school officials told her parents they believed she was a suicide risk but her father ordered them to leave his family alone. (100)Tj I feel Im partially liven up the day. xmp.did:84468427512268118C14E112F7938AD6 [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ )Tj ( )Tj )]TJ Spencer was the inspiration for the song "I Don't Like Mondays," written by Bob Geldof and Johnnie Fingers for their band the Boomtown Rats, which was released later that year. /T1_5 1 Tf ( p. EMC /T1_4 1 Tf [(\223H)23 (earing 2005,)80 (\224 p. /T1_5 1 Tf /T1_3 1 Tf /Span<>> BDC But for the heroic efforts of a police officer who risked his life to drive a trash truck in front of her residence to block her field of fire, no doubt further children would have been shot.. ( )Tj 24\22625. According to court documents she would open fire from her home aiming at young children waiting to get into the school. /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj representative added that Spencer had complained to the police negotiator that the custodian had tried to get everybody off the school grounds. ( p. (85)Tj 25\22626. She killed. /T1_3 1 Tf adobe:docid:indd:dd4a55d2-0e77-11de-96a0-c0933d61f99d She said she did it for the fun of it and that just gave me chills. Spencer subsequently pleaded guilty to two counts of murder. /Span<>> BDC His life and death detailed, Where is Amy Fisher now? The number of shots fired and the number of vital hits speaks of incredibly accurate, directed shooting, and these were moving targets.. The girl herself from an early age was interested in weapons and everything connected with him. She is a member of famous with the age 60 years old group. EMC /T1_4 1 Tf (-)Tj Officer Robert Robb shot in the neck as he arrived but he lived. This is such a sad case because those kids did not deserve to go through something so traumatizing. A hunting enthusiast, he had enough ammunition in the house for a small army, according to one of his daughters classmates. ( Lanham, )Tj Surprisingly, the suspect was identified as a 16-year-old girl, Brenda Ann Spencer, who was living across the street from Grover Cleveland Elementary. They slept on a single mattress on the living room floor, with empty alcohol . (73)Tj Every new school shooting by a teenager reinforces the argument that she was not uniquely wicked or crazed. 0.4 Tw /Span<>> BDC I would have to call to my mother two or three times each night to walk me around the inside of my house, just so I knew that Brenda Spencer was not inside my house, he recalled. -2.118 -1.529 Td 89. . Mikhail Andreevich Osorgin: Biography and Creativity, Sovereign of all Russia Ivan 3: biography, years of government, Prince Potemkin: biography, photo, the activities of Prince Potemkin-Taurian, Ushakov's medals. Brenda Ann Spencer (born in San Diego, California on April 3, 1962) is a convicted American murderer who performed a deadly shooting spree, during which she killed two people at the Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego on January 29, 1979. 7)30 (3, 75. 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td Ive seen first hand how these tragedies affect a community. (62)Tj /T1_4 1 Tf As she continued shooting, SWAT officers surrounded the house and evacuated the school from the rear. EMC On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The parole board chairman said that as she had not previously told any prison staff about the allegations, he doubted whether they were true. When she was 16 years old, at Christmas, her father presented her with a rifle with an optical sight. Numerous tests and examinations proved that Spencer was absolutely adequate, she was not offended at school, loved at home, and she was absolutely sober at the time of the murder. 0.305 Tw /Span<>> BDC There was also a statement from the principals daughter. EMC The likelihood of a successful parole hearing is slim at best. It can show a rage against the owner of the doll. Nothing was different for Brenda Ann Spencer; she was one of the girls who typically hated ( )Tj Brenda proceeded to wound seven more children with stunning accuracy. Ugh, its Monday are the words that usually follow the arrival of the most dreaded day of the week. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ 0.013 Tc -0.013 Tw 13.929 0 Td This livens up the day." The blood hadnt been scrubbed from where he had fallen on the concrete. -0.047 Tw 2.118 0 Td , updated -2.118 -1.529 Td ( )Tj A 16-year-old girl, Brenda Spencer, who lived in a house across the street from the school, was convicted of the shootings. Brenda Spencer (Brenda Ann Spencer) was born on 3 April, 1962 in San Diego, California, is a School shooting in San Diego, California (USA). EMC The look at Brenda Foster gave me was enough to scare any young child to death.. /T1_4 1 Tf She did it, she said, because she didn't like Mondays. 0.38 Tw /Span<>> BDC The pain these children must have felt is unforgivable. EMC I understand that she was not mentally stable but killing innocent people is not justifiable. And every time I had tried suicide in the previous year I had screwed it up.. I had never heard of this case prior to reading this article. Brenda is the youngest child and has one older brother and one older sister. Nobody at the school knew where the shots were coming from. The campaign of Genghis Khan to Russia, Olive oil: composition, properties and application. -0.003 Tc -0.051 Tw 0.476 0 Td This was a Monday morning in January 1979. Cam [Charles] Miller was seven when she shot him in the back. /T1_4 1 Tf Or as Wilfred Suchar, son of the murdered school caretaker, put it at a parole hearing: My question is, will there be another boring Monday for her?. This article brings to light the issue of gun control. "[2] Those comments were the inspiration to the song I Don't Like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats, which reached #1 in the United Kingdom in mid 1979. While on the phone with Stevens, Spencer had stated that she was just shooting for the fun of it. She went on to say that she just didnt like Mondays and did this because its a way to cheer up the day.3, Contrary to her initial claim, she later went on to state in her 2001 parole hearing that she had been sexually abused by [her] father and was waiting for the cops to show up so they could shoot [her].4 This new information has fueled many more theories today about Brenda Spencers true motives in committing such a crime. ( )Tj He ended by saying on behalf of his deceased parents and the surviving members of the family that they opposed parole for Spencer. /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj In 2005, a San Diego deputy district attorney cited an incident of self-harm from four years earlier when Spencer's girlfriend was released from jail, as showing that she was psychotic and unfit to be released. Today, she is 56 and still behind bars at the California Institution for Women. Yet, while it was all happening, so beautiful, so serene, I couldnt get over the perverse violence associated with my dads passing. ( )Tj /T1_4 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0.471 0 Td This article did a good job of explaining what had happened that day and what her motive was. -2.118 -1.529 Td 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td /T1_3 1 Tf Despite what former District Attorney Richard Sachs said on the episode of Deadly Women, Spencer's rampage was not "the country's, if not the world's first school shooting case before 1979." /T1_4 1 Tf [( N)23 (ew Y)60 (ork: J)23 (ason Aronson, 1976, p. Well, you could have shot out one window of the school and the police would have come., You didnt have any anger at the children?, The commissioner asked if she recalled saying she had fired on the schoolyard because I dont like Mondays., I might have said that, she replied. EMC Brenda Spencer: Sorting Out the Contradictions The murderer was tried as an adult. The ambulance rushing to get him to hospital took a sharp turn and the dead body of the school caretaker had rolled on top of him. 0.002 Tc 0.176 Tw /Span<>> BDC Whether these theories are true or not, Brenda Spencer was tried as an adult and pleaded guilty to two counts of murder and nine counts of assault. 0.319 Tw /Span<>> BDC /T1_3 1 Tf Spencer barricaded herself in her house for hours before an offer for a Burger King meal from negotiators convinced her to surrender. [(Y)60.1 (o)-4.9 (chelson, S. and S)23.1 (amenow)80.1 (, S. )]TJ Born in Decatur, Illinois, Jan 29,. ( )Tj Successive parole hearings have heard powerful testimony from those who say their lives were permanently scarred by Spencer. False Brenda Ann Spencer Shot Up A School. Her Reason? "I Don't Like Mondays The crime was committed in front of numerous witnesses, so the girl admitted her guilt. )Tj The girl was born in the USA, California, the city of San Diego, in 1962. 2 dead9 wounded )Tj The cellmate looked so much like Spencer, even local police officers believed Brenda had been released early from prison. 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td /T1_3 1 Tf (A Pro\036le for Change. /Span<>> BDC 20:55 EST 04 Apr 2019. Brenda Spencers name is largely forgotten now. She resembled Brenda. Brenda Spencer (Brenda Ann Spencer) was born on 3 April, 1962 in San Diego, California, is a School shooting in San Diego, California (USA). Spared the death penalty because of her age, Spencer was sentenced to two terms of 25 years to life in prison, running concurrently and with the chance of parole. KGsvVk4g#|$TQS(kPh=dKIj-\eA Adobe PDF Library 15.0 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td In the same year, she burgled the school where she would later kill pupils, vandalised classrooms and shot out some of its windows with a gun. In prison, Spencer was diagnosed as an epileptic and received medication to treat her epilepsy and depression. The diminutive 16-year-old with bright red hair then armed herself with the .22 rifle and telescopic sight that her father, Wally, had given her for Christmas and started firing shots from a window. She is currently single. Copyright 2016 by Peter Langman, Ph.D. The uninjured looked around confused as to what was happening. 28. -2.118 -1.529 Td /T1_4 1 Tf ( )Tj [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ Real Life /T1_4 1 Tf 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td During the uninterrupted shooting, two teachers were killed, who saved their children at the cost of their lives. /T1_3 1 Tf [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ Conviction Justice was ruthless. 0.4 Tw /Span<>> BDC Contradicting police reports that found no evidence of drugs or alcohol in her system, she said she had been taking both and was hallucinating at the time of the shooting. B renda Ann Spencer was born on April 3, 1962. Her net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. Peter Langman ( )Tj /T1_4 1 Tf /T1_5 1 Tf -0.03 Tc 0.358 Tw /Span<>> BDC The history of criminology has many stories about the shootings, which are arranged by schoolchildren. ( )Tj /CS0 cs 0 0 0 0.5 scn Children were going to school as the birds chirped. [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 p. 27)70 (. At her first hearing, Spencer said she had hoped police would shoot her and that she had been a user of alcohol and drugs at the time of the crime, although the results of drug tests done when she was taken into custody were negative. She was given an indefinite sentence and remains in prison. A statement by the teenage murderer in a 1979 school - Thevintagenews Adobe InDesign CC 2015 (Macintosh) Her father still lives in the house where the shooting took place. 58. ( p. ( )Tj She is from California. /Span<>> BDC [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 pp. [( pp. /T1_4 1 Tf Burton Regg - the teacher, who was waiting for the children, was killed almost immediately. /T1_3 1 Tf /T1_3 1 Tf You indicate you werent really trying to hit anybodybut you did a heck of a job of hitting a lot of people.. -2.118 -1.529 Td 76\22677)70 (. 84. ( )Tj At least three of those children had abdominal wounds. She can only ask for pardon after 25 years in prison. The commissioner asked if she remembered the police coming, and she said she did. ( )Tj 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td ( )Tj 2016-02-11T19:23:05-05:00 Brenda Spencer Teen Killer School Shooter - My Crime Library On April 4, 1980, a day after her 18th birthday, she was sentenced to 25 years to life. The tragedy happened on Monday, so the killer ended her speech with the phrase: "I just do not like Mondays". A former student named Cam Miller attended the hearing in person and offered the last statement. After firing thirty-six times, Spencer locked herself in her house for a few hours. What is brenda spencer doing now? Two were killed, including the head teacher, Burton Wragg, who ran outside and was hit as he tried to help injured children, and the school caretaker, who had tried to rescue the head. California rarely grants parole for people convicted of murder, but it hasnt stopped Brenda from trying. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ He believes that the shame, ridicule, inferiority, and powerlessness that she felt encouraged her to go as far as she did. )]TJ Brenda Ann Spencer, now 56, has spent the last 40 years in prison at the California Institution for Women. [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ Block 10A, Row 2, Space 46. /T1_5 1 Tf ( )Tj Brenda Ann Spencer has a cenotaph in Fairlawn Cemetery Stillwater Oklahoma. He recalled the phone call from the neighbor who said there had been a shooting at Cleveland, the frustration of not being able to get near the school because the incident was still going on, the terror in my wifes eyes, her screams of anguish at not knowing whether our girls were involved, the phone call from the hospital telling us that one of them had been wounded, looking at the bullet hole in her right elbow and the bullet burns on the inside if each thigh where a bullet had passed between her legs.. A spokesperson for the prison told theDaily Mail: The Golden Girls program at California Institution for Women is geared toward addressing the emotional and physical needs of the older population. /T1_4 1 Tf A lot of kids laughing and doing their thing? the commissioner asked. (76)Tj However, her method of expressing her resentment is definitely unjustifiable. Do not leave her indifferent and stories about violence. I had never heard of a female school shooter. The schools principal, Burton Wragg, while rushing outside, was hit on the shoulder and chest with Spencers bullets and eventually died. ET The second victim, Michael Sucher, got his bullet, trying to save his fallen colleague. [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ /T1_5 1 Tf Youre shooting these people as they become targets, and yet you told me that you didnt intend to hit anyone.. Normally, very few people convicted on a charge of murder were able to obtain parole in California before 2011. A month later, on January 29, 1979, she achieved infamy when she began shooting at her school, Grover Cleveland Elementary in San Diego from her home, located across the street. /T1_4 1 Tf [( p. 207)70 (. [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 p. In 1979, 16 year old Brenda Ann Spencer was arrested after killing two (89)Tj ( )Tj Both girls had witnessed the death of the principal and the custodian. ( p. /T1_4 1 Tf )Tj 0 Tw T* Copyright 2018 /T1_4 1 Tf ( )Tj The most terrible thing in all this story was the announcement of the reasons for shooting from the mouth of the murderer. EMC The court sentenced her to life in prison with a possibility of parole after 25 years. )]TJ 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td EMC -2.118 -1.529 Td [(H)23 (are, )]TJ 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td She said the psychiatrist had recommended she be hospitalized as a danger to herself and to others. Do you remember them taking cover? the commissioner asked. 17:46 EST 04 Apr 2019 EMC Spencer told police negotiators she had shot the children and staff because they made such easy targets. It was the perfect senseless act and this was the perfect senseless reason for doing it.. (61)Tj Spencer signed up as soon as she hit 55. After several hours, Brenda Spencer surrendered her weapon and several rounds of ammunition, and was subsequently arrested. The ruthless shooter continued shooting until the police blocked the school entrance by moving a garbage truck in front of it. Brenda Ann Spencer @craymondaykilla On January 9,1979 I shot at Grover Cleveland Elementary School across the street from my house and killed the principal and the custodian, also injured 9 others San Diego, CAmondaysarentmything.tumblr.comJoined January 2016 3Following 51Followers Tweets Tweets & replies Media Likes Brenda Ann Spencer's Tweets Foxborough High School Football Coach, Articles B
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It is very saddening to read that she would target an elementary school full of innocent children but it is very satisfying to also read that she is still serving time for the horrific thing she had committed. The other daughter had been saved from harm when a notebook with a pouch of pens stopped a bullet. The fact that school shootings are more normalized in 2021 than anything is sad. 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td /Span<>> BDC [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ 42. 0 Tw (-)Tj ( )Tj By then, police were responding to the school shooting. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "School Shooter Brenda Spencer Denied Parole", "Urban Legends Reference Pages: Music (I Don't Like Mondays)",, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Then the inmate proceeded to commit one of the most notorious crimes in the history of this nation., He went on: At 8:30 a.m., the children were lining up to enter Cleveland Elementary School She picked up her .22 caliber, semiautomatic scoped rifle and began shooting children. [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ EMC With every school shooting, I feel Im partially responsible, Brenda Ann Spencer told the parole board back in 2001. /GS0 gs /T1_3 1 Tf /Span<>> BDC uuid:abfef72d-ac1c-9d47-b406-9a703c3e820b -2.118 -1.529 Td Brenda Spencer and Laura Troiani parole hearings - YouTube 0:00 / 2:29 Brenda Spencer and Laura Troiani parole hearings CBS 8 San Diego 175K subscribers Subscribe 88 Share 11K views 5. )]TJ Further casualties were avoided only because the police obstructed her line of fire by moving a garbage truck in front of her house. A year before the shooting, school officials told her parents they believed she was a suicide risk but her father ordered them to leave his family alone. (100)Tj I feel Im partially liven up the day. xmp.did:84468427512268118C14E112F7938AD6 [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ )Tj ( )Tj )]TJ Spencer was the inspiration for the song "I Don't Like Mondays," written by Bob Geldof and Johnnie Fingers for their band the Boomtown Rats, which was released later that year. /T1_5 1 Tf ( p. EMC /T1_4 1 Tf [(\223H)23 (earing 2005,)80 (\224 p. /T1_5 1 Tf /T1_3 1 Tf /Span<>> BDC But for the heroic efforts of a police officer who risked his life to drive a trash truck in front of her residence to block her field of fire, no doubt further children would have been shot.. ( )Tj 24\22625. According to court documents she would open fire from her home aiming at young children waiting to get into the school. /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj representative added that Spencer had complained to the police negotiator that the custodian had tried to get everybody off the school grounds. ( p. (85)Tj 25\22626. She killed. /T1_3 1 Tf adobe:docid:indd:dd4a55d2-0e77-11de-96a0-c0933d61f99d She said she did it for the fun of it and that just gave me chills. Spencer subsequently pleaded guilty to two counts of murder. /Span<>> BDC His life and death detailed, Where is Amy Fisher now? The number of shots fired and the number of vital hits speaks of incredibly accurate, directed shooting, and these were moving targets.. The girl herself from an early age was interested in weapons and everything connected with him. She is a member of famous with the age 60 years old group. EMC /T1_4 1 Tf (-)Tj Officer Robert Robb shot in the neck as he arrived but he lived. This is such a sad case because those kids did not deserve to go through something so traumatizing. A hunting enthusiast, he had enough ammunition in the house for a small army, according to one of his daughters classmates. ( Lanham, )Tj Surprisingly, the suspect was identified as a 16-year-old girl, Brenda Ann Spencer, who was living across the street from Grover Cleveland Elementary. They slept on a single mattress on the living room floor, with empty alcohol . (73)Tj Every new school shooting by a teenager reinforces the argument that she was not uniquely wicked or crazed. 0.4 Tw /Span<>> BDC I would have to call to my mother two or three times each night to walk me around the inside of my house, just so I knew that Brenda Spencer was not inside my house, he recalled. -2.118 -1.529 Td 89. . Mikhail Andreevich Osorgin: Biography and Creativity, Sovereign of all Russia Ivan 3: biography, years of government, Prince Potemkin: biography, photo, the activities of Prince Potemkin-Taurian, Ushakov's medals. Brenda Ann Spencer (born in San Diego, California on April 3, 1962) is a convicted American murderer who performed a deadly shooting spree, during which she killed two people at the Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego on January 29, 1979. 7)30 (3, 75. 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td Ive seen first hand how these tragedies affect a community. (62)Tj /T1_4 1 Tf As she continued shooting, SWAT officers surrounded the house and evacuated the school from the rear. EMC On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The parole board chairman said that as she had not previously told any prison staff about the allegations, he doubted whether they were true. When she was 16 years old, at Christmas, her father presented her with a rifle with an optical sight. Numerous tests and examinations proved that Spencer was absolutely adequate, she was not offended at school, loved at home, and she was absolutely sober at the time of the murder. 0.305 Tw /Span<>> BDC There was also a statement from the principals daughter. EMC The likelihood of a successful parole hearing is slim at best. It can show a rage against the owner of the doll. Nothing was different for Brenda Ann Spencer; she was one of the girls who typically hated ( )Tj Brenda proceeded to wound seven more children with stunning accuracy. Ugh, its Monday are the words that usually follow the arrival of the most dreaded day of the week. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ 0.013 Tc -0.013 Tw 13.929 0 Td This livens up the day." The blood hadnt been scrubbed from where he had fallen on the concrete. -0.047 Tw 2.118 0 Td , updated -2.118 -1.529 Td ( )Tj A 16-year-old girl, Brenda Spencer, who lived in a house across the street from the school, was convicted of the shootings. Brenda Spencer (Brenda Ann Spencer) was born on 3 April, 1962 in San Diego, California, is a School shooting in San Diego, California (USA). EMC The look at Brenda Foster gave me was enough to scare any young child to death.. /T1_4 1 Tf She did it, she said, because she didn't like Mondays. 0.38 Tw /Span<>> BDC The pain these children must have felt is unforgivable. EMC I understand that she was not mentally stable but killing innocent people is not justifiable. And every time I had tried suicide in the previous year I had screwed it up.. I had never heard of this case prior to reading this article. Brenda is the youngest child and has one older brother and one older sister. Nobody at the school knew where the shots were coming from. The campaign of Genghis Khan to Russia, Olive oil: composition, properties and application. -0.003 Tc -0.051 Tw 0.476 0 Td This was a Monday morning in January 1979. Cam [Charles] Miller was seven when she shot him in the back. /T1_4 1 Tf Or as Wilfred Suchar, son of the murdered school caretaker, put it at a parole hearing: My question is, will there be another boring Monday for her?. This article brings to light the issue of gun control. "[2] Those comments were the inspiration to the song I Don't Like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats, which reached #1 in the United Kingdom in mid 1979. While on the phone with Stevens, Spencer had stated that she was just shooting for the fun of it. She went on to say that she just didnt like Mondays and did this because its a way to cheer up the day.3, Contrary to her initial claim, she later went on to state in her 2001 parole hearing that she had been sexually abused by [her] father and was waiting for the cops to show up so they could shoot [her].4 This new information has fueled many more theories today about Brenda Spencers true motives in committing such a crime. ( )Tj He ended by saying on behalf of his deceased parents and the surviving members of the family that they opposed parole for Spencer. /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj In 2005, a San Diego deputy district attorney cited an incident of self-harm from four years earlier when Spencer's girlfriend was released from jail, as showing that she was psychotic and unfit to be released. Today, she is 56 and still behind bars at the California Institution for Women. Yet, while it was all happening, so beautiful, so serene, I couldnt get over the perverse violence associated with my dads passing. ( )Tj /T1_4 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0.471 0 Td This article did a good job of explaining what had happened that day and what her motive was. -2.118 -1.529 Td 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td /T1_3 1 Tf Despite what former District Attorney Richard Sachs said on the episode of Deadly Women, Spencer's rampage was not "the country's, if not the world's first school shooting case before 1979." /T1_4 1 Tf [( N)23 (ew Y)60 (ork: J)23 (ason Aronson, 1976, p. Well, you could have shot out one window of the school and the police would have come., You didnt have any anger at the children?, The commissioner asked if she recalled saying she had fired on the schoolyard because I dont like Mondays., I might have said that, she replied. EMC Brenda Spencer: Sorting Out the Contradictions The murderer was tried as an adult. The ambulance rushing to get him to hospital took a sharp turn and the dead body of the school caretaker had rolled on top of him. 0.002 Tc 0.176 Tw /Span<>> BDC Whether these theories are true or not, Brenda Spencer was tried as an adult and pleaded guilty to two counts of murder and nine counts of assault. 0.319 Tw /Span<>> BDC /T1_3 1 Tf Spencer barricaded herself in her house for hours before an offer for a Burger King meal from negotiators convinced her to surrender. [(Y)60.1 (o)-4.9 (chelson, S. and S)23.1 (amenow)80.1 (, S. )]TJ Born in Decatur, Illinois, Jan 29,. ( )Tj Successive parole hearings have heard powerful testimony from those who say their lives were permanently scarred by Spencer. False Brenda Ann Spencer Shot Up A School. Her Reason? "I Don't Like Mondays The crime was committed in front of numerous witnesses, so the girl admitted her guilt. )Tj The girl was born in the USA, California, the city of San Diego, in 1962. 2 dead9 wounded )Tj The cellmate looked so much like Spencer, even local police officers believed Brenda had been released early from prison. 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td /T1_3 1 Tf (A Pro\036le for Change. /Span<>> BDC 20:55 EST 04 Apr 2019. Brenda Spencers name is largely forgotten now. She resembled Brenda. Brenda Spencer (Brenda Ann Spencer) was born on 3 April, 1962 in San Diego, California, is a School shooting in San Diego, California (USA). Spared the death penalty because of her age, Spencer was sentenced to two terms of 25 years to life in prison, running concurrently and with the chance of parole. KGsvVk4g#|$TQS(kPh=dKIj-\eA Adobe PDF Library 15.0 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td In the same year, she burgled the school where she would later kill pupils, vandalised classrooms and shot out some of its windows with a gun. In prison, Spencer was diagnosed as an epileptic and received medication to treat her epilepsy and depression. The diminutive 16-year-old with bright red hair then armed herself with the .22 rifle and telescopic sight that her father, Wally, had given her for Christmas and started firing shots from a window. She is currently single. Copyright 2016 by Peter Langman, Ph.D. The uninjured looked around confused as to what was happening. 28. -2.118 -1.529 Td /T1_4 1 Tf ( )Tj [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ Real Life /T1_4 1 Tf 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td During the uninterrupted shooting, two teachers were killed, who saved their children at the cost of their lives. /T1_3 1 Tf [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ Conviction Justice was ruthless. 0.4 Tw /Span<>> BDC Contradicting police reports that found no evidence of drugs or alcohol in her system, she said she had been taking both and was hallucinating at the time of the shooting. B renda Ann Spencer was born on April 3, 1962. Her net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. Peter Langman ( )Tj /T1_4 1 Tf /T1_5 1 Tf -0.03 Tc 0.358 Tw /Span<>> BDC The history of criminology has many stories about the shootings, which are arranged by schoolchildren. ( )Tj /CS0 cs 0 0 0 0.5 scn Children were going to school as the birds chirped. [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 p. 27)70 (. At her first hearing, Spencer said she had hoped police would shoot her and that she had been a user of alcohol and drugs at the time of the crime, although the results of drug tests done when she was taken into custody were negative. She was given an indefinite sentence and remains in prison. A statement by the teenage murderer in a 1979 school - Thevintagenews Adobe InDesign CC 2015 (Macintosh) Her father still lives in the house where the shooting took place. 58. ( p. ( )Tj She is from California. /Span<>> BDC [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 pp. [( pp. /T1_4 1 Tf Burton Regg - the teacher, who was waiting for the children, was killed almost immediately. /T1_3 1 Tf /T1_3 1 Tf You indicate you werent really trying to hit anybodybut you did a heck of a job of hitting a lot of people.. -2.118 -1.529 Td 76\22677)70 (. 84. ( )Tj At least three of those children had abdominal wounds. She can only ask for pardon after 25 years in prison. The commissioner asked if she remembered the police coming, and she said she did. ( )Tj 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td ( )Tj 2016-02-11T19:23:05-05:00 Brenda Spencer Teen Killer School Shooter - My Crime Library On April 4, 1980, a day after her 18th birthday, she was sentenced to 25 years to life. The tragedy happened on Monday, so the killer ended her speech with the phrase: "I just do not like Mondays". A former student named Cam Miller attended the hearing in person and offered the last statement. After firing thirty-six times, Spencer locked herself in her house for a few hours. What is brenda spencer doing now? Two were killed, including the head teacher, Burton Wragg, who ran outside and was hit as he tried to help injured children, and the school caretaker, who had tried to rescue the head. California rarely grants parole for people convicted of murder, but it hasnt stopped Brenda from trying. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ He believes that the shame, ridicule, inferiority, and powerlessness that she felt encouraged her to go as far as she did. )]TJ Brenda Ann Spencer, now 56, has spent the last 40 years in prison at the California Institution for Women. [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ Block 10A, Row 2, Space 46. /T1_5 1 Tf ( )Tj Brenda Ann Spencer has a cenotaph in Fairlawn Cemetery Stillwater Oklahoma. He recalled the phone call from the neighbor who said there had been a shooting at Cleveland, the frustration of not being able to get near the school because the incident was still going on, the terror in my wifes eyes, her screams of anguish at not knowing whether our girls were involved, the phone call from the hospital telling us that one of them had been wounded, looking at the bullet hole in her right elbow and the bullet burns on the inside if each thigh where a bullet had passed between her legs.. A spokesperson for the prison told theDaily Mail: The Golden Girls program at California Institution for Women is geared toward addressing the emotional and physical needs of the older population. /T1_4 1 Tf A lot of kids laughing and doing their thing? the commissioner asked. (76)Tj However, her method of expressing her resentment is definitely unjustifiable. Do not leave her indifferent and stories about violence. I had never heard of a female school shooter. The schools principal, Burton Wragg, while rushing outside, was hit on the shoulder and chest with Spencers bullets and eventually died. ET The second victim, Michael Sucher, got his bullet, trying to save his fallen colleague. [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ /T1_5 1 Tf Youre shooting these people as they become targets, and yet you told me that you didnt intend to hit anyone.. Normally, very few people convicted on a charge of murder were able to obtain parole in California before 2011. A month later, on January 29, 1979, she achieved infamy when she began shooting at her school, Grover Cleveland Elementary in San Diego from her home, located across the street. /T1_4 1 Tf [( p. 207)70 (. [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 p. In 1979, 16 year old Brenda Ann Spencer was arrested after killing two (89)Tj ( )Tj Both girls had witnessed the death of the principal and the custodian. ( p. /T1_4 1 Tf )Tj 0 Tw T* Copyright 2018 /T1_4 1 Tf ( )Tj The most terrible thing in all this story was the announcement of the reasons for shooting from the mouth of the murderer. EMC The court sentenced her to life in prison with a possibility of parole after 25 years. )]TJ 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td EMC -2.118 -1.529 Td [(H)23 (are, )]TJ 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td She said the psychiatrist had recommended she be hospitalized as a danger to herself and to others. Do you remember them taking cover? the commissioner asked. 17:46 EST 04 Apr 2019 EMC Spencer told police negotiators she had shot the children and staff because they made such easy targets. It was the perfect senseless act and this was the perfect senseless reason for doing it.. (61)Tj Spencer signed up as soon as she hit 55. After several hours, Brenda Spencer surrendered her weapon and several rounds of ammunition, and was subsequently arrested. The ruthless shooter continued shooting until the police blocked the school entrance by moving a garbage truck in front of it. Brenda Ann Spencer @craymondaykilla On January 9,1979 I shot at Grover Cleveland Elementary School across the street from my house and killed the principal and the custodian, also injured 9 others San Diego, CAmondaysarentmything.tumblr.comJoined January 2016 3Following 51Followers Tweets Tweets & replies Media Likes Brenda Ann Spencer's Tweets

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