shira and diegock3 save editor

What's With Diego? (Ice Age) by AustinSPTD1996 on DeviantArt By Continental Drift, Diego is once again a true member of the Herd. She is a dazzlingly beautiful, female saber-toothed cat and Diegos lover resembling a white tiger. Personality Shira amused that Sid is talking into a twig like a phone. Other names General Posada | Within time, Diego grew upset with his complacent life in a herd, having lost his edge as a hunter and so considered leaving his herd behind. Once the herd woke up and found themselves tied up, Gutt and his crew attempted to convince them to join through the use of a song. What?! "Can I tell you the difference between you and me?". Shira Louis | Boo Boo | Shira lived in the Herd Valley happily married to Diego for many years to come and the sabers soon developed the urge to start a family. alimes121212, iceagefanatic and 1 other like this. Yeah, Pops? Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Unlike Ellie, who served to contrast Manny's personality, had a different backstory and served a purpose in Manny's arc, Shira is mostly a cut and paste of Diego in the first movie and even his own redemption arc feel like his same arc of the first movie but less developed and doesn't seem to add anything to Diego as a character beyond giving Diego a mate in comparison to how Ellie was to Manny. Shira begins to fall in love with Diego and agrees to leave Gutt's crew. Yeah baby!Shira and Diego celebrating the ejection of the asteroid. Peter, you dad had a heart attack Shortly afterwards, when Gutt held Manny's family hostage, Shira was seen struggling to get up, suggesting Gutt had physically punished her for betraying him. Video Games Shira was quick to point out just how foolish the idea was. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. He quickly discovered that Gutt's crew was also at the cove. Shira refused at first, but decided to take it when Diego pointed out that she would eventually die of thirst. Orson, Live-Action Features After a long chase, Diego eventually succeeded in catching Shira. Shira demanded him to get off her, which he refused and asked where does she think she'll be able to go. Ellie | Shira is amused when Diego points out that Granny does too. Thumbelina | Furious that Shira failed to kill Manny, Gutt humiliated her by giving her position of first mate to Squint. You want to pirate a pirate ship from pirates.Shira mocks the herd's plan of getting home. Crash and Eddie are ready to set out on their own! Simon Brew, writing for Den of Geek, gave a very positive four-star review, saying that "not only is the Ice Age franchise arguably the best franchise yet, it's also, a little surprisingly perhaps (given that it's a franchise, turned around on a strict cycle), turned out to be thoroughly, thoroughly entertaining family blockbuster.". Gruff, stubborn, caring, friendly, caring, familial, child-friendly, protective, motherly, loving Shira smirked at this before being knocked aside by Dobson. Still lost at sea, Sid accidentally cracked the ice floe. He was blindly loyal to his pack and their leader Soto who both shared a mutual respect for one another and was tasked with retrieving the baby from a human tribe as revenge for them killing nearly half of their pack. Voice - Developed, optimized and ran a calcium flux assay for a potential new target. However for this task, they would need to use the crystals to seal the volcano's steam vents. Shira taken aback when Diego points out Gutt isn't looking for her. Shira (Ice Age) | Heroes and Villains Wiki | Fandom Moments later, Shira agreed to come with the herd. Shira and Diego by Amyloup on DeviantArt Realizing that Gutt never cared for her, Shira glares at him and finally abandons her loyalty to her captain. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the films three stars out of four and stated: "Watching this franchise was a cheerful exercise for me. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Once in the warm den, he saw Shira nursing the tiny, helpless cubs. Before Diego could voice his complaints, Sid pointed out that Shira was trying to make a run for it. After Diego realizes what Shira did, they looked at each other sadly as they floated apart. Shira notices her paw getting fuzzy from the electrical storm. After their adventure in the Dinosaur World, Diego decided to stay with his herd and returned to the surface. Are Shira and Diego in love? - Shira defected from Gutt when she met another saber named Diego, who convinced her to leave the crew and join the herd of animals that he was a part of. She is rescued by the herd and soon enough became Diegos love interest in Ice Age: Continental Drift . When Sid decides to become a parent himself in return, he steals three giant eggs he accidentally bumps into, only to later realize theyre dinosaur eggs that belong to a pretty angry mother. Diego | Diego then starts to have feelings for Shira and convinces her to join him and his friends. Luckily, Sid was able to communicate with them. Buck | Eventually, his loyalty between Manny and Sid was strong enough to defy Soto and defend his friends from the pack even on his apparent deathbed. Likes Warner Bros. Scrappies. Lila helped Diego escape from the institution and for a short time, she accompanied Diego and his family in their attempts to fix the timeline. After Gutt rescued her she pledged her loyalty to him. Background information In the end, he decides not to leave the herd. And expert salsa dancer!Shira's doubts on Buck. Miraculous: Tales of Shira and Diego - The Parody Wiki At Peaches' Wedding, Brooke sang My Superstar which Diego and Shira danced to along with Lily and Andrew. Her family and friends, helping others, children, showing loyalty to her friends, adventures, piracy (formerly) On the verge of drowning, Shira called out to Gutt and the crew. At times, Diego can be quite selfless and altruistic, when he saw that Sid and the possums were trapped in an upstream lake he dived in headstrong to save both of them and ignored the fact that he couldn't swim or that he was completely terrified of water. However, the plan goes wrong as Soto appears around the corner, inviting Diego to help kill Manny. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News, Icebreakers With Justina Machado | The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Disney+, Smothering Us With Reasonable Advice |Official Clip| Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild |Herd Check| Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Pack | Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Countdown | Disney+. Wait. Shira | Along the journey, Buck instructed the herd to stay on the trail as it would take them to the crash site. Megan Lehmann of The Hollywood Reporter said: "It's familiar, drawn-out shtick, and the humor lacks the subtlety of the first and best Ice Age, but there are some visually inventive high points. Relatives Shira is shown to be a very athletic saber. In the fourth film, he meets a saber-toothed tigress named Shira when Manny, Sid, Diego, and Sid's grandmother rescued her. Majin Buu | This gallery is related to the character: Shira, As the first mate, Shira orders the crew to wait for their. You guys are like the start of a bad joke.". welcome? Despite the untimely death of BlueSky Animation at the hands of Disney via the Fox Acquisition a sixth, and presumably final film, in the Ice Age franchise is still in development with a 2022 release date on Disney Plus. Jimmy Pesto, Jr. | Taking note of their situation, Diego points out they'll never get back to the continent on such a small floe. She later went on to leave her life at sea and joined the the herd as Diego's mate. Shira stays close to her mate, Diego as the asteroid approaches the planet. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Ice Age Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Characters in Scrat's Continental Crack-up Part 2. Allies Sweetness! At one point, while sailing the sea, Shira was found by Gutt, an ape that had taken to the seas aboard a great ship fashioned from an iceberg. "Not the time to be nagging me Shira, we need to come up with a plan," Diego states. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. She later went on to leave her life at sea and joined the the herd as Diego 's mate. All Rights Reserved. In the end, Diego and Shira fall in love with each other and become a couple. "Yeah, nice try, Jungle Jim." Granny | Squint (formerly)Flynn (formerly)Gupta (formerly)Raz (formerly)Silas (formerly)Dobson (formerly)Manny SidEllie Crash and EddieBuck PeachesGrannyPreciousFuzzyHyraxesJulianBrooke TeddyShangri LlamaGeotopia habitantsGavinGertieRoger. Shira disgusted when Buck offers to let her count his teeth. Shira becomes Diego's mate at the end of the film and is expecting children with him. She is a former pirate smilodon who becomes Diego's wife in Ice Age: Continental Drift. After an attempt to escape Shira became the prisoner of the Herd and discovered that the two have much in common, Diego was able to let Shira see through her Captain Gutt's cruelty, Shira saved the Herd from the wrath of the captain after this Diego developed romantic feelings for her. Diego and Shira have their doubts the Shangri Llama will help save the world. -M-NUva. He becomes Shira's husband. You will be notified if and when this product is back in stock. Ice Age Continental Drift Plush 2-Pack - Shira and Diego is sure to be a huge hit. So, still want me on your scurvy crew? Brooke, a sloth, fell in love with Sid and called her squad of Minicorns called Bubbles and Misty. Diego was tasked with getting a human baby from a tribe of humans so that Soto would have his revenge on the humans by killing the baby to send the humans a message they would never forget. Shira Geller - Senior Research Associate 2 - LinkedIn Clint | Furious, Squint attempted to attack Shira, but was crushed flat by Ellie. However, when Buck noticed the dino-birds who he agitated earlier approaching, he ushered them to leave the trail and enter the forest. Gene Belcher | High intelligenceStrengthSpeedAgilityDurabilityEnduranceRoar. After thanking him, Diego commented on her harsh way of showing gratitude, to which Shira smugly responded it's a gift. Sometime after arriving, Shira would officially marry Diego. He is a saber tooth tiger who starts off as an antagonists, but soon becomes Manny and Sids best friend and one of Peaches adoptive uncles. Pirate Ship (formerly) Switchback Cove (formerly)Second Pirate Ship (formerly) Sweet Revenge (formerly) Herd Valley He's the best!Shira speaks highly of Gutt. His relationship with Sid, on the other hand, was an instant dislike and constant annoyance. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Shira/Gallery | Ice Age Wiki | Fandom This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Movies Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Help The Herd defeat Gutt and his crew and save Manny's family (succeeded). @Walt Disney Studios -Get ready for a movie event for the ages! Though Diego quickly overpowered Shira, Granny's remark about them possibly kissing caused him to get off of her. In Ice Age: Continental Drift, a forty-five-year-old Diego meets and falls in love with Shira, a female Smilodon. Exciting adventure Between two of the most beloved characters in Ice Age. Shira | Love Interest Wiki | Fandom It takes 2 hours to the first cub came out followed by another, then another, then another, then another, then another and one last one. During the battle, Shira attempted to free Ellie, but was waylaid by Squint, who called her a traitor. Shira is a female saber-tooth cat and once the trusted first mate of the seafaring ape, Gutt. Like many sabers, Shira is also shown to be very proud, shown when she refused the herd's help when she almost drowned, as she would rather die than be turned into a charity case. Maya Smith | If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Shira gruffly thanks Diego for bringing her water. Chuck Charles | Shira amused when Diego points out that both Granny and llamas smell bad. Diego and Shira officially become a couple. They hid in an Ice Cave until they thought it was safe. Ethan | (You can see a picture of Shira's early design in the Shira/Gallery.). Shira begins to fall in love with Diego and agrees to leave Gutt's crew. Ice Age: Continental Drift Clip: Diego is in love. However, the two have a very strong bond and are close friends possibly more than Manny even if the two might not trust each other. You think you can handle it?" One day, Shira was seen ferociously chasing an elk. This half a snack is a dinosaur whisperer?". However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Animated Features They nuzzled before Diego finally looked at his cubs. After the Llama refused to help them, the herd decided to spend their seemingly final moments exploring Geotopia. Her pride was shown again when she refused to accept the water Diego brought to her. Unfortunately, he, along with Manny and Sid, was separated from the herd as an ongoing continental drift divided them. The writers never seemed to have any interest in developed her, as beyond her introductory movie she barely had any role in the rest of the franchise: she has a minor subplot in. Diego came to Shira during the night with some water. The sabers dropped their mouths in surprise. Later, Shira and Diego went to Manny and Ellie's anniversary party. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! She is voiced by Jennifer Lopez who also voiced Azteca in Antz. Arthur Pendragon | *By clicking Buy Now, you authorize ToyWiz to charge. Her design is also sometimes critized for trying way too hard to look female in comparison to Ellie who looks more like a real animal. She along with the rest of the herd were forced to leave to stop the mother of all asteroids from destroying the planet. Realizing unlike Gutt, the herd would look out for her, Shira renounced her position as a pirate, and married Diego. Gutt made his presence known to the castaways, stating that they were lucky to have been found by him and his crew. Oscar | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. "We've been over this Diego, kids are afraid of us. Due to the developed urge to start a family with Diego, Shira is shown to have a soft spot for children and eventually makes progress when an aardvark named Andrew and a start named Lily ask about their journey stopping the asteroid. This is a story that mainly involves Diego and Shira so Comment Vote and read :3 Diego, however, failed to retrieve the baby due to the mother's intervention and self-sacrifice. Christopher Oram | Diego then volunteered to lead both the baby and Manny to Glacier Pass, while secretly leading them to his pack at Half Peak to kill them. The incensed ape cut her off and told her that once all this came to an end, he would have a tiger's skin and he didn't care whose. Shira argues with Diego after Sid cracks their floe. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Years later, Diego remained a member the herd and stayed with them through it all. Manny Heffley | Shira was a female saber-toothed tiger and a distrusted first mate of the seafaring ape, Captain Gutt.,_Lion_Roar_Snarl_Growl_AT013501.ogg, The Herd The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Watching the Llama rant, Buck gets the idea to use pent up energy to activate the volcano. "He'll warm up to you." Shira told him, reaching up to nuzzle Diego. Shira was puzzled and told her equally confused husband that she even smiled. But then he stands in front of Soto, and coldly told him to "Leave the mammoth alone." Character information However, as they continue their journey, Diego discovers Manny's tragic backstory and when the mammoth risks his own life to save Diego's, the two became extremely close friends. Brian Griffin | The oldest, a boy, was a copy of Diego. Welcome to our herd.Shira becomes Diego's mate after Gutt's defeat. Shira and Diego Forever Chapter 1: The Coldest Night, an ice age fanfic Precious | Steffie, Katie and Meghan | Compare this with how Manny and Ellie developed throught the whole second movie and shared a lot of intimate moments before deciding to remain together. (Shiro is also, incidently, Japanese for "white") Her original pattern was more typical of sabers of the franchise, but was redesigned to make her more distinct from Diego in wide screen shots. While Diego and Shira's relationship is barely focused on in Ice Age: Collision Course, they did start talking about having kids, suggesting they've grown quite comfortable with each other the last two years. Here is a drawing who represent Shira and Diego, the two smilodons in the animated movie : "Ice Age 4 : continental drift". She chased the elk past her mate and snarled when he begged her not to eat him. Shira insults the herd's dull plan to take Gutt's ship. Shira wore two earrings on her right ear, fashioned from an unknown substance. Shira is a major charater in the Ice Age franchise, debuting in Ice Age: Continental Drift. I don't have a choice! Email address submitted! In the end, Diego decided to stay with the Herd. However, it turns out that Diego survived his wounds and has decided to join the herd with his friends. We Guarantee you everything sold on Toywiz is 100% genuine, authentic and licensed merchandise. Who are the female characters in ice age? Peter nodded without emotion and ran back upstairs to get his shoes on. diego: yes I uum you are in heat, and I can not stand. Just a little short story I came up with because I love Shira and Diego so much! Originally, Diego was stated to die in the first movie, but he survived in the final cut because it was too depressing for the kids in the test audiences. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It was revealed that when Ellie was young, she was separated from her herd during the ice age. Shira and Diego are seen snuggling gently as they watched the crystals. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Finally he sat down and laid his ears back. Out of pride, she declared that she would rather drown than accept their help, much to Diego's amusement. Diego then starts to have feelings for Shira and convinces her to join him and his friends. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Diego and Shira chases the gazelle / Diego e Shira perseguem a gazela Ignoring her protests, Manny brought Shira onto their raft, though she remained ungrateful. Shira snarls at Squint when he begins to give her orders. Max Mercer, Animated Television Annoyed, Shira pushed the rabbit down, telling him to await their captain's orders. But after Manny risks his own life to save him from falling into a river of lava, Diego has a change of heart and then tells Manny and Sid of his pack's plot, blowing his own pack's cover. for your help. I said I didn't need your help! Timidly, with his short ears laid back, he walked over to his new cubs. The Scrappy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Diego passed a look to Shira, who only nodded her head. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Despite the untimely death of BlueSky Animation at the hands of Disney via the Fox Acquisition a sixth, and presumably final film, in the Ice Age franchise is still in . Shira stopped when she noticed her fur by her paw becoming fuzzy from the static. The first thing he saw was Shira's back, her body curled around something. They safely made it out and Buck went in and saved a baby pumpkin, which he called Bronwyn. Shira and Diego spend their seemingly final moments watching the Geotopia crystals. After the crew was ordered to get on board, Shira timidly tried to explain her treason to Gutt. However, Shira was reluctant because kids are afraid of them. Ellie is a female woolly mammoth, whom Manny, Diego, and Sid meet during their migration to escape the flood in the second movie, Ice Age: The Meltdown . - Optimized and ran several low to . Kidnap Roshan and take him to Soto for his revenge, Captain America (The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes), Ice Age: The Meltdown, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Specifically, he is the deuteragonist of the first film. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Personal information The crystals were put in a volcano, to move the asteroid elsewhere. You bet. Yet just then Shira pounced on him "Why keep it just to yourself?" she asked "Say what?" Diego said Shira began to walk around him all slow and sexy like. You're welcome. Yeah, I think I'm starting to get why you're not in a pack.Listen, I chose to leave my pack, alright?Congratulations, warrior princess. It's probably because I am extremely bored right now, so why not. Shira was voiced by actress and singer Jennifer Lopez. Baby Dinos | Shira snarls at Squint when he begins to give her orders. Diego & Shira meet NYC by Chrystal Iris 634 11 8 When the power couple Diego and Shira find a portal in an old cave next to the ocean, they're whisked away to the magical world of New York. Are Shira and Diego together? - Sage-Answer Peter, can you come down here please Steve called with a shaky voice from downstairs. Shira: no sniffs you and you walked away. "Probably nothing Diego?," Shira says eyeing Diego from the corner of her eye. Momma Dino | The smaller earring was blue, while the other one was green. The plan worked and they celebrated their victory. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So care to join our scurvy crew?Shira remains ungrateful to the ones who saved her life. However, the captain had a less than warm welcome for her. Even though she was taken aback by this, Shira nevertheless remained confident in her captain's power, warning Diego that he has no idea what he's up against. Diego finally had a family of his own he was so happy. Shira shamefully admits that Diego took her down. Ice Age Continental Drift Shira Diego Exclusive Plush Figure 2 - ToyWiz Player Brxlz Instructions, Zaxby's Pay Period, Northside Hospital Pension Plan Calculator, Elks Lodge Camping, Articles S
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"That's a very scary story. Roger the Pterosaurus | Peaches | By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Lisa Simpson | Sniffing the snow and the trees and the bushes, Diego couldnt catch one scent of her anywhere. Shira lived in the Herd Valley happily married to Diego for many years to come and the sabers soon developed the urge to start a family. During the film, Diego had a romantic relationship with another saber-toothed tiger named Shira, the first mate of a band of pirates. Appearance Diego to Sid, who is unaware that 'junk food' means him.I don't eat junk food. Shira had once been part of a saber-tooth cat pack but decided to leave them behind, to make a life of her own and to not let herself depend on anyone, a decision that was difficult for her to accept. When they were trapped on an iceberg ship with no way back, Sid repeated a saying that his mother told him only to bitingly reply that this was before she abandoned him. As they watch the Llama argue with Sid, Shira and Diego began to wonder if the Geotopian leader could actually save them. (While Manny is the brains and Sid is the comedy). What's With Diego? (Ice Age) by AustinSPTD1996 on DeviantArt By Continental Drift, Diego is once again a true member of the Herd. She is a dazzlingly beautiful, female saber-toothed cat and Diegos lover resembling a white tiger. Personality Shira amused that Sid is talking into a twig like a phone. Other names General Posada | Within time, Diego grew upset with his complacent life in a herd, having lost his edge as a hunter and so considered leaving his herd behind. Once the herd woke up and found themselves tied up, Gutt and his crew attempted to convince them to join through the use of a song. What?! "Can I tell you the difference between you and me?". Shira Louis | Boo Boo | Shira lived in the Herd Valley happily married to Diego for many years to come and the sabers soon developed the urge to start a family. alimes121212, iceagefanatic and 1 other like this. Yeah, Pops? Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Unlike Ellie, who served to contrast Manny's personality, had a different backstory and served a purpose in Manny's arc, Shira is mostly a cut and paste of Diego in the first movie and even his own redemption arc feel like his same arc of the first movie but less developed and doesn't seem to add anything to Diego as a character beyond giving Diego a mate in comparison to how Ellie was to Manny. Shira begins to fall in love with Diego and agrees to leave Gutt's crew. Yeah baby!Shira and Diego celebrating the ejection of the asteroid. Peter, you dad had a heart attack Shortly afterwards, when Gutt held Manny's family hostage, Shira was seen struggling to get up, suggesting Gutt had physically punished her for betraying him. Video Games Shira was quick to point out just how foolish the idea was. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. He quickly discovered that Gutt's crew was also at the cove. Shira refused at first, but decided to take it when Diego pointed out that she would eventually die of thirst. Orson, Live-Action Features After a long chase, Diego eventually succeeded in catching Shira. Shira demanded him to get off her, which he refused and asked where does she think she'll be able to go. Ellie | Shira is amused when Diego points out that Granny does too. Thumbelina | Furious that Shira failed to kill Manny, Gutt humiliated her by giving her position of first mate to Squint. You want to pirate a pirate ship from pirates.Shira mocks the herd's plan of getting home. Crash and Eddie are ready to set out on their own! Simon Brew, writing for Den of Geek, gave a very positive four-star review, saying that "not only is the Ice Age franchise arguably the best franchise yet, it's also, a little surprisingly perhaps (given that it's a franchise, turned around on a strict cycle), turned out to be thoroughly, thoroughly entertaining family blockbuster.". Gruff, stubborn, caring, friendly, caring, familial, child-friendly, protective, motherly, loving Shira smirked at this before being knocked aside by Dobson. Still lost at sea, Sid accidentally cracked the ice floe. He was blindly loyal to his pack and their leader Soto who both shared a mutual respect for one another and was tasked with retrieving the baby from a human tribe as revenge for them killing nearly half of their pack. Voice - Developed, optimized and ran a calcium flux assay for a potential new target. However for this task, they would need to use the crystals to seal the volcano's steam vents. Shira taken aback when Diego points out Gutt isn't looking for her. Shira (Ice Age) | Heroes and Villains Wiki | Fandom Moments later, Shira agreed to come with the herd. Shira and Diego by Amyloup on DeviantArt Realizing that Gutt never cared for her, Shira glares at him and finally abandons her loyalty to her captain. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the films three stars out of four and stated: "Watching this franchise was a cheerful exercise for me. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Once in the warm den, he saw Shira nursing the tiny, helpless cubs. Before Diego could voice his complaints, Sid pointed out that Shira was trying to make a run for it. After Diego realizes what Shira did, they looked at each other sadly as they floated apart. Shira notices her paw getting fuzzy from the electrical storm. After their adventure in the Dinosaur World, Diego decided to stay with his herd and returned to the surface. Are Shira and Diego in love? - Shira defected from Gutt when she met another saber named Diego, who convinced her to leave the crew and join the herd of animals that he was a part of. She is rescued by the herd and soon enough became Diegos love interest in Ice Age: Continental Drift . When Sid decides to become a parent himself in return, he steals three giant eggs he accidentally bumps into, only to later realize theyre dinosaur eggs that belong to a pretty angry mother. Diego | Diego then starts to have feelings for Shira and convinces her to join him and his friends. Luckily, Sid was able to communicate with them. Buck | Eventually, his loyalty between Manny and Sid was strong enough to defy Soto and defend his friends from the pack even on his apparent deathbed. Likes Warner Bros. Scrappies. Lila helped Diego escape from the institution and for a short time, she accompanied Diego and his family in their attempts to fix the timeline. After Gutt rescued her she pledged her loyalty to him. Background information In the end, he decides not to leave the herd. And expert salsa dancer!Shira's doubts on Buck. Miraculous: Tales of Shira and Diego - The Parody Wiki At Peaches' Wedding, Brooke sang My Superstar which Diego and Shira danced to along with Lily and Andrew. Her family and friends, helping others, children, showing loyalty to her friends, adventures, piracy (formerly) On the verge of drowning, Shira called out to Gutt and the crew. At times, Diego can be quite selfless and altruistic, when he saw that Sid and the possums were trapped in an upstream lake he dived in headstrong to save both of them and ignored the fact that he couldn't swim or that he was completely terrified of water. However, the plan goes wrong as Soto appears around the corner, inviting Diego to help kill Manny. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News, Icebreakers With Justina Machado | The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Disney+, Smothering Us With Reasonable Advice |Official Clip| Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild |Herd Check| Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Pack | Disney+, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Countdown | Disney+. Wait. Shira | Along the journey, Buck instructed the herd to stay on the trail as it would take them to the crash site. Megan Lehmann of The Hollywood Reporter said: "It's familiar, drawn-out shtick, and the humor lacks the subtlety of the first and best Ice Age, but there are some visually inventive high points. Relatives Shira is shown to be a very athletic saber. In the fourth film, he meets a saber-toothed tigress named Shira when Manny, Sid, Diego, and Sid's grandmother rescued her. Majin Buu | This gallery is related to the character: Shira, As the first mate, Shira orders the crew to wait for their. You guys are like the start of a bad joke.". welcome? Despite the untimely death of BlueSky Animation at the hands of Disney via the Fox Acquisition a sixth, and presumably final film, in the Ice Age franchise is still in development with a 2022 release date on Disney Plus. Jimmy Pesto, Jr. | Taking note of their situation, Diego points out they'll never get back to the continent on such a small floe. She later went on to leave her life at sea and joined the the herd as Diego's mate. Shira stays close to her mate, Diego as the asteroid approaches the planet. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Ice Age Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Characters in Scrat's Continental Crack-up Part 2. Allies Sweetness! At one point, while sailing the sea, Shira was found by Gutt, an ape that had taken to the seas aboard a great ship fashioned from an iceberg. "Not the time to be nagging me Shira, we need to come up with a plan," Diego states. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. She later went on to leave her life at sea and joined the the herd as Diego 's mate. All Rights Reserved. In the end, Diego and Shira fall in love with each other and become a couple. "Yeah, nice try, Jungle Jim." Granny | Squint (formerly)Flynn (formerly)Gupta (formerly)Raz (formerly)Silas (formerly)Dobson (formerly)Manny SidEllie Crash and EddieBuck PeachesGrannyPreciousFuzzyHyraxesJulianBrooke TeddyShangri LlamaGeotopia habitantsGavinGertieRoger. Shira disgusted when Buck offers to let her count his teeth. Shira becomes Diego's mate at the end of the film and is expecting children with him. She is a former pirate smilodon who becomes Diego's wife in Ice Age: Continental Drift. After an attempt to escape Shira became the prisoner of the Herd and discovered that the two have much in common, Diego was able to let Shira see through her Captain Gutt's cruelty, Shira saved the Herd from the wrath of the captain after this Diego developed romantic feelings for her. Diego and Shira have their doubts the Shangri Llama will help save the world. -M-NUva. He becomes Shira's husband. You will be notified if and when this product is back in stock. Ice Age Continental Drift Plush 2-Pack - Shira and Diego is sure to be a huge hit. So, still want me on your scurvy crew? Brooke, a sloth, fell in love with Sid and called her squad of Minicorns called Bubbles and Misty. Diego was tasked with getting a human baby from a tribe of humans so that Soto would have his revenge on the humans by killing the baby to send the humans a message they would never forget. Shira Geller - Senior Research Associate 2 - LinkedIn Clint | Furious, Squint attempted to attack Shira, but was crushed flat by Ellie. However, when Buck noticed the dino-birds who he agitated earlier approaching, he ushered them to leave the trail and enter the forest. Gene Belcher | High intelligenceStrengthSpeedAgilityDurabilityEnduranceRoar. After thanking him, Diego commented on her harsh way of showing gratitude, to which Shira smugly responded it's a gift. Sometime after arriving, Shira would officially marry Diego. He is a saber tooth tiger who starts off as an antagonists, but soon becomes Manny and Sids best friend and one of Peaches adoptive uncles. Pirate Ship (formerly) Switchback Cove (formerly)Second Pirate Ship (formerly) Sweet Revenge (formerly) Herd Valley He's the best!Shira speaks highly of Gutt. His relationship with Sid, on the other hand, was an instant dislike and constant annoyance. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Shira/Gallery | Ice Age Wiki | Fandom This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Movies Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Help The Herd defeat Gutt and his crew and save Manny's family (succeeded). @Walt Disney Studios -Get ready for a movie event for the ages! Though Diego quickly overpowered Shira, Granny's remark about them possibly kissing caused him to get off of her. In Ice Age: Continental Drift, a forty-five-year-old Diego meets and falls in love with Shira, a female Smilodon. Exciting adventure Between two of the most beloved characters in Ice Age. Shira | Love Interest Wiki | Fandom It takes 2 hours to the first cub came out followed by another, then another, then another, then another, then another and one last one. During the battle, Shira attempted to free Ellie, but was waylaid by Squint, who called her a traitor. Shira is a female saber-tooth cat and once the trusted first mate of the seafaring ape, Gutt. Like many sabers, Shira is also shown to be very proud, shown when she refused the herd's help when she almost drowned, as she would rather die than be turned into a charity case. Maya Smith | If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Shira gruffly thanks Diego for bringing her water. Chuck Charles | Shira amused when Diego points out that both Granny and llamas smell bad. Diego and Shira officially become a couple. They hid in an Ice Cave until they thought it was safe. Ethan | (You can see a picture of Shira's early design in the Shira/Gallery.). Shira begins to fall in love with Diego and agrees to leave Gutt's crew. Ice Age: Continental Drift Clip: Diego is in love. However, the two have a very strong bond and are close friends possibly more than Manny even if the two might not trust each other. You think you can handle it?" One day, Shira was seen ferociously chasing an elk. This half a snack is a dinosaur whisperer?". However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Animated Features They nuzzled before Diego finally looked at his cubs. After the Llama refused to help them, the herd decided to spend their seemingly final moments exploring Geotopia. Her pride was shown again when she refused to accept the water Diego brought to her. Unfortunately, he, along with Manny and Sid, was separated from the herd as an ongoing continental drift divided them. The writers never seemed to have any interest in developed her, as beyond her introductory movie she barely had any role in the rest of the franchise: she has a minor subplot in. Diego came to Shira during the night with some water. The sabers dropped their mouths in surprise. Later, Shira and Diego went to Manny and Ellie's anniversary party. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! She is voiced by Jennifer Lopez who also voiced Azteca in Antz. Arthur Pendragon | *By clicking Buy Now, you authorize ToyWiz to charge. Her design is also sometimes critized for trying way too hard to look female in comparison to Ellie who looks more like a real animal. She along with the rest of the herd were forced to leave to stop the mother of all asteroids from destroying the planet. Realizing unlike Gutt, the herd would look out for her, Shira renounced her position as a pirate, and married Diego. Gutt made his presence known to the castaways, stating that they were lucky to have been found by him and his crew. Oscar | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. "We've been over this Diego, kids are afraid of us. Due to the developed urge to start a family with Diego, Shira is shown to have a soft spot for children and eventually makes progress when an aardvark named Andrew and a start named Lily ask about their journey stopping the asteroid. This is a story that mainly involves Diego and Shira so Comment Vote and read :3 Diego, however, failed to retrieve the baby due to the mother's intervention and self-sacrifice. Christopher Oram | Diego then volunteered to lead both the baby and Manny to Glacier Pass, while secretly leading them to his pack at Half Peak to kill them. The incensed ape cut her off and told her that once all this came to an end, he would have a tiger's skin and he didn't care whose. Shira argues with Diego after Sid cracks their floe. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Years later, Diego remained a member the herd and stayed with them through it all. Manny Heffley | Shira was a female saber-toothed tiger and a distrusted first mate of the seafaring ape, Captain Gutt.,_Lion_Roar_Snarl_Growl_AT013501.ogg, The Herd The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Watching the Llama rant, Buck gets the idea to use pent up energy to activate the volcano. "He'll warm up to you." Shira told him, reaching up to nuzzle Diego. Shira was puzzled and told her equally confused husband that she even smiled. But then he stands in front of Soto, and coldly told him to "Leave the mammoth alone." Character information However, as they continue their journey, Diego discovers Manny's tragic backstory and when the mammoth risks his own life to save Diego's, the two became extremely close friends. Brian Griffin | The oldest, a boy, was a copy of Diego. Welcome to our herd.Shira becomes Diego's mate after Gutt's defeat. Shira and Diego Forever Chapter 1: The Coldest Night, an ice age fanfic Precious | Steffie, Katie and Meghan | Compare this with how Manny and Ellie developed throught the whole second movie and shared a lot of intimate moments before deciding to remain together. (Shiro is also, incidently, Japanese for "white") Her original pattern was more typical of sabers of the franchise, but was redesigned to make her more distinct from Diego in wide screen shots. While Diego and Shira's relationship is barely focused on in Ice Age: Collision Course, they did start talking about having kids, suggesting they've grown quite comfortable with each other the last two years. Here is a drawing who represent Shira and Diego, the two smilodons in the animated movie : "Ice Age 4 : continental drift". She chased the elk past her mate and snarled when he begged her not to eat him. Shira insults the herd's dull plan to take Gutt's ship. Shira wore two earrings on her right ear, fashioned from an unknown substance. Shira is a major charater in the Ice Age franchise, debuting in Ice Age: Continental Drift. I don't have a choice! Email address submitted! In the end, Diego decided to stay with the Herd. However, it turns out that Diego survived his wounds and has decided to join the herd with his friends. We Guarantee you everything sold on Toywiz is 100% genuine, authentic and licensed merchandise. Who are the female characters in ice age? Peter nodded without emotion and ran back upstairs to get his shoes on. diego: yes I uum you are in heat, and I can not stand. Just a little short story I came up with because I love Shira and Diego so much! Originally, Diego was stated to die in the first movie, but he survived in the final cut because it was too depressing for the kids in the test audiences. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It was revealed that when Ellie was young, she was separated from her herd during the ice age. Shira and Diego are seen snuggling gently as they watched the crystals. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Finally he sat down and laid his ears back. Out of pride, she declared that she would rather drown than accept their help, much to Diego's amusement. Diego then starts to have feelings for Shira and convinces her to join him and his friends. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Diego and Shira chases the gazelle / Diego e Shira perseguem a gazela Ignoring her protests, Manny brought Shira onto their raft, though she remained ungrateful. Shira snarls at Squint when he begins to give her orders. Max Mercer, Animated Television Annoyed, Shira pushed the rabbit down, telling him to await their captain's orders. But after Manny risks his own life to save him from falling into a river of lava, Diego has a change of heart and then tells Manny and Sid of his pack's plot, blowing his own pack's cover. for your help. I said I didn't need your help! Timidly, with his short ears laid back, he walked over to his new cubs. The Scrappy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Diego passed a look to Shira, who only nodded her head. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Despite the untimely death of BlueSky Animation at the hands of Disney via the Fox Acquisition a sixth, and presumably final film, in the Ice Age franchise is still in . Shira stopped when she noticed her fur by her paw becoming fuzzy from the static. The first thing he saw was Shira's back, her body curled around something. They safely made it out and Buck went in and saved a baby pumpkin, which he called Bronwyn. Shira and Diego spend their seemingly final moments watching the Geotopia crystals. After the crew was ordered to get on board, Shira timidly tried to explain her treason to Gutt. However, Shira was reluctant because kids are afraid of them. Ellie is a female woolly mammoth, whom Manny, Diego, and Sid meet during their migration to escape the flood in the second movie, Ice Age: The Meltdown . - Optimized and ran several low to . Kidnap Roshan and take him to Soto for his revenge, Captain America (The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes), Ice Age: The Meltdown, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Specifically, he is the deuteragonist of the first film. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Personal information The crystals were put in a volcano, to move the asteroid elsewhere. You bet. Yet just then Shira pounced on him "Why keep it just to yourself?" she asked "Say what?" Diego said Shira began to walk around him all slow and sexy like. You're welcome. Yeah, I think I'm starting to get why you're not in a pack.Listen, I chose to leave my pack, alright?Congratulations, warrior princess. It's probably because I am extremely bored right now, so why not. Shira was voiced by actress and singer Jennifer Lopez. Baby Dinos | Shira snarls at Squint when he begins to give her orders. Diego & Shira meet NYC by Chrystal Iris 634 11 8 When the power couple Diego and Shira find a portal in an old cave next to the ocean, they're whisked away to the magical world of New York. Are Shira and Diego together? - Sage-Answer Peter, can you come down here please Steve called with a shaky voice from downstairs. Shira: no sniffs you and you walked away. "Probably nothing Diego?," Shira says eyeing Diego from the corner of her eye. Momma Dino | The smaller earring was blue, while the other one was green. The plan worked and they celebrated their victory. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So care to join our scurvy crew?Shira remains ungrateful to the ones who saved her life. However, the captain had a less than warm welcome for her. Even though she was taken aback by this, Shira nevertheless remained confident in her captain's power, warning Diego that he has no idea what he's up against. Diego finally had a family of his own he was so happy. Shira shamefully admits that Diego took her down. Ice Age Continental Drift Shira Diego Exclusive Plush Figure 2 - ToyWiz

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