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Beneteau First 27.7 Review - Yacht and Boat Its only after that when the halyard comes down again and diverted into the cockpit where the boats mainsail may be hoisted. What I also noticed, even when I asked Tim to head up directly into waves to see how she might behave, was that there was no noise at all. These were perfect conditions to discover whether the boat lacks power. If PHRF racing is the only game in your sailing town, consider whether your boat is right for your typical conditions. 0000001753 00000 n 0000001786 00000 n Good job, Seascape! One of the officers with the Lake Michigan PHRF Fleet guessed at 261 based on an email with the measurements from the factory. Join US Sailing Today. Area B Meeting on June 28, 2022 minutes are posted here. Beneteau First 27 #160. The Vicsail Beneteau people suggest the First 27.7 may perhaps be a keen sailor"s second keeler, the step up for the J24 owner, or the skiff sailor who wants to move on. This effect increases dramatically the resistance when the boat reaches a speed-length ratio (speed-length ratio is the ratio between the speed in knots and the square root of the waterline length in feet) of about 1.2 (corresponding to a Froude Number of 0.35) . The Mark III model, which has a deeper keel and more modern rudder design, is a strong windward performer, but pays in the rating game and is typically a good deal more costly. Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of Galveston Bay, Inc. 3620 Miramar Dr. . The First 27 SE comes in standard configuration with a full Cabon-mast and boom. No noise at all! document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad98347bd044661bf551191fc049abda" );document.getElementById("a7b8e97209").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); NO FRILLS is a private non-profit website. We then beared away further to an AWA of 120 to 140 degrees. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. This is an appealing fast cruiser that stands out for a number of reasons. Germany, Copyright 2023 NO FRILLS by Lars Reisberg. startxref The First 27 - 2018has also been marketed as Seascape 27. The Seascape/First 27 was making 7.6 to 7.9 knots over ground and it was great fun. I like that approach as it reminds me on other pure or no frills sailboat-makers like Pogo or in wider sense JPK of France. The 10- to 15-knot wind range is plenty to power most boats, so a very light boat, carrying a penalty for high sail-area-to-displacement ratio, will be at a disadvantage. Then there is a small cooling compartment (which I havent ordered with a fidge-unit) under one of the steps of the entryway and two big compartments under the salons benches. The US Sailing 2017 PHRF Fleets by Class lists the base PHRF ratings from 111 to 123. 181 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<42348B2467349EB39DA18D9FE6BEECDD><5BA7F2238023F34F9D8C8A3BBF32F71D>]/Index[166 25]/Info 165 0 R/Length 85/Prev 227054/Root 167 0 R/Size 191/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream And we did so. A smaller compartment under the upper step of the companionway, a larger shelf under the lower. The Seascape/First 27 can be either equipped with a Tohatsu 10 horsepower outboard engine (which weve had aboard) or a Torqueedo electric power engine. Thanks to the masthead spinnaker, it excels downwind in all breezes. Swing keel w/dual rudders. In the Alu-version there will be a very small solution, but not in the SE Carbon rocket. django create admin user zillow new hampshire failed to connect to host docker internal port 80 connection refused necklace with mustard seed vinyl deck cost calculator fou movies 1080p The boat is painted in plain white top-coat. 190 0 obj <>stream 0000011111 00000 n Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) ratings are based on the speed potential of the boat, determined as far as possible on observations of previous racing experiences. It was designed for speed, not for any rating system. Who made them in the first place? This year, we were given a 6 second "protect the fleet" rating, so what was going to be an 87 rating, brought us down to an 81. PHRF Racing: Choosing a Boat | Sailing World Ratings All. Cheers, Lars, [] Now, can the First 27 be an alternative? Although some cruiser-sailors might find this too much of trimming possibilities, I think this is quite fancy on a racing boat like this. This makes it a very interesting option for a weekender, or even a quick summer evening sail, where the ability to return quickly to base is an imperative. In-Stock. Yet this was not an edge-of-control ride the boat handled as though it was on rails, with heaps of reserve in the rudders, even when pressed hard. endstream endobj startxref The equation incorporates SA/Disp (100% fore triangle) and Disp/length ratios to create a guide to probable boat performance vs. other boats of comparable size. The boat was conceived by Andraz Mihelin and his Seascape team to blend their Mini Transat offshore-experience with a bigger, cruising-capable, trailer-ready fast sailboat which should be prone to winning races. A nice audio indicator by the way. Manufacturer: Beneteau: Model: Beneteau First 42 TM LK: Hull Serial Number: BEY0183000384U: Date Manufactured: 1984: Other Ratings: PHRF-NE 78, ORR GP 0.635.0 (fully measured) Would it be possible to obtain the measurement etc.from the yard for us to try and find out the IRC rating ourselves. Sitting low on the trailer due to hydraulically operated swinging keel, light structure, beam just below the width limit and light carbon mast, she is wholly trailable on different locations, for racing or cruising purposes. With its low wetted surface, overlapping headsail, and narrow beam, its an excellent performer, particularly in the chop. / 47 sq.metres, Yardstick Handicap 88 to 91 (depending). [], Your email address will not be published. A moderate displacement boat, a powerful rig, and a sea-kindly hull will produce a boat that drives upwind, through chop, and carries a spinnaker large enough to preserve a lead. Sounds quite like some work and I was happy not to try it . To start with, the First 27 is not a new boat to me. Although compact, the interior is welcoming and provides for all basic needs. xref Engine. 6~U2s>' X~~k "`#ph5~#sXjK[vf=W]bJI O oXr>i }7`CRpvk2?RqbEXzz?YM'mz%H]rZ=_zLF 8>H6QH2 Y]P?dFX0|]oc n azxK/@"0Oa'/$8x#IA]9qa<4@;? #gs! `"k{o8xR8_ YD*5WB O{9p5&NTI] 7}vad Although my First 38 is sitting on the hard with a for sale sign on it, it became a First 37.5, then a 38s5 etc. The aim is to cancel out the inherent advantages and disadvantages of each class of boats, so that results reflect crew skill rather than equipment superiority. Close-hauled in 4 knots of true wind we only managed 2.8 knots of boat speed, but the boat came alive in just 5 knots of breeze when it accelerated to four knots, rising further to 4.5 of boat speed in 6 knots true. PDF NCPHRF Base Rating Report - - FIRST 27 SE (BENETEAU) Sailboat I am trying to identify equivalent models in the 38-40 foot range. But later more on this. Design and Comfort: The First 27 / Seascape 27 is a pure sailboat. Right now there is a brand new 30-footer in the making. The Beneteau First 27 is light on the helm and easily driven. Genoa Spin. (Were they ever any good?) Sailors can challenge themselves on One Design long-distance races or enjoy fast adventure cruises in the best sailing spots, as she is also wholly trailable. 0 167 27 Benateau oceanis 40 Rating | SailNet Community Only two 393 RFM listed in US Sailing base rating database. The boats are very fast. Share. 126. First 27 SE is the only B category trailable 8m boat on the market with a fully functional interior. WL NS. The First 30 JK: a construction designed for racers. It was almost dark when I stepped from the ever-balancing hull of my Seascape 18 onto the dock in Svendborg. It is always a moment of relief on a sailing boat when the skipper finally turns off the engine, but on the Seascape/First 27 it was a really big sigh of relief from the bottom of our hearts as we had brought enough sea room between us and the marina and Tim finally killed the engine! I will work out a portable solution provide the WC of my boat with at least a small sink or possibility to wash ones hands after using the WC. Her modern and state-of-the-art design delivers the magic of planing sailing to families, couples, and solo sailors alike, wherever the cruising ground and whatever the weather conditions. Available Soon. 0000011320 00000 n Reply PHRF ratings are adjusted by modifying the base rating using a variety of race and course handicapping factors. Give Gift; Back to Top; . Well-thought cockpit ergonomy, no runners, balanced twin-rudder steering system all empower the sailors. The owner described the boat as being easy to handle even when pressed. Its a powerful unit for such an easily driven hull, but was chosen as its the smallest model that satisfies the emissions requirements of the USAs Environmental Protection Agency. At the risk of adding another facet to an already complicated decision, we tasked PHRF guru Bruce Bingman with identifying a few boats that are likely to sail above their rating in certain conditions. Interior Appearance. In 2014 I sailed the prototype in Slovenia on a gusty winters day with the wind varying from 12-22 knots. INTERIOR DESIGN : Sito Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. On the other hand, a moderately light displacement boat with not too much wetted surface will ensure youre not left out in the cold should the wind go light. Weve all heard it 1,000 times before: There is no substitute for good sails, reliable gear, and a smooth bottom. There's a good-sized anchor locker, which takes a 35 lb CQR on chain and warp and there's a shelf to fit a windlass below deck. If not, weve got a few recommendations. A large and open cockpit welcomes you with comfortable benches, a removable indoor/outdoor table and a swim ladder with a shower on the stern. A buoy element of 3 cubicmetres will make for better survivability in case of distress at sea. 0 Nautic boat show 2022 : Spotlight on remarkable sustainable innovations at BENETEAU, Beginner Sailing Guide: How to choose the right sailboat and learn how to sail, Seven Essential Checks to Make Before Relaunching Your Sailboat. will be over a minute/mile faster than its Oceanis sister. Seems like a reasonable place to start. The new Seanappsapp is the ultimate solution to help you indulge your passion for boating. Yes, there was barely any swell going on and I guess that short, choppy waves might cause the boat to feel like a balky stallion as all small boats do but these conditions where as perfect as one could wish for. 0000000836 00000 n - SEASCAPE 27 Sailboat The string may be operated from above as well. First 27 - 2018's main features Model First 27 - 2018 And I again wondered why some ordinary production cruisers are making such a noise when sailed , Fast saling with the Beneteau Seascape-First 27. <<011C836D49544B4FA11995000007A5AE>]>> A boat thats so responsive adds significantly to both the fun factor and the sense of satisfaction you get from sailing, which was a welcome change for me at the end of a week testing 45-60ft yachts. International Owners Community and events calendar enable owners to challenge themselves on long-distance. In this scenario were looking for light boats that are on the smaller end of the size range for each of the rating bands, but still retain the ability to perform in breezier conditions. I am only looking at base rating, the corrections are well defined in the SEF PHRF handbook. 0000038162 00000 n BW%RJx|Sky/S~W There are berths for four, including two comfortable settee/quarter berths in the saloon, plus a double in the forepeak and enough space to stow kitbags. That may indicate a very stiff rigging and a pretty stiff produced hull. I as well liked the nice details: The tiller is made from carbon, very stiff yet lightweight: I know how pretty damn heavy a massive wooden tiller can turn out to be from my own boat. Instead of cutting a big hole in the cabin coachroof the Seascape/First 27 features a nice clever rotatable mount where the chart plotter is attached to. US Sailing Resource Library. Boat speed throughout matched the wind speed. She is sourcing her performance from a modern hull design and light but stiff vacuum-infused hull construction. I am trying to identify equivalent models in the 38-40 foot range. Technical data. 0000036790 00000 n Very high stability due to an unsinkable hull combined with threeunsinkablechambers, a crash-box, an inboard engine, and balanced twin rudders for complete control make safety one of her strongest points. Good sails can make a . BOAT_TYPE RATING DATE DW Class Rating Beneteau 40.7 First Farr ODR 48 3/9/2004 Beneteau 405 TM 90 6/1/1989 Beneteau 411 105 12/9/1999 Beneteau 415 96 1/18/1990 Beneteau 41S5 90 . Given more time we could have enjoyed wonderful downwind sailing for 200 miles or more to Split or Dubrovnik, then put the boat on a road trailer for the upwind return leg. The interior is brighter, more spacious and more civilised, thanks in part to the lack of a box for the lifting keel, although you still have to step over the frames in the bottom of the boat and theres no standing headroom. database not found either pre create it or allow remote database creation Average PHRF Rating - Cruising Sailboats Reference - SchoonerMan Join me on my voyage to becoming a skilful yachtmaster, in sailing my own boat and exploring the seas, visiting various ports and marinas and meeting so many interesting people. PDF UNITED STATES PERFORMANCE HANDICAP RACING FLEET - WildApricot The Seascape-built First 27 has a small but very dedicated and loyal clientel as well. Chasotstrae 12 The boat is a serious racer and the Seascape/First line sees their adversaries in the J-boats. Very nice! A very clever detail! We heeled up to a point where the boat gained the stability needed, the windward rudder came completely out of the water and the Seascape/First 27 jumped to life. In this, the company offers a Tohatsu internal compustion engine. At any given time, they are only building one model in that size range, although the SD,SM,WK is just a keel option. %PDF-1.6 % Beneteau First 27 boats for sale - YachtWorld Detailed sailboat specifications and datasheets since 2015, Standard public price ex. The GEKKO is now sold to another young skipper late 2022. By equivalent I mean which models are similar in design intent so that the ratings for these models can be compared. I met Tim, a young sailor who is part of the OLeu Doyler-sailmaker dynasty here at the Baltic shores and breathes sailing with every pore of his body. The advantages for me are clear: Same power without the compustion downsides: Stinking, toxic odors of gasoline, no carburetor-works - just "plug & play". However, the Beneteau First 27 has more than enough inherent stability that its not dependent on crew weight for this, so you can sit wherever is most comfortable or convenient. Home Competition Offshore PHRF Boat Class Lookup, Ran Aground? Like Jackdaw says, it would be unusual for the PHRF committee to hit him more than 3 or 6 seconds, and few races are decided by such a slim margin. The DLR is obtained by dividing the boat's displacement in tons by the cube of one one-hundredth of the waterline length (in feet). Other than that, the bpat is pretty naked and the yard leaves it upto the owner to configure and equip the sailboat to every single skippers needs. Key changes include a shorter aluminium mast with pinhead mainsail, a fixed fin keel with torpedo bulb and 30cm less draught, plus an inboard diesel engine. In this, I naturally have some projects in the pipeline to upgrade my boat to a standard I find fit for #microcruising, these are in particular: NO FRILLS is a private non-profit website. Below that number you tend to find dry-sailed race boats requiring professionally managed programs, which are beyond the scope of this exercise, and usually too fast to really race in most local series. I love the simple system of the rodkicker mounted on this boat! PHRF Handicaps | Jeanneau Owners Forum So every clamps and lines are laid back to the cockpit and the small cabins roof. Which one is best would be dictated by local class splits. 0000040221 00000 n With the touch of your finger, you can easily connect, monitor and order services for your boat from routine maintenance, to requesting a wash or fuel or having us complete a repair. The original version of the Sam Manuard-designed Seascape 27 (now branded as the Beneteau First 27 SE) has long been one of my favourite small yachts. As Gurley notes, the FIRST line is intended for racing/cruising, and is faster and more ruggedly built than an equivalent Oceanis model. Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 includes small headsail 51 8/27/2019 Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 SM includes small headsail 54 1/20/2020 Beneteau Oceanis 49 84 10/27/2016 Bermuda 30 . Sailwave results for Sidney B.C. at SIDNEY NORTH SAANICH YACHT CLUB 2023 The flooring is a light grey rubber/foam material. We also want to look for boats with relatively fine bow sections to get through the chop. Combined with other practicalities, these make her an ultimate adventure cruiser for sailing connoisseurs. We are proud to have one of the largest, most highly-regarded dealer networks in the world. Back in Cannes at the boat show one of the Seascape guys explained to me how elaborately the mast was made and which work went into creating this powerful rigging. 2005 Beneteau First 36.7. Rating NS Buoy Rating Endorsement Expire; PET-ABB33: ABBOTT 33 : TIGRESS : 123 : 150 : RACER CRUISER : . Its superb seaworthiness, which crowned the boat with the B category, results from boat design, cutting-edge building technology and many safety features: three separated insubmersibility chambers, swinging keel system in case of grounding and increased bow volume with crash box. When we finally were flat running before the wind, surprisingly, when I furled away the job the boat didnt much slowed down. The First 27 - 2018is a 26'2" (7.99m) cruiser-racer sailboat designed by Sam Manuard Yacht Design(France). A. no wooden surfaces or panels at all. BENETEAU 305: MORE FREEBOARD,MODIFIED STERN: BENETEAU 30E: BENETEAU 30ES: IOR SKIRT STERN,LEAD KEEL,FRAC RIG: . Beneteau's First 27 is fast, predictable and great fun to sail Bearing away onto a beam reach, we set the nylon furling gennaker, initially in 3.5 knots of breeze which gradually built to 6. Beneteau First 44.7, Big Sister to the 40.7 - beneteau 47.7 18 45 27 beneteau 47.7 sd 30 45 33 beneteau 47.7 tm dk 24 33 27 beneteau 49 51 99 66 beneteau 50 57 90 72 beneteau figaro 99 105 102 beneteau first class 10 81 102 96 beneteau first class 12 60 69 63 beneteau first class 8 147 162 153 . Owner. The First 27 is a 26'1" (7.95m) cruiser-racer sailboat designed by Bureau Mauric (France). Beneteau bought Seascape and updated the boats and called those the First SE's. The First 27 is a detuned SE. Upwind, at some 40 degrees AWA in 10 to 13 knots of true wind the boat, depending on the waves, made some 5 to 6 knots. 167 0 obj <> endobj PHRF New England - Handicapping - Boat Variants - Boat Versions Until we noticed that we had forgot to take in the engine. Her fairleads are cut into the toerail and she has cleats at bow and stern, but not amidships. We then beared away to a nice beam reach and tried this on both starboard and port tack. They can even bury their feet deep under the cockpit in some tiny quarter berth-like bulges. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Biltmore Rooms Not Open To Public, Articles B
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Winds tend to be at either end of the spectrum: Its either drifter light or wipeout windy. 1. She may also be sailed as a cruiser and can offer quite some amenities to a young couple destined to have the sailing adventures of their lives. 0000001467 00000 n Its therefore an interesting option for someone who usually sails in the sun, whether on their own boat or with others, but wants a capable and fun yacht to keep near home for daysails, weekends and occasional longer trips. . Quote. You can easily discover distant shores without long sea deliveries, save on marina costs, and store your boat in your backyard during the off season. ORC - Club Certificate. Again and again, she will surprise you by getting to plane with as little as 12 knots of wind. Insurance Solutions by. PHRF New England is an independent handicapping authority whose handicaps are used by fleets sailing on Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts Bay, the Gulf of Maine, and Lake Winnipesauke. Rating Base Rating Non-spin. We have teams of experts to guide you through the entire process everything from sea trials, financing, and customization to after-sale commissioning, service, and maintenance. Murray Yacht Sales St. Petersburg. Beneteau First 27.7 Review - Yacht and Boat Its only after that when the halyard comes down again and diverted into the cockpit where the boats mainsail may be hoisted. What I also noticed, even when I asked Tim to head up directly into waves to see how she might behave, was that there was no noise at all. These were perfect conditions to discover whether the boat lacks power. If PHRF racing is the only game in your sailing town, consider whether your boat is right for your typical conditions. 0000001753 00000 n 0000001786 00000 n Good job, Seascape! One of the officers with the Lake Michigan PHRF Fleet guessed at 261 based on an email with the measurements from the factory. Join US Sailing Today. Area B Meeting on June 28, 2022 minutes are posted here. Beneteau First 27 #160. The Vicsail Beneteau people suggest the First 27.7 may perhaps be a keen sailor"s second keeler, the step up for the J24 owner, or the skiff sailor who wants to move on. This effect increases dramatically the resistance when the boat reaches a speed-length ratio (speed-length ratio is the ratio between the speed in knots and the square root of the waterline length in feet) of about 1.2 (corresponding to a Froude Number of 0.35) . The Mark III model, which has a deeper keel and more modern rudder design, is a strong windward performer, but pays in the rating game and is typically a good deal more costly. Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of Galveston Bay, Inc. 3620 Miramar Dr. . The First 27 SE comes in standard configuration with a full Cabon-mast and boom. No noise at all! document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad98347bd044661bf551191fc049abda" );document.getElementById("a7b8e97209").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); NO FRILLS is a private non-profit website. We then beared away further to an AWA of 120 to 140 degrees. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. This is an appealing fast cruiser that stands out for a number of reasons. Germany, Copyright 2023 NO FRILLS by Lars Reisberg. startxref The First 27 - 2018has also been marketed as Seascape 27. The Seascape/First 27 was making 7.6 to 7.9 knots over ground and it was great fun. I like that approach as it reminds me on other pure or no frills sailboat-makers like Pogo or in wider sense JPK of France. The 10- to 15-knot wind range is plenty to power most boats, so a very light boat, carrying a penalty for high sail-area-to-displacement ratio, will be at a disadvantage. Then there is a small cooling compartment (which I havent ordered with a fidge-unit) under one of the steps of the entryway and two big compartments under the salons benches. The US Sailing 2017 PHRF Fleets by Class lists the base PHRF ratings from 111 to 123. 181 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<42348B2467349EB39DA18D9FE6BEECDD><5BA7F2238023F34F9D8C8A3BBF32F71D>]/Index[166 25]/Info 165 0 R/Length 85/Prev 227054/Root 167 0 R/Size 191/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream And we did so. A smaller compartment under the upper step of the companionway, a larger shelf under the lower. The Seascape/First 27 can be either equipped with a Tohatsu 10 horsepower outboard engine (which weve had aboard) or a Torqueedo electric power engine. Thanks to the masthead spinnaker, it excels downwind in all breezes. Swing keel w/dual rudders. In the Alu-version there will be a very small solution, but not in the SE Carbon rocket. django create admin user zillow new hampshire failed to connect to host docker internal port 80 connection refused necklace with mustard seed vinyl deck cost calculator fou movies 1080p The boat is painted in plain white top-coat. 190 0 obj <>stream 0000011111 00000 n Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) ratings are based on the speed potential of the boat, determined as far as possible on observations of previous racing experiences. It was designed for speed, not for any rating system. Who made them in the first place? This year, we were given a 6 second "protect the fleet" rating, so what was going to be an 87 rating, brought us down to an 81. PHRF Racing: Choosing a Boat | Sailing World Ratings All. Cheers, Lars, [] Now, can the First 27 be an alternative? Although some cruiser-sailors might find this too much of trimming possibilities, I think this is quite fancy on a racing boat like this. This makes it a very interesting option for a weekender, or even a quick summer evening sail, where the ability to return quickly to base is an imperative. In-Stock. Yet this was not an edge-of-control ride the boat handled as though it was on rails, with heaps of reserve in the rudders, even when pressed hard. endstream endobj startxref The equation incorporates SA/Disp (100% fore triangle) and Disp/length ratios to create a guide to probable boat performance vs. other boats of comparable size. The boat was conceived by Andraz Mihelin and his Seascape team to blend their Mini Transat offshore-experience with a bigger, cruising-capable, trailer-ready fast sailboat which should be prone to winning races. A nice audio indicator by the way. Manufacturer: Beneteau: Model: Beneteau First 42 TM LK: Hull Serial Number: BEY0183000384U: Date Manufactured: 1984: Other Ratings: PHRF-NE 78, ORR GP 0.635.0 (fully measured) Would it be possible to obtain the measurement etc.from the yard for us to try and find out the IRC rating ourselves. Sitting low on the trailer due to hydraulically operated swinging keel, light structure, beam just below the width limit and light carbon mast, she is wholly trailable on different locations, for racing or cruising purposes. With its low wetted surface, overlapping headsail, and narrow beam, its an excellent performer, particularly in the chop. / 47 sq.metres, Yardstick Handicap 88 to 91 (depending). [], Your email address will not be published. A moderate displacement boat, a powerful rig, and a sea-kindly hull will produce a boat that drives upwind, through chop, and carries a spinnaker large enough to preserve a lead. Sounds quite like some work and I was happy not to try it . To start with, the First 27 is not a new boat to me. Although compact, the interior is welcoming and provides for all basic needs. xref Engine. 6~U2s>' X~~k "`#ph5~#sXjK[vf=W]bJI O oXr>i }7`CRpvk2?RqbEXzz?YM'mz%H]rZ=_zLF 8>H6QH2 Y]P?dFX0|]oc n azxK/@"0Oa'/$8x#IA]9qa<4@;? #gs! `"k{o8xR8_ YD*5WB O{9p5&NTI] 7}vad Although my First 38 is sitting on the hard with a for sale sign on it, it became a First 37.5, then a 38s5 etc. The aim is to cancel out the inherent advantages and disadvantages of each class of boats, so that results reflect crew skill rather than equipment superiority. Close-hauled in 4 knots of true wind we only managed 2.8 knots of boat speed, but the boat came alive in just 5 knots of breeze when it accelerated to four knots, rising further to 4.5 of boat speed in 6 knots true. PDF NCPHRF Base Rating Report - - FIRST 27 SE (BENETEAU) Sailboat I am trying to identify equivalent models in the 38-40 foot range. But later more on this. Design and Comfort: The First 27 / Seascape 27 is a pure sailboat. Right now there is a brand new 30-footer in the making. The Beneteau First 27 is light on the helm and easily driven. Genoa Spin. (Were they ever any good?) Sailors can challenge themselves on One Design long-distance races or enjoy fast adventure cruises in the best sailing spots, as she is also wholly trailable. 0 167 27 Benateau oceanis 40 Rating | SailNet Community Only two 393 RFM listed in US Sailing base rating database. The boats are very fast. Share. 126. First 27 SE is the only B category trailable 8m boat on the market with a fully functional interior. WL NS. The First 30 JK: a construction designed for racers. It was almost dark when I stepped from the ever-balancing hull of my Seascape 18 onto the dock in Svendborg. It is always a moment of relief on a sailing boat when the skipper finally turns off the engine, but on the Seascape/First 27 it was a really big sigh of relief from the bottom of our hearts as we had brought enough sea room between us and the marina and Tim finally killed the engine! I will work out a portable solution provide the WC of my boat with at least a small sink or possibility to wash ones hands after using the WC. Her modern and state-of-the-art design delivers the magic of planing sailing to families, couples, and solo sailors alike, wherever the cruising ground and whatever the weather conditions. Available Soon. 0000011320 00000 n Reply PHRF ratings are adjusted by modifying the base rating using a variety of race and course handicapping factors. Give Gift; Back to Top; . Well-thought cockpit ergonomy, no runners, balanced twin-rudder steering system all empower the sailors. The owner described the boat as being easy to handle even when pressed. Its a powerful unit for such an easily driven hull, but was chosen as its the smallest model that satisfies the emissions requirements of the USAs Environmental Protection Agency. At the risk of adding another facet to an already complicated decision, we tasked PHRF guru Bruce Bingman with identifying a few boats that are likely to sail above their rating in certain conditions. Interior Appearance. In 2014 I sailed the prototype in Slovenia on a gusty winters day with the wind varying from 12-22 knots. INTERIOR DESIGN : Sito Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. On the other hand, a moderately light displacement boat with not too much wetted surface will ensure youre not left out in the cold should the wind go light. Weve all heard it 1,000 times before: There is no substitute for good sails, reliable gear, and a smooth bottom. There's a good-sized anchor locker, which takes a 35 lb CQR on chain and warp and there's a shelf to fit a windlass below deck. If not, weve got a few recommendations. A large and open cockpit welcomes you with comfortable benches, a removable indoor/outdoor table and a swim ladder with a shower on the stern. A buoy element of 3 cubicmetres will make for better survivability in case of distress at sea. 0 Nautic boat show 2022 : Spotlight on remarkable sustainable innovations at BENETEAU, Beginner Sailing Guide: How to choose the right sailboat and learn how to sail, Seven Essential Checks to Make Before Relaunching Your Sailboat. will be over a minute/mile faster than its Oceanis sister. Seems like a reasonable place to start. The new Seanappsapp is the ultimate solution to help you indulge your passion for boating. Yes, there was barely any swell going on and I guess that short, choppy waves might cause the boat to feel like a balky stallion as all small boats do but these conditions where as perfect as one could wish for. 0000000836 00000 n - SEASCAPE 27 Sailboat The string may be operated from above as well. First 27 - 2018's main features Model First 27 - 2018 And I again wondered why some ordinary production cruisers are making such a noise when sailed , Fast saling with the Beneteau Seascape-First 27. <<011C836D49544B4FA11995000007A5AE>]>> A boat thats so responsive adds significantly to both the fun factor and the sense of satisfaction you get from sailing, which was a welcome change for me at the end of a week testing 45-60ft yachts. International Owners Community and events calendar enable owners to challenge themselves on long-distance. In this scenario were looking for light boats that are on the smaller end of the size range for each of the rating bands, but still retain the ability to perform in breezier conditions. I am only looking at base rating, the corrections are well defined in the SEF PHRF handbook. 0000038162 00000 n BW%RJx|Sky/S~W There are berths for four, including two comfortable settee/quarter berths in the saloon, plus a double in the forepeak and enough space to stow kitbags. That may indicate a very stiff rigging and a pretty stiff produced hull. I as well liked the nice details: The tiller is made from carbon, very stiff yet lightweight: I know how pretty damn heavy a massive wooden tiller can turn out to be from my own boat. Instead of cutting a big hole in the cabin coachroof the Seascape/First 27 features a nice clever rotatable mount where the chart plotter is attached to. US Sailing Resource Library. Boat speed throughout matched the wind speed. She is sourcing her performance from a modern hull design and light but stiff vacuum-infused hull construction. I am trying to identify equivalent models in the 38-40 foot range. Technical data. 0000036790 00000 n Very high stability due to an unsinkable hull combined with threeunsinkablechambers, a crash-box, an inboard engine, and balanced twin rudders for complete control make safety one of her strongest points. Good sails can make a . BOAT_TYPE RATING DATE DW Class Rating Beneteau 40.7 First Farr ODR 48 3/9/2004 Beneteau 405 TM 90 6/1/1989 Beneteau 411 105 12/9/1999 Beneteau 415 96 1/18/1990 Beneteau 41S5 90 . Given more time we could have enjoyed wonderful downwind sailing for 200 miles or more to Split or Dubrovnik, then put the boat on a road trailer for the upwind return leg. The interior is brighter, more spacious and more civilised, thanks in part to the lack of a box for the lifting keel, although you still have to step over the frames in the bottom of the boat and theres no standing headroom. database not found either pre create it or allow remote database creation Average PHRF Rating - Cruising Sailboats Reference - SchoonerMan Join me on my voyage to becoming a skilful yachtmaster, in sailing my own boat and exploring the seas, visiting various ports and marinas and meeting so many interesting people. PDF UNITED STATES PERFORMANCE HANDICAP RACING FLEET - WildApricot The Seascape-built First 27 has a small but very dedicated and loyal clientel as well. Chasotstrae 12 The boat is a serious racer and the Seascape/First line sees their adversaries in the J-boats. Very nice! A very clever detail! We heeled up to a point where the boat gained the stability needed, the windward rudder came completely out of the water and the Seascape/First 27 jumped to life. In this, the company offers a Tohatsu internal compustion engine. At any given time, they are only building one model in that size range, although the SD,SM,WK is just a keel option. %PDF-1.6 % Beneteau First 27 boats for sale - YachtWorld Detailed sailboat specifications and datasheets since 2015, Standard public price ex. The GEKKO is now sold to another young skipper late 2022. By equivalent I mean which models are similar in design intent so that the ratings for these models can be compared. I met Tim, a young sailor who is part of the OLeu Doyler-sailmaker dynasty here at the Baltic shores and breathes sailing with every pore of his body. The advantages for me are clear: Same power without the compustion downsides: Stinking, toxic odors of gasoline, no carburetor-works - just "plug & play". However, the Beneteau First 27 has more than enough inherent stability that its not dependent on crew weight for this, so you can sit wherever is most comfortable or convenient. Home Competition Offshore PHRF Boat Class Lookup, Ran Aground? Like Jackdaw says, it would be unusual for the PHRF committee to hit him more than 3 or 6 seconds, and few races are decided by such a slim margin. The DLR is obtained by dividing the boat's displacement in tons by the cube of one one-hundredth of the waterline length (in feet). Other than that, the bpat is pretty naked and the yard leaves it upto the owner to configure and equip the sailboat to every single skippers needs. Key changes include a shorter aluminium mast with pinhead mainsail, a fixed fin keel with torpedo bulb and 30cm less draught, plus an inboard diesel engine. In this, I naturally have some projects in the pipeline to upgrade my boat to a standard I find fit for #microcruising, these are in particular: NO FRILLS is a private non-profit website. Below that number you tend to find dry-sailed race boats requiring professionally managed programs, which are beyond the scope of this exercise, and usually too fast to really race in most local series. I love the simple system of the rodkicker mounted on this boat! PHRF Handicaps | Jeanneau Owners Forum So every clamps and lines are laid back to the cockpit and the small cabins roof. Which one is best would be dictated by local class splits. 0000040221 00000 n With the touch of your finger, you can easily connect, monitor and order services for your boat from routine maintenance, to requesting a wash or fuel or having us complete a repair. The original version of the Sam Manuard-designed Seascape 27 (now branded as the Beneteau First 27 SE) has long been one of my favourite small yachts. As Gurley notes, the FIRST line is intended for racing/cruising, and is faster and more ruggedly built than an equivalent Oceanis model. Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 includes small headsail 51 8/27/2019 Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 SM includes small headsail 54 1/20/2020 Beneteau Oceanis 49 84 10/27/2016 Bermuda 30 . Sailwave results for Sidney B.C. at SIDNEY NORTH SAANICH YACHT CLUB 2023 The flooring is a light grey rubber/foam material. We also want to look for boats with relatively fine bow sections to get through the chop. Combined with other practicalities, these make her an ultimate adventure cruiser for sailing connoisseurs. We are proud to have one of the largest, most highly-regarded dealer networks in the world. Back in Cannes at the boat show one of the Seascape guys explained to me how elaborately the mast was made and which work went into creating this powerful rigging. 2005 Beneteau First 36.7. Rating NS Buoy Rating Endorsement Expire; PET-ABB33: ABBOTT 33 : TIGRESS : 123 : 150 : RACER CRUISER : . Its superb seaworthiness, which crowned the boat with the B category, results from boat design, cutting-edge building technology and many safety features: three separated insubmersibility chambers, swinging keel system in case of grounding and increased bow volume with crash box. When we finally were flat running before the wind, surprisingly, when I furled away the job the boat didnt much slowed down. The First 27 - 2018is a 26'2" (7.99m) cruiser-racer sailboat designed by Sam Manuard Yacht Design(France). A. no wooden surfaces or panels at all. BENETEAU 305: MORE FREEBOARD,MODIFIED STERN: BENETEAU 30E: BENETEAU 30ES: IOR SKIRT STERN,LEAD KEEL,FRAC RIG: . Beneteau's First 27 is fast, predictable and great fun to sail Bearing away onto a beam reach, we set the nylon furling gennaker, initially in 3.5 knots of breeze which gradually built to 6. Beneteau First 44.7, Big Sister to the 40.7 - beneteau 47.7 18 45 27 beneteau 47.7 sd 30 45 33 beneteau 47.7 tm dk 24 33 27 beneteau 49 51 99 66 beneteau 50 57 90 72 beneteau figaro 99 105 102 beneteau first class 10 81 102 96 beneteau first class 12 60 69 63 beneteau first class 8 147 162 153 . Owner. The First 27 is a 26'1" (7.95m) cruiser-racer sailboat designed by Bureau Mauric (France). Beneteau bought Seascape and updated the boats and called those the First SE's. The First 27 is a detuned SE. Upwind, at some 40 degrees AWA in 10 to 13 knots of true wind the boat, depending on the waves, made some 5 to 6 knots. 167 0 obj <> endobj PHRF New England - Handicapping - Boat Variants - Boat Versions Until we noticed that we had forgot to take in the engine. Her fairleads are cut into the toerail and she has cleats at bow and stern, but not amidships. We then beared away to a nice beam reach and tried this on both starboard and port tack. They can even bury their feet deep under the cockpit in some tiny quarter berth-like bulges. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy.

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beneteau first 27 phrf rating