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If you cannot locate your ancestor in the databases above, try searching for marriage information in other records: Cemetery Records Death Records Bible Records. You must have some basic information before you are able to submit the application. I need a copy of my marriage certificate. Additional records will be added as they are completed. personal credit or employment, or to assess risk associated with any Marriage records typically began being recorded at the time the county was formed, so this collection includes some records of marriages that took place before 1860, although the bulk of the records are from the time frame 18601920. verify, or guarantee the accuracy or the amount of information provided These websites operate for free, but some services may be paid. To obtain a marriage verification, you must submit the following: You can mail the completed application for verification of marriage/civil union record files (see FORMS in the right-hand column) or send a letter providing the names of both parties, their dates of birth, and the date and place of the marriage, if known, and a check or money order (do not send cash) for the $5 fee made payable to the "Illinois Department of Public Health" to: Illinois Department of Public Health Division of Vital Records 925 E. Ridgely Ave. Springfield, IL 62702-2737. If the Illinois marriage record request form was from an official government agency, as well as was your payment, then you should be good. Each record include Groom and Bride family information, place and date of Marriage. It is also possible to obtain a marriage verification through the Illinois Department of Public Health Division of Vital Records. One of the main goals for genealogists is finding marriage information about their ancestors. Your email address will not be published. 3. Birth, Death, Other Records. (DPPA), 18 U.S. Code 2721 et seq., as amended. A-C, 1841-1971, Pike CountyBirths, 1877-1915; Marriages, 1831-1923 (an Index goes from 1827-1923); Deaths, 1877-Jan. 1902, June 1904-1915, Pope County Marriage Records, 1822-1944; Index, 1822-1960, Pulaski CountyMarriages, 1857(1), Dec. 1861-1936, Randolph County Marriage and Death Indexes, Randolph County Marriage Records, 1807-1925, Randolph CountyRegistry of Negroes, 1809-1863, Randolph County,Marriage Records, 1809 to 1870, Richland CountyIndex to Marriages 1841-1950, and Marriage Records 1840-1950, Rock Island County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes, Rock Island CountyIndex to Marriage Registers, 1834-1925; Marriage Registers, 1833-1924, Saline CountyMarriage Records, 1847-1921; Index, 1847-1958, Scott County Marriage Licenses, 1867-1927, Shelby CountyMarriage Licenses, vol. The names of involved parties and the date and place of the divorce should be placed on the cover sheet. UPS deliveries cannot be made to post office boxes. A marriage license is filed with the Clerk's Bureau of Vital Records after the marriage ceremony takes place. Too much scrolling to get to pertinent posts. Do not sell or share my personal information. Divorce Census, Free Ancestry Collections | Update on Nov 11, 2019, Indiana Jefferson County Marriage Record from 1946 to 1970, Santa Barbara County Marriage Record from 1900 to 1945 in the state of California, Pre-1900 Marriage Records of Santa Barbara County, California, Marriage Index of 1950 in Calaveras County, California, Marriage Index 1955 to 1965 in Anderson County, Texas, Marriage Records from 1967 to 1978 in Potter, Texas, Marriage Data from 1971 to 1988 in Hidalgo County, Texas, Marriage Data from 1955 to 1980 in Grayson, Texas, Marriage Index from 1950 to 2015 in New York City, Marriage Index from 1950 to 2001 in Santa Clara County, California, Marriage Records from 1950 to 1965 in Liberty County, Florida, Marriage Index from 1969 to 2000 in Bell County, Texas, Marriage Index from 1956 to 2002 in Dallas County, Texas, Marriage Data from 1796 to 1913 in Minnesota, Marriage Index from 1822 to 1956 in Callaway County, Missouri, Marriage Index from 1822 to 1943 in New York City, Marriage Index from 1803 to 1922 in Michigan, Marriage Index from 1821 to 1920 in Montana, Marriage Index from 1823 to 1943 in DeKalb County, Illinois, Marriage Index from 1821 to 1925 in California, Marriage Index from 1822 to 1943 in Arkansas, Marriage Index from 1796 to 1956 in Alabama, Marriage Data from 1722 to 1896 in DeKalb County, Georgia, Marriage Index from 1797 to 1923 in Wyoming, Marriage Index from 1786 to 1974 in Pennsylvania, Marriage Data from 1851 to 1963 in Lunenburg County, Virginia, Marriage Index from 1779 to 1905 in Anderson County, Kansas, Marriage Index from 1801 to 1977 in Winnebago County, Illinois, Marriage Records from 1849 to 1931 in New Mexico, Marriage Records from 1779 to 1895 in Bethany County, Oklahoma, Marriage Records from 1796 to 1855 in Moore County, Oklahoma, Marriage Records from 1855 to 1989 in Michigan County, Marriage Records from 1857 to 1970 in Barry County, Missouri, Church Marriage Records from 1905 to 1998 in Washington, Marriage Index from 1865 to 1994 in Chittenden County, Vermont, Marriage Index from 1798 to 1989 in Brown County, South Dakota, Marriage Records from 1893 to 1991 in Montgomery County, Ohio, Marriage Records from 1822 to 1987 in Mason County, West Virginia, Marriage Records from 1853 to 1937 in Washington, Marriage Index from 1713 to 1919 in Texas, Marriage Records from 1980 to 2014 in Kansas, Marriage Index from 1839 to 1976 in Jacksonville County, Florida, Marriage Records from 1811 to 1987 in Hawaii, Marriage Records from 1813 to 1949 in Delaware, Marriage Records from 1883 to 1964 in Delaware, Marriage Index from 1829 to 1947 in Delaware, Marriage Records from 1824 to 1950 in Michigan County, Marriage Records from 1822 to 1970 in Barry County, Missouri, Marriage Records from 1928 to 1942 in New Hampshire, Marriage Records from 1847 to 1961 in New Jersey, Church Marriage Records from 1824 to 1976 in Ohio, Civil Marriage Records from 1828 to 1957 in Oregon, Church Marriage Records from 1857 to 1988 in Pennsylvania, Marriage Records from 1885 to 1991 in Wyoming, Church Marriage Records from 1854 to 1998 in Washington, Marriage Index from 1877 to 1983 in Chittenden County, Vermont, Marriage Index from 1852 to 1978 in Brown County, South Dakota, Marriage Records from 1829 to 1951 in Montgomery County, Ohio, Marriage Records from 1854 to 1983 in South Carolina, Marriage Records from 1826 to 1986 in Mason County, West Virginia Marriages, Marriage Records from 1824 to 1950 in Idaho County, Marriage Records from 1822 to 1970 in Butte County, Idaho, Marriage Records from 1928 to 1942 in Idaho, Marriage Records from 1847 to 1961 in Idaho, Church Marriage Records from 1824 to 1976 in Idaho, Civil Marriage Records from 1828 to 1957 in Indiana, Church Marriage Records from 1857 to 1988 in Indiana, Marriage Records from 1885 to 1991 in Indiana, Church Marriage Records from 1854 to 1998 in Kentucky, Marriage Index from 1877 to 1983 in Hendry County, Florida, Marriage Index from 1852 to 1978 in Madison County, Idaho, Marriage Records from 1713 to 1919 in Florida, Marriage Index from 1913 to 1954 in New Hampshire, Marriage Records from 1826 to 1922 in Hawaii, Marriage Index from 1906 to 1988 in Twin Falls County, Idaho, Marriage Data from 1863 to 1869, Arkansas, Marriage Data from 1784 to 1840, Pennsylvania, List of Birth Records from 1945 to 1965 in Jefferson, Marriage Index from 1855 to 1955 in Grant, Marriage Record from 1854 to 1965 in Garfield, Marriage Index from 1856 to 1965 in Ferry, List of Marriage Index from 1935 to 1965 in Douglas, Marriage Record from 1855 to 1955 in Columbia, Marriage Index from 1854 to 1965 in Clark, Marriage Index from 1855 to 1965 in Clallam, Marriage Index from 1945 to 1965 in Chelan, Marriage Record from 1835 to 1855 in Benton, List of Birth Records from 1945 to 1965 in Georgia, Marriage Index from 1855 to 1955 in Atkinson at New Hampshire, Marriage Record from 1854 to 1965 in Oshkosh at Wisconsin, Marriage Index from 1856 to 1965 in Wyoming, List of Marriage Index from 1935 to 1965 in Florida, Marriage Record from 1855 to 1955 in California, Marriage Index from 1854 to 1965 in Florida, Marriage Index from 1855 to 1965 in Connecticut, Marriage Index from 1945 to 1965 in Delaware, Marriage Record from 1835 to 1855 in Hartford, Marriage Record from 1855 to 1944 in Baker, Marriage Index from 1854 to 1875 in Alachuna, List of Marriage Index from 1945 to 1965 in Georgia, Marriage Index from 1855 to 1955 in Atkinson, Marriage Record from 1854 to 1965 in Bacon, List of Marriage Index from 1945 to 1965 in Florida, Marriage Record from 1855 to 1955 in Baker, Marriage Index from 1854 to 1965 in Alachuna, Marriage Index from 1855 to 1965 in Litchfield, List of Marriage Index from 1945 to 1965 in Delaware, Marriage Record from 1835 to 1955 in Hartford, Marriage Records from 1838 to 1934 in Iowa County, Church and Civil Marriage Records from 1837 to 1989 in Iowa, Marriage Records from 1887 to 2015 in Box Butte County, Nebraska, Marriage Records from 1855 to 1995 in Nebraska, Marriage Records from 1720 to 1920 in New Hampshire, Marriage Records from 1815 to 1935 in Illinois, Marriage Index from 1829 to 1940 in New York City, New York, Marriage License Records from 1950 to 1995 in New York City, New York, Marriage Records from 1847 to 1936 in New York County, Church and Civil Marriage Records from 1704 to 1995 in New York, Marriage Records from 1686 to 1980 in New York, Marriage Index from 1837 to 1965 in Texas County, Church Marriage Records from 1845 to 1957 in Texas, Church Marriage Records from 1839 to 1982 in Texas, Marriage Records from 1966 to 2010 in Texas, Marriage Records from 1837 to 1973 in Texas, Marriage Records from 1830 to 1957 in Florida County, Marriage Records from 1837 to 1974 in Florida, Marriage Records from 1830 to 1993 in Florida, Marriage Records from 1822 to 2001 in Florida, Marriage Index from 1832 to 2015 in Houston, Georgia, Marriage Records from 1950 to 2005 in Hall, Georgia, Marriage Records from 1785 to 1950 in Georgia County, Church Marriage Records from 1787 to 1962 in Georgia, Marriage Records from 1808 to 1967 in Georgia, Church Marriage Records from 1754 to 1960 in Georgia, Marriage Index from 1824 to 1997 in San Francisco, California, Marriage Records from 1843 to 1918 in California County, Jefferson County Indiana Marriages 1946 - 1970, Santa Barbara County, California Marriage Index 1900 - 1945, Santa Barbara County, California Marriage Index pre-1900, Calaveras County, California Marriages, 1950, Adair County, Kentucky Marriages, 1977 - 2001, Anderson County, Texas Marriage Record 1955 - 1965, Potter County, Texas Marriages 1967 - 1978, Hidalgo County, Texas Marriage Record 1971 - 1988, Grayson County, Texas Marriage Index 1955 - 1980, Santa Clara County, California Marriages, 1950-2001, Liberty County, Florida Marriage Index, 1950-1965, Dallas County, Texas Marriages, 1956-2002, Callaway County, Missouri Marriages, 1822-1956, DeKalb County, Illinois Marriages, 1823-1943, Arkansas, Compiled Marriages from Select Counties, 1822-1943, DeKalb County, Georgia, Marriage Index, 1722-1896, Lunenburg County, Virginia, Marriage Bonds Index, 1851-1963, Anderson County, Kansas, Marriages, 1779-1905, Winnebago County, Illinois, Marriages, 1801-1977, New Mexico, Compiled Marriage Index, 1849-1931, Bethany County, Oklahoma Marriages, 1779-1895, Moore County, Oklahoma Marriages, 1796-1855, Barry County, Missouri Marriage Index 1857-1970, Chittenden County, Vermont Marriage Records 1865-1994, Brown County, South Dakota Marriage Records 1798-1989, Montgomery County, Ohio, Marriages, 1893-1991, Mason County, West Virginia Marriages, 1822-1987, Jacksonville County, Florida Marriage Records 1839-1976, Barry County, Missouri Marriage Index 1822-1970, Chittenden County, Vermont Marriage Records 1877-1983, Brown County, South Dakota Marriage Records 1852-1978, Montgomery County, Ohio, Marriages, 1829-1951, Mason County, West Virginia Marriages, 1826-1986, Butte County, Idaho Marriage Index 1822-1970, Hendry County, Florida Marriage Records 1877-1983, Madison County, Idaho Marriage Records 1852-1978, Twin Falls County, Idaho Marriage Records 1906-1988. To browse this image set, select from the options below. The Illinois State Archives, in conjunction with the Illinois State Genealogical Society, created this marriage database using volunteers and staff to enter marriage records from public record offices across the state into a single marriage records index. Georgia, Elbert County Records, 1790-2002 Browsable Images Collection of digital images of marriage, court, land, school and other records from Elbert County. They must download and complete the social security card request form and attach a certified copy of their marriage certificate and a state-issued photo ID. There are a great number of online and offline collections that may include marriage information that are not included in the lists below. While both public and confidential marriage licenses are available to requesters who are at least 18, consenting parents might permit their ward to obtain a public marriage license and be wed to an adult partner. To take full advantage, please make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. Marriage records are not kept by the Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Vital Records. The "Sam Fink Index," extracted from various Chicago newspapers that listed marriages, is a good substitute for the missing Chicago records. Some of the matching records can be found in Ancestry's Historical Newspapers, Birth, Marriage, & Death Announcements, 1851-2003 which includes the Chicago Tribune, 1850-1985. These searchable indexes provide specific marriage license, bond, and certificate information, and sometimes scanned images of the actual marriage documentsthemselves. The marriage entries from this index are included in the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900 with "FINK" in the license number field. The Clerk's Bureau of Vital Statistics division provides copies of these documents for eligible individuals upon request. The couple must provide their certified copies of their birth certificates and a second form of government issued identification that states their date of birth. Illinois Department of Public Health OWNED OR OPERATED BY ANY STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY. 1982, McHenry CountyMarriage Registers & Returns, 1837-1923, Monroe County Birth, Death,and Marriage Records, Monroe CountyMarriage Records, 1816-1915, Montgomery CountyMarriage Records, 1821-1895; Indexes, 1821-1968, Morgan CountyMarriage Index, 1827-1939 ; Marriage Record, 1827-1943, Morgan County,Marriage Records Book A-B, 1827-1860, Moultrie CountyBirths, Marriages, Deaths, 1843-1927; Indexes, 1843-1981, Ogle CountyRegister of Marriages and Applications for Marriage Licenses, 1837-1930, Perry County Marriage Licenses 1827 to 1850, Piatt CountyMarriage Records, vol. The Chicago Marriage Records Search (Illinois) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Chicago public records. We do not have any record of an Illinois marriage record for you Robert. Illinois marriage records can be obtained through the Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Vital Records. You can also check with the Illinois Department of Public Heath as they manage the marriage records in Illinois. However, information contained within the document may be disclosed if one of the parties involved chooses to make it public or presents it as evidence in court during divorce proceedings. Victoria Odom. The Cook County Clerk's office serves as the official record keeper for births, marriages and deaths that occur in Chicago and suburban Cook County. in the member's area prior to conducting your search. What identification is required? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Unlike a marriage license, they do not state the right of a couple to be married, but are legal proof that the marriage has already happened. The state website provided above includes other options depending on your needs. 4. Thank you. Consult the Local Governmental Records Holdings Database to see if IRAD has marriage records for the county and date of the marriage you are requesting. However, note that these records are not to be substituted for certified license or certification. You should contact the office you need and they will tell you their process for delivering a certified marriage record. Arkansas, Marriage Records from 1863 to 1869, Marion County, Illinois Marriages, 1864-1962, Columbiana County, Ohio, Marriages, 1803-1851, Belmont County, Ohio, Marriages, 1803-1851, Jefferson, List of Birth Index, 1945 - 1965, Douglas, List of Marriage Records, 1935 - 1965, Georgia, List of Birth Index, 1945 - 1965, New Hampshire, Atkinson Marriage Records, 1855 - 1955, Wisconsin, Oshkosh Marriage Records, 1854 - 1965, Florida, List of Marriage Records, 1935 - 1965, Connecticut, Marriage Records, 1855 - 1965, Georgia, List of Marriage Records, 1945 - 1965, Florida, List of Marriage Records, 1945 - 1965, Litchfield, Marriage Records, 1855 - 1965, Delaware, List of Marriage Records, 1945 - 1965, Iowa Church and Civil Marriages 1837-1989, Box Butte County, Nebraska Marriages 1887-2015, New York City, New York Marriage Records 1829-1940, New York City, New York Marriage Licenses Index 1950-1995, New York Church and Civil Marriages 1704-1995, Houston, Georgia County Marriage Records 1832-2015, San Francisco, California Marriage Records 1824-1997, South Carolina, Marriage Records, 1925-1932, Marriage License Index of New York City, 1948-1972, Jefferson County, Indiana, Marriages, 1873-1899, Marriage Records of Hunterdon County, New Jersey, 1795 - 1875, Marriage Records of Wells County, Indiana, 1837-1900, Marriage Notices from the North Carolina, 1853 - 1870, Marriages of the Deaf in America,1800-1999, North Carolina, Marriage Records, 1956-1925, Record of Pennsylvania Marriages Prior, 1867-1961, Marriages of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1757-1853, Ralls County, Missouri, Marriage Records, 1821-1866, Essex County, Massachusetts Marriages to 1850, Marriage records, McDonald County, Missouri, Jessamine County, Kentucky, Marriage Index, 1799-1820, Atlantic County, New Jersey marriage records, South Carolina, Newspaper Marriage Notices, 1732-1801, Mercer County, Kentucky Marriage Records, 1800-1830, Sullivan County, Missouri, Marriage Records, 1843-1958, Charleston, South Carolina, Marriage Records, 1877-1887, Marriage records, Monroe County, Missouri, Marriage records, 1818-1865, Jackson County, Buchanan County, Missouri Marriages, 1839-1855, Salem County (New Jersey) marriage records, Marriages and Deaths from the Maryland Gazette, 1727-1839, Marion County, Missouri, Marriage Records, 1827-1856, Marriage records, Warren County, Missouri, Marriage records, Prince Georges Co., Maryland, 1777 to 1836, Marriage records, Marion County, Mississippi, 1812-1860, Livingston County, Missouri.