are glocks safe to carry chamberedck3 save editor

Can You Shoot Aluminum Cased Ammunition In A Glock? Understanding The It wont matter if the slide is in battery or not. Certified Glock Armorer, Colt Armorer, FN Armorer, Beretta Armorer, Smith and Wesson revolvers Armorer. When she holstered her Glock .40 it went off and the bullet went down her leg utterly destroying it. The New York Trigger as it became known had an 8-pound trigger pull. This also means that if the firing pin somehow gets enough inertia to hit the primer, from some other source than the hammer (whatever that source might be), and then the round in front of the pin suddenly ceases motion, the firing pin will continue forward into the round anyway, no matter what the hammer, trigger, barrel, or etc, do. Glocks can be dangerous When they tumble and fall and the natural instinct is to catch. I always wanted to see in a western someone who knew he was about to get into a gunfight slip that 6th round into his Colt SAA. If carry my Glock its in a solid Crossbreed holster with one in the chamber. It prevents the trigger from being manipulated unless a finger is pressing on it. 9+ is a glock safe to carry chambered most standard Here's my situation: Carrying the pistol with a round in the chamber freaks me out. Run what you brung. Second Amendment to the US Constitution, "Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol." If you forget to check the chamber just one time in you life its Sayounara . Recently retired the PPK in favor of a Sig P365. All that said, training, knowledge of your firearm's design/function, and practice go a long way to make any firearm safe to carry with a round chambered though some designs are better for a particular purpose. Lol. /sarc off/. YouTube it. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');The danger comes from dangerous gun handling and not following safe gun handling rules. Glocks response was to simply make a pistol that was safe without a safety. A un-chambered carry gun is useless. Perhaps if someone drops their gun from two stories up and it lands muzzle down on somebodys head? I for one dont want to take the chance of fumbling around with a gun trying to rack the gun under pressure. When something becomes familiar, inattention and negligence become more likely. To each their own, and god speed, The first gunm I packed was a SA .22 with a half cock safety and I loaded all the holes, then I went DA but cocked it most of the I got in a habit of cocking the hammers Then I went to auto pistols and just never did trust that hammer sticking up so I carry them with one in the chamber on half cock. Am I being silly? More solid irrefutable proof that the Glock is an accident waiting to happen. I turn it into the five gun question instead. Pray the opponent was just carrying a Taser and not a knife. All I get is replies that they are working on it. I also like the guy getting thrown across the ally when he gets hit with both barrels of the shotgun through those 3/4 boards, but even better is when the same happens from a .45 Colt round. Glock 43X Black: Best Self-Defense Gun for Concealed Carry? It will catch on and you will be a rock star! Not exactly. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered - Intelligent Search Pro (just like some people freakout about a cocked and locked 1911) Rest assured the gun will not go off and shoot you in the ass. My opinion. Go get a titanium firing pin. Jordan Buck is an outdoor writer, a man of faith, and a family man. Perhaps why they werent interested in this modification, even though the investor designed it to be visually unobtrusive and to require minimal modifications to the original design. As stated above, Glocks are safe. I think five guns is the bare minimum, and thats how I always answer the one gun question. Despite its . When I was new to guns I bought a DA/SA pistol with safety/decocker because I lacked the confidence to go with a hot gun without the safety, never fell for the empty chamber myth as a safe way to carry, always thought it was a sure way to get killed.. Once I was confident enough, now I only carry a gun without a safety and it always has one in the pipe, always carried in a holster. There we go. Folks need to do what they are comfortable with though. OthersI just didnt think about and for some pretty good reasons. you roll the dice. People who ride a motorcycle to work know damn well their chances of being seriously hurt in an accident is astronomically higher than driving a Pick up truck to work. B.D. Length: 7.3. So when does your Glock actually have a likely chance of discharging in those two most common klutz behaviors while handling a firearm? A 2A focused forum that patronizes a troll like VLAD is as questionable as the NRA in its current form. Why would anyone want only one of something? Glock dominates the handgun market in both the United States and around the globe. If you cant train yourself to keep your finger off the trigger until you have made the decision to shoot any gun is dangerous in your hands. The most likely time a kid will get their hands on my gun is if it somehow gets knocked loose from my [high-quality, proper-retention] holster during movement in tight spaces while I am wearing it. Folks, a GLOCK (or any other striker-fired pistol) is perfectly safe with a little intelligence combined with a bit of assiduity. NO - any responsible gun owner should have some reservation until enough information has been provided. Absolutely YES!! These Glocks have been beat to death and not once has the gun " fired " without some sort of trigger manipulation. An empty chamber is worthless when you need it and fractions of a second count. Carrying a single-action pistol cocked-and-locked is far and away the best method of carry. Do u know what the 21 foot rule is? I know, its a big word, all scary long and has lots of syllables, but try it out. A admit, these days are different a 3 grand safe, that folks have to go look up the damn combo to, or wake up with a shadow looking at them in a dark bedroom and try to get to a box hopefully in reach without getting halfway up out of bed. The Glock 17M and Glock 19X are two designs with Gen 5 features. See the old Remingtons. I thought I counted 17 in the battle scene in Open Range. A round in the chamber | Glock Pro Forums If you don't just pick ONE, then IMO you are always going to wonder if you're chambered or no. Unfortunately, some may not and I have no idea which do and which do not. Excuse me, but the inventor of the Linebaugh cartridges and custom gunsmith in Powell Wyoming is JOHN Linebaugh. Theres a problem with absolutism: youre proven wrong too easily. If you try to have a healthy debate its always 100% of the time NOTHING but internet people telling other internet people that their particular opinion is wrong. Whats the big deal? Just the easier reloading of the old Ruger 3 screw models (or any other regular types like the Colt SAA) vs the new ones, makes up for that one extra round, at least IMO. It's a mental block you will have to outgrow. Say, if you can make that mistake (and you did), are you willing to admit that maybe, just possibly, youve mad other mistakes? I will always carry chambered because I keep my fingers where they belong and therefore don't worry about it. I have trained chambering on the draw and while it is less effective it still gives me options. Old model Ruger Blackhawks which have not been converted should be carried with the hammer down on an empty chamber, just like Colt SAAs and other vintage and replica SA revolvers. 1911s are traditionally carried empty chamber (probably a bad idea) or cocked and locked: hammer cocked and slide mounted safety engaged. At least until the computer catches up and opens multiple copies. Its an unsafe design from 2 aspects, the fact that it acts much like a single action weapon with the hammer cocked back and no manual safety and it has a totally unsafe asinine take down system. I have done special work to lighten my trigger and its still not very touchy. Mr Hoober, If you werent too busy arrogantly doubling down, you might consider trying it some time instead of pretending you know everything but I suppose you are probably more interested in getting audience engagement than giving good advice. Descriptions: Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a decent holster that completely covers the trigger. Hes squirmy and all over the place. When I go hunting, I carry my Remington 700, bolt action rifle with the striker discharged on an empty chamber. Dont you dare break the three rules of safe gun handling. The NRA store version is about $50+ for the small size. Im not a big believer in the the bad guy will just take your gun and use it against you school of thought. For those of you that don't know, "Israeli Carry" is the practice carrying a pistol without a round in the chamber. One or two chances to mess up with an empty chamber, but thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of chances to ventilate your own leg while taking a piss. And being that I am a Veteran the simple act of 1 second as I draw is a negligible amount of time just like the BS of you can only have a 10 round magazine but you can carry as many magazines as you like try it one day drop a mag change it takes less than 3 seconds. So lets just say its a personal choice and your way isnt better than mine, but I will never accidently shoot my leg or foot. As a matter of fact in an extreme emergency you could carry the HK with no holster and in your pocket or even waist band but if you did the same thing with a Glock you would quickly blow your balls off in short order. Literally has nothing to do with firearm safety. Try it with any style sidearm. Balancing Safety & Readiness: Carrying "Cocked and Locked?" The Glock is a semi-automatic pistol that was originally designed by an Austrian manufacturer called Glock Ges.m.b.H in 1982. The off hand comment was to the effect of glocks being less safe to carry with a round in the chamber than others. Obviously carrying concealed greatly reduces the odds of your gun being taken, but that doesnt mean that precautions arent in order. Kathy Jackson suggests that doing this safely comes down to two things, equipment and habits. Bottom line: For *any* firearm, you have to *put your finger (or some other object) INTO the trigger guard to fire the weapon. And I include all the copy cat weapons as well as they are as common as the common cold. My Ruger LCP is carried with one chambered, and in a pocket holster that covers the trigger. Dani: In the case of an inertial firing pin, nothing but a physical block on the firing pin itself will have the slightest effect. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered - Todd Lyons Carry chambered ever since. One never knows who one is talking to. Or a musket? Glock is known for its proprietary barrel design which is said to provide a better seal between the bullet and barrel, allowing less propellant gas leakage and less bullet deformation. I will still carry unchambered. So I traded it. Its like arguing Android is better than iOS. Do you supposes THIS guy knows the six letter word for a firearms dangerous end? Youll probably die trying to get your semi-auto back into battery after attempting a contact shot anyway. No, but it requires that everything go right when theres a higher chance of something going wrong. Answer (1 of 30): The main reason to carry, is self defense. It is a compact pistol that is chambered in 9mm and is designed for concealed carry. Let the flaming begin, No flame. Heres how all of this bogus started. Furthermore, every person I know or have talked to who does have a single-action revolver Rough Rider, Blackhawk or a replica has other guns that they use for those roles. We have lots more on the site to show you. An officer was chasing a man down a stairwell with his pistol drawn and the man was shot, but apparently, he was not actually a criminal. Do you carry with one in the chamber or not? : r/CCW Smith & Wesson EQUALIZER Review: Crafted For Carry The M&P Shield is a popular and commonplace pistol for concealed carry. But thats good. Glocks are designed with internal safety features to prevent accidental discharge. Must not be working on it very hard. Hell you pour sand down MY ass crack and I'll jam up and and fail to extract Ive carried different glocks with a round chambered in iwb/owb holsters and never had a problem with it. The claim is that because Glocks have no safety and a super light trigger, they accidentally shoot people. Jun 4, 2009. I could give you many other identical examples of Glocks going off while the owner wore them or handled them. And that is the key to any methodology, simply having the proper training. A typing error, or wishful thinking? I could be ELI2016 if I wanted to. Because it has no external safety that means you are only 5 lbs away from making the gun fire. There are some days (summer, mostly) when I carry the Walther PK380. In a SA revolver, the next round is instantly available anyway, whether fully loaded or one short, quicker out of the leather for the first, second, and third shot than any other existing action type. The best line of all time is Dirty Harrys. Fairbairn and E.A. I'd recommend a Hard Kydex holster like a comp-tac infidel. There are more and complicated details about the Israeli attitude (prohibition) of self-defense, but the point is that the Israeli system may work for the IDF, but not for you. If you are so scared of a striker fired trigger, then why not get a hammer fired gun? Let the one with no traffic tickets throw the first stone. Nice catch. Somewhat different than in rural MS tho, speaking as one who attended a full auto shoot at a local range about a month ago. OFC, there are those that only want to own one gun. Note the flat(ish) hammer. Now, what about those darn useless novelty CCH badges? The answer is "yes." Milliseconds count. You are not going to change my mind. I hope r.i.p is on your tombstone if you fail in a confrontation. No thanks. Not the first time I have seen you feed the gun grabbers agenda either. Being an *untrained* klutz is something entirely different. So F_____g what? Just not for me. Please note Im not saying glock = bad. A 16 year old In drivers ed may not be very experienced nor skilled, but at least in my day, was paying more attention than a driver more familiar with driving. All it takes is knowing what the word; inertia means. I carry a LC9, no problem. P.T. Mr. Hoober, the only quibble I have with this article is the assumption that people only have a (as in singular) home defense gun. Bet you still get stabbed. For that matter, I dont take seriously anyone who carries a revolver for self-defense. However, that may be the reason I carry a revolver, but the reason I carry a gun (as I said) is because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT. When I was a lot younger, I was riding horses with some friends. Or tell them to carry only 5 bullets instead of six??. None of those things make any difference at all. Quick easy to access and small enough for the P365, a spare magazine, and a small 300 Lumen Tac Light. whenever anyone posts on this page: People who dont carry with a round in the chamber have no training. Never happened yet I would rather shoot myself in the leg but still be in fight than have bad guy shoot me because I didnt have a chambered round. Yes. On the other hand, most other striker-fired pistols count on the recoil spring to cock the striker. Only ONE centerfire pistol? Of course, older designs without an internal firing pin block can go off if dropped. She now after many painful operations will be a partial cripple for the rest of her life. Go peddle your homosexual fantasies elsewhere. Carrying with an empty chamber was John Waynes great advice, applicable to old, single action revolvers. Modern revolvers with some sort of disconnect can be carried full up. One of the first shoot houses ever built was built by Fairbairn and Sykes to train their officers. Subscribe and receive the latest information on GLOCK products and more. Reply Quote. And it will ALWAYS stay in its holster right? Many firearms enthusiasts and experts consider it to be the most effective and efficient way to carry a handgun for self-defense. WOW! The are a couple videos out there showing issues with holsters (kydex included) where bending or twisting caused a discharge. And we all make mistakes. If you are so uncomfortable with a Glock as a fully loaded and chambered self defense gun, why do you own one? I now carry without it, with one in the pipe. Did dad work for a local Florida PD not to be named? Widen your horizons. Much the less wish to discuss the merits of hammer mounted versus frame mounted firing pins, or the S&W design of using a rebound slide instead (my favorite design). Never mind the others. So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? 19th century Colt hammers. I find myself walking around with my hips thrust foward, flinching away from the gun. A Glock is a reputable brand name of pistols, and the weight of the trigger pull can mean the difference in between a firearm firing and not shooting. There are a lot of older pistols manufactured without a drop safety feature. i doubt that israelis whose primary weapon is a pistol actually use israeli carry. The S&W EZ has a grip safety and a good trigger pull. So yes, its completely safe. Each brand-new model enhanced the pistol and its functions. A 1911 or single-action pistol in Condition 1 is comparable to a striker-fired, safe-action pistol, like a Glock, which is always in a semi-cocked condition when a round is in the chamber anyway. Yeah, me too. (Some chance remains, of course, given extraordinary circumstances that can be described but have statistically no chance of happening.). What kind of a moron thought THAT was a good idea? If you want a single action trigger pull, either carry a SAO autoloader in condition one, or choose a hammer fired model that one can manipulate its condition at will. Ive been known to knock over a glass of milk , spill my coffee down my chin , have people toot their horn at me from time to time , you get my point . With any decent holster you will be fine. The NYPD used this excuse several times to get out of a situation, basically saying These new-fangled Glocks just go off on their own. While I believe training is the answer, its not just fingers that are the problem. In addition to this, some manufacturers have added manual lever safeties to their firearms and XDS has the grip safety as well. That carries over to shooting, believe it or not. Boy, that must be realllll nice. Every day. . Its just not for me, especially as I get into my golden years. It degrades my ability to respond and limits my choices, but is still far better than some choice words. Now that we know what it means to have one in the chamber, let's figure out whether it is safe to carry a "loaded gun" with you. For the most part.if the gun goes offsomeone pulled the trigger. Glocks have a feature that prevents the trigger from accidentally being pulled, blocks the firing pin until the trigger is fully pressed, and the pistol is not actually cocked until the trigger is puled. You rotate the cylinder halfway between the nipples and lower the hammer on the carry notch. One of them is as you describe (a 3-screw Single Six). Ive committed all those errors and I grew from them. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. The Glock 26 Gen 4 weighs approximately 25 ounces with a loaded magazine. And, sorry youre a confused fool. First a 5906, then a PPK/S for 20 years. Just old school geeze, too used to doing the hard chit the same way, but it worked for me. However, that also creates issues. The firearm entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after becoming the top performer in reliability and safety tests.. Glock pistols have become the company's most profitable line of products, and have been supplied to . Said every one of the people who later came to suffer from glock leg. I have a Sig DA/SA, fully loaded no problem. How The Glock Safety Works - Outdoor Command Mar 8, 2017 (Edited by Moderator) The LCP II is just as safe to carry as any striker-fired gun on the market without a thumb safety, including every Glock and most M&P's etc. Yes. My G19 pull is about 4-1/2# about the same as a lot of 1911 guns. You just have to scroll down to it. June 2016. Kaboom he shot himself as he sat there at the dinner table. Because there are a lot of areas where carrying a firearm will bite you if you cant get it right. There are 5 in the house right now; computer room (where I am) living room, bathroom floor (beside the throne) and both sides of the bed. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. He thinks. Go. On Firefox for Windows, it just goes to the top of the page, but it will still get the newest comments. If anybody could advise me, I'd be grateful. How Can The Ruger LCP II Be Safe To Carry? - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters Each new design enhanced the pistol and its features. So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? A few overly trigger-happy officers within a department and a sly PR department really spun yarns on this one. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. To the point I know I can unholster, rack, and have my tritium dots centered on some perps forehead before they know whats coming. If my chamber is empty, I obviously increase the chances that my gun wont be useful when needed, but I also reduce the chance of a ND caused by a minor in my care. Does the Glock fire then? 3.Is it Safed to Carry a Glock With one in the Chamber - Gun Tradition. Save Share. Youll likely only be in one or two gunfights at most, in an entire lifetime. Not a bad plan. Correct. Glock 26: Everything to Know About the Ultra-Concealable 'Baby Glock' I would consider the weapon fully loaded at this point. Mars In Pisces Fighting Style, Brush And Bulky Tucson 2021 Dates, Predictive Index Ceo Profile, How Has French Cuisine Influenced Australia, Articles A
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Also thank goodness I dont even have to make THAT choice. Bottom line: For *any* firearm, you have to *put your finger (or some other object) INTO the trigger guard to fire the weapon.*. Thats all Colt added to the series 80, the internal firing pin block. I have no worries about the gun going off when holstering it or even worse going off by itself while in the holster as many Glocks have done when a fold of the holster got snagged inside the trigger guard. I cant believe this is even a subject for discussion. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Practice holstering and unholstering without a round and see if the trigger is pulled. But unlike the Shield Plus, the Equalizerlike the Shield EZis a single-action as opposed to striker-fired pistol. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. (AgCatJHS at English Wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)Here we have a conundrum. In a way, the GLOCK trigger is similar to a double action revolver trigger. The G44 was thoroughly tested with a wide variety of ammunition to ensure maximum performance and . Cruiser ready generally refers to a gun that has a loaded magazine but an empty chamber. Now getting older, I have trouble with body positions for competitions, so I dont enter very many club competitions anymore. There are any number of guns out there with firing systems that, if dropped, will fire a round under the hammer. Theres simply no point in carrying an unloaded gun. They like it this way. With hammer fired guns, we have more options to prevent guns from accidently firing. And I do not carry them ever. With only six on tap anyway, whats one less? Same here. The Israelis do it, and I do too. Vlad as always you are full of stupid.most semi auto today are Glock wannabes I have carried a Glock 21 for years I fast draw hip shoot and yes stupid Vlad I always carry with one in the chamber, Vlad as always you are full of stupid.most semi auto today are Glock wannabes I have carried a Glock 21 for years I fast draw hip shoot and yes stupid Vlad I always carry with one in the chamber, Your rants always remind me of that long ago cartoon show. In non service activities, all occurred either nearly cheek to cheek, face to face, or less than 3 ft. when chit went south, and it happens so fast, Id bet few if any pro operators could rack then stack em Is A Glock Safe To Carry Chambered. The Glock trigger is too light and too short to be safe, and I understand Glocks are way far overrepresented in the annals of ND, which is very easy to understand. Can You Shoot Aluminum Cased Ammunition In A Glock? Understanding The It wont matter if the slide is in battery or not. Certified Glock Armorer, Colt Armorer, FN Armorer, Beretta Armorer, Smith and Wesson revolvers Armorer. When she holstered her Glock .40 it went off and the bullet went down her leg utterly destroying it. The New York Trigger as it became known had an 8-pound trigger pull. This also means that if the firing pin somehow gets enough inertia to hit the primer, from some other source than the hammer (whatever that source might be), and then the round in front of the pin suddenly ceases motion, the firing pin will continue forward into the round anyway, no matter what the hammer, trigger, barrel, or etc, do. Glocks can be dangerous When they tumble and fall and the natural instinct is to catch. I always wanted to see in a western someone who knew he was about to get into a gunfight slip that 6th round into his Colt SAA. If carry my Glock its in a solid Crossbreed holster with one in the chamber. It prevents the trigger from being manipulated unless a finger is pressing on it. 9+ is a glock safe to carry chambered most standard Here's my situation: Carrying the pistol with a round in the chamber freaks me out. Run what you brung. Second Amendment to the US Constitution, "Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol." If you forget to check the chamber just one time in you life its Sayounara . Recently retired the PPK in favor of a Sig P365. All that said, training, knowledge of your firearm's design/function, and practice go a long way to make any firearm safe to carry with a round chambered though some designs are better for a particular purpose. Lol. /sarc off/. YouTube it. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');The danger comes from dangerous gun handling and not following safe gun handling rules. Glocks response was to simply make a pistol that was safe without a safety. A un-chambered carry gun is useless. Perhaps if someone drops their gun from two stories up and it lands muzzle down on somebodys head? I for one dont want to take the chance of fumbling around with a gun trying to rack the gun under pressure. When something becomes familiar, inattention and negligence become more likely. To each their own, and god speed, The first gunm I packed was a SA .22 with a half cock safety and I loaded all the holes, then I went DA but cocked it most of the I got in a habit of cocking the hammers Then I went to auto pistols and just never did trust that hammer sticking up so I carry them with one in the chamber on half cock. Am I being silly? More solid irrefutable proof that the Glock is an accident waiting to happen. I turn it into the five gun question instead. Pray the opponent was just carrying a Taser and not a knife. All I get is replies that they are working on it. I also like the guy getting thrown across the ally when he gets hit with both barrels of the shotgun through those 3/4 boards, but even better is when the same happens from a .45 Colt round. Glock 43X Black: Best Self-Defense Gun for Concealed Carry? It will catch on and you will be a rock star! Not exactly. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered - Intelligent Search Pro (just like some people freakout about a cocked and locked 1911) Rest assured the gun will not go off and shoot you in the ass. My opinion. Go get a titanium firing pin. Jordan Buck is an outdoor writer, a man of faith, and a family man. Perhaps why they werent interested in this modification, even though the investor designed it to be visually unobtrusive and to require minimal modifications to the original design. As stated above, Glocks are safe. I think five guns is the bare minimum, and thats how I always answer the one gun question. Despite its . When I was new to guns I bought a DA/SA pistol with safety/decocker because I lacked the confidence to go with a hot gun without the safety, never fell for the empty chamber myth as a safe way to carry, always thought it was a sure way to get killed.. Once I was confident enough, now I only carry a gun without a safety and it always has one in the pipe, always carried in a holster. There we go. Folks need to do what they are comfortable with though. OthersI just didnt think about and for some pretty good reasons. you roll the dice. People who ride a motorcycle to work know damn well their chances of being seriously hurt in an accident is astronomically higher than driving a Pick up truck to work. B.D. Length: 7.3. So when does your Glock actually have a likely chance of discharging in those two most common klutz behaviors while handling a firearm? A 2A focused forum that patronizes a troll like VLAD is as questionable as the NRA in its current form. Why would anyone want only one of something? Glock dominates the handgun market in both the United States and around the globe. If you cant train yourself to keep your finger off the trigger until you have made the decision to shoot any gun is dangerous in your hands. The most likely time a kid will get their hands on my gun is if it somehow gets knocked loose from my [high-quality, proper-retention] holster during movement in tight spaces while I am wearing it. Folks, a GLOCK (or any other striker-fired pistol) is perfectly safe with a little intelligence combined with a bit of assiduity. NO - any responsible gun owner should have some reservation until enough information has been provided. Absolutely YES!! These Glocks have been beat to death and not once has the gun " fired " without some sort of trigger manipulation. An empty chamber is worthless when you need it and fractions of a second count. Carrying a single-action pistol cocked-and-locked is far and away the best method of carry. Do u know what the 21 foot rule is? I know, its a big word, all scary long and has lots of syllables, but try it out. A admit, these days are different a 3 grand safe, that folks have to go look up the damn combo to, or wake up with a shadow looking at them in a dark bedroom and try to get to a box hopefully in reach without getting halfway up out of bed. The Glock 17M and Glock 19X are two designs with Gen 5 features. See the old Remingtons. I thought I counted 17 in the battle scene in Open Range. A round in the chamber | Glock Pro Forums If you don't just pick ONE, then IMO you are always going to wonder if you're chambered or no. Unfortunately, some may not and I have no idea which do and which do not. Excuse me, but the inventor of the Linebaugh cartridges and custom gunsmith in Powell Wyoming is JOHN Linebaugh. Theres a problem with absolutism: youre proven wrong too easily. If you try to have a healthy debate its always 100% of the time NOTHING but internet people telling other internet people that their particular opinion is wrong. Whats the big deal? Just the easier reloading of the old Ruger 3 screw models (or any other regular types like the Colt SAA) vs the new ones, makes up for that one extra round, at least IMO. It's a mental block you will have to outgrow. Say, if you can make that mistake (and you did), are you willing to admit that maybe, just possibly, youve mad other mistakes? I will always carry chambered because I keep my fingers where they belong and therefore don't worry about it. I have trained chambering on the draw and while it is less effective it still gives me options. Old model Ruger Blackhawks which have not been converted should be carried with the hammer down on an empty chamber, just like Colt SAAs and other vintage and replica SA revolvers. 1911s are traditionally carried empty chamber (probably a bad idea) or cocked and locked: hammer cocked and slide mounted safety engaged. At least until the computer catches up and opens multiple copies. Its an unsafe design from 2 aspects, the fact that it acts much like a single action weapon with the hammer cocked back and no manual safety and it has a totally unsafe asinine take down system. I have done special work to lighten my trigger and its still not very touchy. Mr Hoober, If you werent too busy arrogantly doubling down, you might consider trying it some time instead of pretending you know everything but I suppose you are probably more interested in getting audience engagement than giving good advice. Descriptions: Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a decent holster that completely covers the trigger. Hes squirmy and all over the place. When I go hunting, I carry my Remington 700, bolt action rifle with the striker discharged on an empty chamber. Dont you dare break the three rules of safe gun handling. The NRA store version is about $50+ for the small size. Im not a big believer in the the bad guy will just take your gun and use it against you school of thought. For those of you that don't know, "Israeli Carry" is the practice carrying a pistol without a round in the chamber. One or two chances to mess up with an empty chamber, but thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of chances to ventilate your own leg while taking a piss. And being that I am a Veteran the simple act of 1 second as I draw is a negligible amount of time just like the BS of you can only have a 10 round magazine but you can carry as many magazines as you like try it one day drop a mag change it takes less than 3 seconds. So lets just say its a personal choice and your way isnt better than mine, but I will never accidently shoot my leg or foot. As a matter of fact in an extreme emergency you could carry the HK with no holster and in your pocket or even waist band but if you did the same thing with a Glock you would quickly blow your balls off in short order. Literally has nothing to do with firearm safety. Try it with any style sidearm. Balancing Safety & Readiness: Carrying "Cocked and Locked?" The Glock is a semi-automatic pistol that was originally designed by an Austrian manufacturer called Glock Ges.m.b.H in 1982. The off hand comment was to the effect of glocks being less safe to carry with a round in the chamber than others. Obviously carrying concealed greatly reduces the odds of your gun being taken, but that doesnt mean that precautions arent in order. Kathy Jackson suggests that doing this safely comes down to two things, equipment and habits. Bottom line: For *any* firearm, you have to *put your finger (or some other object) INTO the trigger guard to fire the weapon. And I include all the copy cat weapons as well as they are as common as the common cold. My Ruger LCP is carried with one chambered, and in a pocket holster that covers the trigger. Dani: In the case of an inertial firing pin, nothing but a physical block on the firing pin itself will have the slightest effect. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered - Todd Lyons Carry chambered ever since. One never knows who one is talking to. Or a musket? Glock is known for its proprietary barrel design which is said to provide a better seal between the bullet and barrel, allowing less propellant gas leakage and less bullet deformation. I will still carry unchambered. So I traded it. Its like arguing Android is better than iOS. Do you supposes THIS guy knows the six letter word for a firearms dangerous end? Youll probably die trying to get your semi-auto back into battery after attempting a contact shot anyway. No, but it requires that everything go right when theres a higher chance of something going wrong. Answer (1 of 30): The main reason to carry, is self defense. It is a compact pistol that is chambered in 9mm and is designed for concealed carry. Let the flaming begin, No flame. Heres how all of this bogus started. Furthermore, every person I know or have talked to who does have a single-action revolver Rough Rider, Blackhawk or a replica has other guns that they use for those roles. We have lots more on the site to show you. An officer was chasing a man down a stairwell with his pistol drawn and the man was shot, but apparently, he was not actually a criminal. Do you carry with one in the chamber or not? : r/CCW Smith & Wesson EQUALIZER Review: Crafted For Carry The M&P Shield is a popular and commonplace pistol for concealed carry. But thats good. Glocks are designed with internal safety features to prevent accidental discharge. Must not be working on it very hard. Hell you pour sand down MY ass crack and I'll jam up and and fail to extract Ive carried different glocks with a round chambered in iwb/owb holsters and never had a problem with it. The claim is that because Glocks have no safety and a super light trigger, they accidentally shoot people. Jun 4, 2009. I could give you many other identical examples of Glocks going off while the owner wore them or handled them. And that is the key to any methodology, simply having the proper training. A typing error, or wishful thinking? I could be ELI2016 if I wanted to. Because it has no external safety that means you are only 5 lbs away from making the gun fire. There are some days (summer, mostly) when I carry the Walther PK380. In a SA revolver, the next round is instantly available anyway, whether fully loaded or one short, quicker out of the leather for the first, second, and third shot than any other existing action type. The best line of all time is Dirty Harrys. Fairbairn and E.A. I'd recommend a Hard Kydex holster like a comp-tac infidel. There are more and complicated details about the Israeli attitude (prohibition) of self-defense, but the point is that the Israeli system may work for the IDF, but not for you. If you are so scared of a striker fired trigger, then why not get a hammer fired gun? Let the one with no traffic tickets throw the first stone. Nice catch. Somewhat different than in rural MS tho, speaking as one who attended a full auto shoot at a local range about a month ago. OFC, there are those that only want to own one gun. Note the flat(ish) hammer. Now, what about those darn useless novelty CCH badges? The answer is "yes." Milliseconds count. You are not going to change my mind. I hope r.i.p is on your tombstone if you fail in a confrontation. No thanks. Not the first time I have seen you feed the gun grabbers agenda either. Being an *untrained* klutz is something entirely different. So F_____g what? Just not for me. Please note Im not saying glock = bad. A 16 year old In drivers ed may not be very experienced nor skilled, but at least in my day, was paying more attention than a driver more familiar with driving. All it takes is knowing what the word; inertia means. I carry a LC9, no problem. P.T. Mr. Hoober, the only quibble I have with this article is the assumption that people only have a (as in singular) home defense gun. Bet you still get stabbed. For that matter, I dont take seriously anyone who carries a revolver for self-defense. However, that may be the reason I carry a revolver, but the reason I carry a gun (as I said) is because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT. When I was a lot younger, I was riding horses with some friends. Or tell them to carry only 5 bullets instead of six??. None of those things make any difference at all. Quick easy to access and small enough for the P365, a spare magazine, and a small 300 Lumen Tac Light. whenever anyone posts on this page: People who dont carry with a round in the chamber have no training. Never happened yet I would rather shoot myself in the leg but still be in fight than have bad guy shoot me because I didnt have a chambered round. Yes. On the other hand, most other striker-fired pistols count on the recoil spring to cock the striker. Only ONE centerfire pistol? Of course, older designs without an internal firing pin block can go off if dropped. She now after many painful operations will be a partial cripple for the rest of her life. Go peddle your homosexual fantasies elsewhere. Carrying with an empty chamber was John Waynes great advice, applicable to old, single action revolvers. Modern revolvers with some sort of disconnect can be carried full up. One of the first shoot houses ever built was built by Fairbairn and Sykes to train their officers. Subscribe and receive the latest information on GLOCK products and more. Reply Quote. And it will ALWAYS stay in its holster right? Many firearms enthusiasts and experts consider it to be the most effective and efficient way to carry a handgun for self-defense. WOW! The are a couple videos out there showing issues with holsters (kydex included) where bending or twisting caused a discharge. And we all make mistakes. If you are so uncomfortable with a Glock as a fully loaded and chambered self defense gun, why do you own one? I now carry without it, with one in the pipe. Did dad work for a local Florida PD not to be named? Widen your horizons. Much the less wish to discuss the merits of hammer mounted versus frame mounted firing pins, or the S&W design of using a rebound slide instead (my favorite design). Never mind the others. So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? 19th century Colt hammers. I find myself walking around with my hips thrust foward, flinching away from the gun. A Glock is a reputable brand name of pistols, and the weight of the trigger pull can mean the difference in between a firearm firing and not shooting. There are a lot of older pistols manufactured without a drop safety feature. i doubt that israelis whose primary weapon is a pistol actually use israeli carry. The S&W EZ has a grip safety and a good trigger pull. So yes, its completely safe. Each brand-new model enhanced the pistol and its functions. A 1911 or single-action pistol in Condition 1 is comparable to a striker-fired, safe-action pistol, like a Glock, which is always in a semi-cocked condition when a round is in the chamber anyway. Yeah, me too. (Some chance remains, of course, given extraordinary circumstances that can be described but have statistically no chance of happening.). What kind of a moron thought THAT was a good idea? If you want a single action trigger pull, either carry a SAO autoloader in condition one, or choose a hammer fired model that one can manipulate its condition at will. Ive been known to knock over a glass of milk , spill my coffee down my chin , have people toot their horn at me from time to time , you get my point . With any decent holster you will be fine. The NYPD used this excuse several times to get out of a situation, basically saying These new-fangled Glocks just go off on their own. While I believe training is the answer, its not just fingers that are the problem. In addition to this, some manufacturers have added manual lever safeties to their firearms and XDS has the grip safety as well. That carries over to shooting, believe it or not. Boy, that must be realllll nice. Every day. . Its just not for me, especially as I get into my golden years. It degrades my ability to respond and limits my choices, but is still far better than some choice words. Now that we know what it means to have one in the chamber, let's figure out whether it is safe to carry a "loaded gun" with you. For the most part.if the gun goes offsomeone pulled the trigger. Glocks have a feature that prevents the trigger from accidentally being pulled, blocks the firing pin until the trigger is fully pressed, and the pistol is not actually cocked until the trigger is puled. You rotate the cylinder halfway between the nipples and lower the hammer on the carry notch. One of them is as you describe (a 3-screw Single Six). Ive committed all those errors and I grew from them. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. The Glock 26 Gen 4 weighs approximately 25 ounces with a loaded magazine. And, sorry youre a confused fool. First a 5906, then a PPK/S for 20 years. Just old school geeze, too used to doing the hard chit the same way, but it worked for me. However, that also creates issues. The firearm entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after becoming the top performer in reliability and safety tests.. Glock pistols have become the company's most profitable line of products, and have been supplied to . Said every one of the people who later came to suffer from glock leg. I have a Sig DA/SA, fully loaded no problem. How The Glock Safety Works - Outdoor Command Mar 8, 2017 (Edited by Moderator) The LCP II is just as safe to carry as any striker-fired gun on the market without a thumb safety, including every Glock and most M&P's etc. Yes. My G19 pull is about 4-1/2# about the same as a lot of 1911 guns. You just have to scroll down to it. June 2016. Kaboom he shot himself as he sat there at the dinner table. Because there are a lot of areas where carrying a firearm will bite you if you cant get it right. There are 5 in the house right now; computer room (where I am) living room, bathroom floor (beside the throne) and both sides of the bed. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. He thinks. Go. On Firefox for Windows, it just goes to the top of the page, but it will still get the newest comments. If anybody could advise me, I'd be grateful. How Can The Ruger LCP II Be Safe To Carry? - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters Each new design enhanced the pistol and its features. So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? A few overly trigger-happy officers within a department and a sly PR department really spun yarns on this one. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. To the point I know I can unholster, rack, and have my tritium dots centered on some perps forehead before they know whats coming. If my chamber is empty, I obviously increase the chances that my gun wont be useful when needed, but I also reduce the chance of a ND caused by a minor in my care. Does the Glock fire then? 3.Is it Safed to Carry a Glock With one in the Chamber - Gun Tradition. Save Share. Youll likely only be in one or two gunfights at most, in an entire lifetime. Not a bad plan. Correct. Glock 26: Everything to Know About the Ultra-Concealable 'Baby Glock' I would consider the weapon fully loaded at this point.

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are glocks safe to carry chambered